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Postadress box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress LUX, hus B, Helgonavägen 3 Telefon 046-222 83 15 E-post Webbadress Facul ty Board’s work ing commit tee Extension of doctoral studentships due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak The Higher Education Ordinance states that a doctoral studentship may be extended so that it is longer than four years if s - 2025-01-31

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Faculty Office Kristina Arnrup Thorsbro, Faculty Secretary 2 3 Printing grant for doctoral thesis Date: REQUEST 1 send to: Faculty Office of HT Faculties, Box 192, 221 00 Lund or Faculty Office of HT Faculties, hst 30 The printing grant of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology will support the printing of 100 copies of the doctoral thesis, including proofreading when applicable. About the - 2025-01-31

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2 3 Request for reduced working hours – doctoral student Name Personal number (10 digits) Department Requested working hours (percentage) From this date Lund, 2022-……-…… I understand that the reduction is permanent. ……………………………………… Doctoral student I support the request. ……………………………………… ……………………… Supervisor Head of Department Postal address  Post box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address  LUX, hus B, - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Aesthetic and intersectional perpspectives .docx

Microsoft Word - Aesthetic and intersectional perpspectives .docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Course details 1. Course code HKV002F 2. Course title Aesthetic and Intersectional Perspectives on Archival Studies / Estetiska och intersektionella perspektiv på arkivstudier 3. Credits 7.5 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Kritiska perspektiv på Öst- och Sydöstasienstudier _eng-GB_rev.docx

Microsoft Word - Kritiska perspektiv på Öst- och Sydöstasienstudier _eng-GB_rev.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HÖS006F 2. Course title Critical Perspectives on East and South-East Asian Studies / Kritiska perspektiv på Öst- och Sydöstasienstudier 3. Credits 7.5 credits 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedur - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - HUUV011_eng-GB_rev.docx

Microsoft Word - HUUV011_eng-GB_rev.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HUUV011 2. Course title Critical and Creative Thinking in Educational Sciences: Perspectives and Application / Kritiskt och kreativt tänkande i utbildningsvetenskap: Perspektiv och tillämpning 3. Credits 5 credits 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Aktuell morfologisk teori_HSL007F_eng-GB_rev.docx

Microsoft Word - Aktuell morfologisk teori_HSL007F_eng-GB_rev.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HSL007F 2. Course title Current Morphological Theory Aktuell morfologisk teori 3. Credits 7.5 credits 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 22 De - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Current Phonological Theory HSL002F.docx

Microsoft Word - Current Phonological Theory HSL002F.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HSL002F 2. Course title Current Phonological Theory Aktuell fonologisk teori 3. Credits 7.5 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 21 September 2021 5. Det - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Aktuell pragmatisk teori_HSL006F_eng-GB_rev.docx

Microsoft Word - Aktuell pragmatisk teori_HSL006F_eng-GB_rev.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HSL006F 2. Course title Current Pragmatic Theory Aktuell pragmatisk teori 3. Credits 7.5 credits 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 22 December - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Current Syntactic Theory HSL003F.docx

Microsoft Word - Current Syntactic Theory HSL003F.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HSL003F 2. Course title Current Syntactic Theory Aktuell syntaktisk teori 3. Credits 7.5 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 21 September 2021 5. Details o - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Discourse(s) in economics and companies_HSL005Fdocx English NT version 2.docx

Microsoft Word - Discourse(s) in economics and companies_HSL005Fdocx English NT version 2.docx Course syllabus in third cycle studies 1. Identification and basic information 1. Course code HSL005F 2. Course title Discourse(s) in economics and companies 3. Credits 5 ECTS 4. Approval details Approved on 8 February 2021 in compliance with the Rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of Huma - 2025-01-31


Brevmall Course syllabus for third-cycle studies 1. Course details 1. Course code HIA001F (5 credits), HIA002F (2.5 credits, continuation) 2. Course title Information Disorders, Datafied Information Infrastructures, and Source Criticism / Informationsavvikelser, datafierade informationsinfrastrukturer och källkritik 3. Credits 5 credits with option for continuation of 2.5 credits 4. Details of app - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - HÖS008F English rev BR.docx

Microsoft Word - HÖS008F English rev BR.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HÖS008F 2. Course title Ideologies in East and South-East Asia: Legacies and contemporary developments/Ideologier i Öst- och Sydöstasien: Historiskt arv och samtida utveckling 3. Credits 7.5 credits 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedur - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - Information Structure_HSL001F.docx

Microsoft Word - Information Structure_HSL001F.docx Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Course details 1. Course code HSL001F 2. Course title Information Structure 3. Credits 7.5 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 5 February 2021 5. Details of revision 2. General information 1. Type of course and it - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - HUUV008 eng.doc

Microsoft Word - HUUV008 eng.doc – PhD course syllabus 1. Course details 1. Course code HUUV008 2. Course title Introduction to Educational Sciences Course title in Swedish Introduktion till utbildningsvetenskap 3. Credits 2.5 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology 23 May 2018. 5. Details of revision 2. G - 2025-01-31


Brevmall Course syllabus for third-cycle course 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HAA001F 2. Course title Materials, materials science, and materiality: New perspectives from across the natural sciences and humanities (Material, materialvetenskap och materialitet: Nya perspektiv från naturvetenskap och humaniora) 3. Credits 7.5 credits 4. Details of approval Approved in accordanc - 2025-01-31

Microsoft Word - NAMN006 Forskningsetik för naturvetare eng.doc

Microsoft Word - NAMN006 Forskningsetik för naturvetare eng.doc – PhD course syllabus 1. Course details 1. Course code NAMN006 2. Course title Research Ethics in Natural Science Course title in Swedish Forskningsetik för naturvetare 3. Credits 2 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 20 December 2019. - 2025-01-31


Brevmall Course syllabus for PhD studies 1. Identification and course details 1. Course code HÖS007F 2. Course title Research ethics and fieldwork in an authoritarian context 3. Credits 3 hp 4. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 19 December 2022 5. Details of revision 2. General information 1. Type o - 2025-01-31


Brevmall – Department o f Communicat ion and Media 1. Course details 1. Course code HURD001 2. Course title Rhetoric, Democracy and Participation 3. Cycle and code for the depth of study relative to the degree requirements Third cycle 4. Credits 7.5 5. Details of approval Approved in accordance with the rules of procedure and delegation at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology 9 June 2014. 6. D - 2025-01-31


Brevmall – Syllabus for PhD studies 1. Course details 1. Course code HUTF001 2. Course title Core Course in Theoretical Philosophy 3. Credits 52.5 4. Details of approval Approved by the pro-dean for third cycle studies at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology 29 June 2016. 5. Details of revision 2. General information 1. Type of course and its place in the educational system The course is a com - 2025-01-31