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Monuments, Middens and Feasting: Worldviews and Landscapes of the Ancient Jomon

Monuments, Middens and Feasting: Worldviews and Landscapes of the Ancient Jomon | Institutionen för Arkeologi och antikens historia 13 mar Monuments, Middens and Feasting: Worldviews and Landscapes of the Ancient Jomon 13 mars 2025 15:30 till 17:00 Seminarium Speaker: Dr. Junzo Uchiyama Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University, Sweden   Dela - 2025-03-14

2021.10.14 - New publication in Advanced Energy Materials

2021.10.14 - New publication in Advanced Energy Materials | Division of Chemical Physics Search Division of Chemical Physics Department of Chemistry | Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry Kemicentrum Safety and security About Research Education People Publications News Home  >  News  >  News Archive  >  2021.10.14 - New publication in Advanced Energy Materials Denna sida på svenska This page - 2025-03-14

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Adaptive Control Bo Bernhardsson and K. J. Åström Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University Bo Bernhardsson and K. J. Åström Adaptive Control Adaptive Control 1 Introduction 2 Model Reference Adaptive Control 3 Recursive Least Squares Estimation 4 The Self-Tuning Regulator 5 Real Adaptive Controllers 6 Summary Bo Bernhardsson and K. J. Åström Adaptive Control Introduction Adapt to adjus - 2025-03-14

IQC toolbox

IQC toolbox IQC toolbox Gustav Nilsson May 25, 2016 IQC - Integral Quadratic Constraints • A unifying framework for systems analysis • Generalizes stability theorems such as small gain theorem and passivity theorem • Generalizes many concepts from robust control analysis • (Fairly) easy to build computer tools (convex optimization) Outline • Some theory on IQC • IQCβ toolbox • Live demo ICQ - Theo - 2025-03-14


() Pole Placement Design Bo Bernharsson and Karl Johan Åström Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University Bo Bernharsson and Karl Johan Åström Pole Placement Design Pole Placement Design 1 Introduction 2 Simple Examples 3 Polynomial Design 4 State Space Design 5 Robustness and Design Rules 6 Model Reduction 7 Oscillatory Systems 8 Summary Theme: Be aware where you place them! Bo Bernharss - 2025-03-14


() Robust Control, H∞, ν and Glover-McFarlane Bo Bernharsson and Karl Johan Åström Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University Bo Bernharsson and Karl Johan Åström Robust Control, H∞, ν and Glover-McFarlane Robust Control 1 MIMO performance 2 Robustness and the H∞-norm 3 H∞-control 4 ν-gap metric 5 Glover-MacFarlane Theme: You get what you ask for! Bo Bernharsson and Karl Johan Åström Rob - 2025-03-14


ex02.dvi Exercise Session 2 1. Describe your results on Handin 1. 2. Sketch the Nichols curves for the following systems 1 s(s + 1)(s + 10) , 1 1 − s , exp (−s) 1 + s , 1 − s s(1 + s) , 1 s2 + 2ζs + 1 , (ζ small) For what feedback gains is the closed loop system stable? 3. Plot the root-loci for the following systems s s2 − 1 , (s + 1)2 s3 , 1 s(s2 + 2ζs + 1) , (ζ small) 4. Transform the systems i - 2025-03-14


ex4.dvi Exercise 4 Poleplacement and PID 1. Use Euclid’s algorithm to find all solutions to the equation 7x+ 5y = 6 where x and y are integers. 2. Use Euclid’s algorithm to find all solutions to the equation s2 x(s) + (0.5s+ 1)y(s) = 1 where x(s) and y(s) are polynomials. Use the results to find a solution to the equation s2 f (s) + (0.5s+ 1)(s) = (s2 + 2ζcω cs+ω2 c)(s 2 + 2ζoωos+ω2 o) such that t - 2025-03-14


ex6.dvi Exercise 6 LQG and H∞ 1. Use the appropriate Riccati equation to prove the Kalman filter identity R2 + C2(sI − A)−1 R1(−sI − AT)−1CT 2 = [Ip + C2(sI − A)−1 L]R2[Ip + C2(−sI − AT)−1 L]T Use duality to deduce the return difference formula Q2 + BT(−sI − AT)−1Q1(sI − A)−1B = [Im + K(−sI − AT)−1B]T Q2[Im + K(sI − A)−1B] 2. Consider the Doyle-Stein LTR example from the LQG lecture G(s) = s+ 2 (s - 2025-03-14

Extremum-seeking Control

Extremum-seeking Control Extremum-seeking Control Tommi Nylander and Victor Millnert May 25, 2016 1 / 14 Short introduction I Non-model based real-time optimization I When limited knowledge of the system is available I E.g. a nonlinear equilibrium map with a local minimum I Popular around the middle of the 1950s I Revival with proof of stability 1 I Very attractive with the increasing complexity o - 2025-03-14


() Gain Scheduling Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Gain Scheduling Gain Scheduling What is gain scheduling ? How to find schedules ? Applications What can go wrong ? Some theoretical results LPV design via LMIs Conclusions To read: Leith & Leithead, Survey of Gain-Scheduling Analysis & Design To try ou - 2025-03-14


() Handin 1 Bo Bernhardsson, K. J. Åström Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University Bo Bernhardsson, K. J. Åström Handin 1 Handin 1 - goals Get some practice using the Matlab control system toolbox (or similar) Get started with some control design Bo Bernhardsson, K. J. Åström Handin 1 Example - Double Integrator Consider the double integrator y = 1 s2 u controlled with state-feedback + - 2025-03-14


() Handin 3 Consider the (broomstick) system p2 s2 − p2 with p = 6 rad/s ((1 feet). Hint: You might find it useful to read or watch Gunter Stein’s Bode Lecture. a) Find a stabilizing controller achieving pT(iω)p < (Ωa/ω) 2, when ω > Ωa = 10 rad/s Ms := max ω pS(iω)p < 10 b) Try to get as low Ms you can, while maintaining the requirement on T. Bonus: Try to find a theoretical lower bound on Ms (the - 2025-03-14


handin5.dvi Handin 5 - Connected Inverted Pendulums (LQG) x1 x2 φ1 = x5 φ2 = x7 u1 u2 The process consists of two inverted pendulums mounted on movable carts. The carts are connected with a spring. The inputs are the forces on the two carts. The outputs are the cart positions and pendulum angles. The system hence have 2 inputs and 4 outputs. The system parameters correspond to 1m pendulums mounted - 2025-03-14