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Life Science Infrastructue seminair and fair

Published 28 August 2018 Översikt av Lunds universitets Life Science infrastrukturer, såväl lokala som nationella intiativ med fokus på nya möjligheter och satsningar. Korta presentationer av användare om hur de dragit nytta av olika infrastrukturer i sin forskning. Evenemanget avslutas med en mässa där infrastrukturer finns på plats för diskussion av möjliga tillämpningar. Mingel och tapas. Läs m - 2025-03-27

Registration now open for Lund Population Day

Published 29 August 2018 Lund Population Day is arranged by Centre for Economic Demography in collaboration with LUPOP. In 2018, the theme will be "migration". Invited key speaker professor Timothy Hatton from University of Essex will be joined by migration researchers from the CED as well as invited guests. All interested are welcome to attend but registration is required! Read more and register - 2025-03-27

Formas med i koalition för öppen tillgång till vetenskapliga publikationer

Published 7 September 2018 Den 4 september lanserades ett initiativ för att påskynda övergången till omedelbar öppen tillgång till vetenskapliga publikationer som är resultat av offentligt finansierad forskning. Bakom initiativet står ett antal europeiska forskningsfinansiärer, däribland det svenska forskningsrådet Formas. Läs mer här. - 2025-03-27

Decision dates for VR applications

Published 7 September 2018 Datum för bidragsbeslut hos VR är nu publicerade Konstnärlig forskning: 26 september 2018, 14:00Medicin och hälsa: 25 oktober 2018, 14:00Tillgängliggörande av infrastruktur: 30 oktober 2018, 14:00Naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap: 1 november 2018, 14:00Neutronspridning: 1 november 2018, 14:00Utbildningsvetenskap: 1 november 2018, 14:00Olof Palmes gästprofessur: 5 novemb - 2025-03-27

Beslut från VR

Published 5 November 2018 Idag kl 14 presenteras beslut om bidrag gällande Olof Palmes gästprofessur, Kerstin Hesselgrens gästprofessur, forskningsmiljö migration och integration samt humaniora och samhällsvetenskap Läs mer på - 2025-03-27

The future of Swedish register-based research

Published 8 November 2017 SAVE THE DATE: 10-year symposium of SIMSAM 16th May 2018, ‘The future of Swedish register-based research’ By the end of 2018 the Swedish Initiative for Research on Microdata in the Social And Medical Sciences (SIMSAM), funded by the Swedish Research Council, has been active for 10 years. This will be acknowledged by an open national one-day symposium in Stockholm 16 May r - 2025-03-27

Weather attribution – climate scientist Wilhelm May helps us get to grips with the concept

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 18 June 2024 Sweden is also increasingly affected by unusually intense storms. Here, a flooded playground in the city of Landskrona after the storm "Hans" in August 2023. Have you noticed that when scientists are asked whether or not a particular extreme weather event is due to climate change, they usually respond with somethi - 2025-03-27

Organic farms potential for higher yields

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 5 July 2024 The common reed is considered a weed, but in the farmed landscape it can benefit biodiversity as its seeds become food for insects and its pollen is a mummy for some pollinators. Here it grows beautifully in a spring barley field. One of the world's greatest challenges is to feed the world's population in a sustain - 2025-03-27