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Change in mammography screening attendance after removing the out-of-pocket fee : a population-based study in Sweden (2014–2018)

Purpose: To assess the change in mammography screening attendance in Sweden—overall and in sociodemographic groups at risk of low attendance—after removal of the out-of-pocket fee in 2016. Methods: Individual-level data on all screening invitations and attendance between 2014 and 2018 were linked to sociodemographic data from Statistics Sweden. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for at

Nudging healthcare professionals in clinical settings : a scoping review of the literature

BACKGROUND: Healthcare organisations are in constant need of improvement and change. Nudging has been proposed as a strategy to affect people's choices and has been used to affect patients' behaviour in healthcare settings. However, little is known about how nudging is being interpreted and applied to change the behaviour of healthcare professionals (HCPs). The objective of this review is to ident

Keep discussing evaluation – A personal and appreciative reflection

In an attempt to summarize and draw preliminary conclusions from the many fine responses to my article ‘Stop evaluating science’, this short piece brings some additional reflections on the topic with the primary intent not to close the debate but to keep it open. Discussing, in turn, three main topics of the responses and an additional topic that arguably is of particular interest, the article’s i

Entropy–Entropy Compensation between the Protein, Ligand, and Solvent Degrees of Freedom Fine-Tunes Affinity in Ligand Binding to Galectin-3C

Molecular recognition is fundamental to biological signaling. A central question is how individual interactions between molecular moieties affect the thermodynamics of ligand binding to proteins and how these effects might propagate beyond the immediate neighborhood of the binding site. Here, we investigate this question by introducing minor changes in ligand structure and characterizing the effec

Hemtjänstpersonalens arbetsmiljö och hälsa i fyra skånska kommuner

I denna rapport presentas resultaten från en arbetsmiljöenkät som genomförts ihemtjänsten i fyra skånska kommuner (2 landsortskommuner, 1 medelstor stad, 1 storstad). Enkäten syftade till att brett kartlägga hemtjänstpersonalens arbetsmiljö, hälsa och välmående och är en del av det fyraåriga forskningsprojektet ”Att skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö i hemtjänsten - participativt förändringsarbete i prak

Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge : A retrospective study of risk factors in older adults

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that approximately 20% of hospital readmissions can be medication-related and 70% of these readmissions are possibly preventable. This retrospective medical records study aimed to find risk factors associated with medication-related readmissions to hospital within 30 days of discharge in older adults (≥65 years).METHODS: 30-day readmissions (n = 360) were as

Historical building renovation and PV optimisation towards NetZEB in Sweden

Retrofitting historical buildings towards net zero energy building (NetZEB) in Northern countries is facing some issues confirmed in the literature review of this study. Following a holistic approach proposed by the authors, a 150-year old castle situated in Helsingborg, Sweden, was used to evaluate the potential of historical buildings in the Nordics to be turned into a NetZEB building. Following

Comment on “Individual heterozygosity predicts translocation success in threatened desert tortoises”

Scott et al. (Reports, 27 November 2020, p. 1086) bring much-needed attention to species conservation by demonstrating heterozygote superiority among translocated tortoises. However, we believe that their recommended heterozygosity decision rule risks taking conservation genomics backward. We argue that their advice could misguide conservation management aimed at establishing viable populations, a

Rule by Association : Japan in the Global Trans-Imperial Culture, 1868-1912

This dissertation argues that during the latter half of the long nineteenth century, colonial powers around the world co-produced a “global trans-imperial culture” that was facilitated by a common knowledge infrastructure, including international congresses, trans-imperial scholarly exchange and expositions. Japan was an important member of this “colonial club” and was deeply engaged with evolving

Sintering Mechanism of Core@Shell Metal@Metal Oxide Nanoparticles

Metal oxide shell layers are promising candidates to improve the performance of metal nanoparticles (NPs) in various applications. However, despite a significant amount of experimental work on metal@metal oxide (M@MO) NPs, computational modeling is scarce, particularly on the sintering mechanism, which plays a crucial role in both the synthesis and performance of NPs. Here, we present atomic diffu

Visions and Resistance : The Establishment of a New School in a Marketized Educational Landscape

During the last few decades, education globally has been marked by being closely related to the economy. It always was, but today’s commodification and marketization reach into any aspect of the educational system (Ball, 2012; Bartlett et al., 2002). Sweden is a specific case at hand, since privatization and competition between schools have taken especially sinister forms, and have far-reaching ef

Pollination som ekosystemtjänst.

Pollinatörer är en fråga i tiden. I slutet av 1990-talet introducerade Gretchen Daily och Robert Costanza begreppet ekosystemtjänster för att beskriva människans beroende av naturliga processer och produkter som skapas av våra ekosystem. Begreppet har sedan dess fått ett enormt genomslag inom vetenskap och policy och var centralt för IPBES globala utvärdering av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjä

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Introduction: Diabetes, as a chronic disease, is the third leading cause of death in developing countries. Hyperglycemia and oxidative stress have been recognized as the main factors involved in pathogenesis of diabetes. On the other hand, the antioxidant system is the first defense mechanism of body against oxidative stress. Falcaria Vulgaris possesses hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects. This s

Inter-modality assessment of medial temporal lobe atrophy in a non-demented population : application of a visual rating scale template across radiologists with varying clinical experience

Objectives: To assess inter-modality agreement and accuracy for medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) ratings across radiologists with varying clinical experience in a non-demented population. Methods: Four raters (two junior radiologists and two senior neuroradiologists) rated MTA on CT and MRI scans using Scheltens’ MTA scale. Ratings were compared to a consensus rating by two experienced neuroradi

Beyond Law's Anthropocentrism. A Sociolegal Reflection on Animal Law and the More-than-human Turn

In this explorative paper, we examine the emerging body of scholarship that has recently started incorporating more-than-human perspectives in the nexus of law, society, and animals. While ‘more-than-human’ refers to a plurality of theoretical positions, for our purpose we take these positions to reflect the attempt to move away from human exceptionalism in favour of a multispecies account of the

Revealing perturbation responses with limited observations of biological communities

Restrictions in empirical research of biological communities have limited our understanding of the combined influence of environmental variability and system structure on community composition. Spatial patterns of community composition in less accessible systems, such as marine benthos, can often not be explained by many factors beyond the direct impact of the environment on community members. We

User acceptance of a personalised home lighting system based on wearable technology

Light/dark cycles play an essential role in people's performance, mood and daily rhythm. This study aimed to evaluate an early prototype of a personalised home lighting system including body-worn loggers. A convenience sample (N = 28) wore the devices for 23 h in the field and were given a demonstration of the lighting system components. Participants reported on questionnaires their acceptance of Light/dark cycles play an essential role in people's performance, mood and daily rhythm. This study aimed to evaluate an early prototype of a personalised home lighting system including body-worn loggers. A convenience sample (N = 28) wore the devices for 23 h in the field and were given a demonstration of the lighting system components. Participants reported on questionnaires their acceptance of