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Your search for "*" yielded 528881 hits

Parametric-Regression–Based Causal Mediation Analysis of Binary Outcomes and Binary Mediators: Moving Beyond the Rareness or Commonness of the Outcome

Published 23 September 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann In the causal mediation framework, several parametric-regression–based approaches have been introduced in the last decade for estimating natural direct and indirect effects. For a binary outcome, a number of proposed estimators use a logistic model and rely on specific assumptions or approximations that may be delicate or not easy to verify - 2025-03-19

Acceptability of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in a cystic fibrosis data registry

Published 23 September 2021 Foto från Improvements in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) have resulted in longer survival and an increased focus on optimising daily functioning with the condition. Patient- reported outcome measures (PROMs) are valuable tools in evaluating the health- related quality of life of persons with chronic diseases. Read the paper at https://bmjopenrespres.bmj - 2025-03-19

Methodical considerations on adjusting for Charlson Comorbidity Index in epidemiological studies

Published 24 September 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Arek Socha Confounding by comorbidities is of concern in many epidemiological studies. To take this into account a common strategy is to calculate each participant’s Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and use this for adjustment in regression analyses. Various CCI adjustment strategies are possible, and it is unclear, which is preferable. Read the paper a - 2025-03-19

The use of negative control outcomes in Mendelian randomization to detect potential population stratification

Published 24 September 2021 A key assumption of Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis is that there is no association between the genetic variants used as instruments and the outcome other than through the exposure of interest. One way in which this assumption can be violated is through population stratification, which can introduce confounding of the relationship between the genetic variants and - 2025-03-19

Rounding up the usual suspects: confirmation bias in epidemiological research

Published 25 September 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Alexander Lesnitsky Investigators performing epidemiological research frequently form hypotheses based on data availability. One might ask how it could be otherwise. After all, what is the point of forming hypotheses if they can’t be tested? Read the paper at - 2025-03-19

SWE-REG Autumn Meeting 2021: How to conduct successful interdisciplinary research

Published 11 October 2021 The Swedish Network for Register-Based Research (SWE-REG) is a collaboration between eight research nodes – seven research environments and a graduate school in register-based research. The network strives to use register-based data for research that may benefit people’s health and well-being. Read more, and register at - 2025-03-19

Job opportunity: Doctoral student in Medical Science - Environmental risk factors for IBD

Published 13 October 2021 Project title: Early-life environmental risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease: A Nordic birth cohort study Project: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, debilitating immune-mediated disease with a typical onset in childhood and young adulthood. After a rising incidence over the past decades, it now affects 0.5% of Western populations, and is an emerging di - 2025-03-19

New LU-policy for open access

Published 20 October 2021 Open access (OA) means that research results are published freely available to everyone on the web. The university's open access policy is a way of contributing to open access being the norm for research information. There are several ways for researchers to make publications freely available. Read more at - 2025-03-19

Vetenskapsrådets samordningsuppdrag om öppen tillgång till forskningsdata – delredovisning

Published 22 October 2021 Vetenskapsrådet har i uppdrag av regeringen att främja och samordna det nationella arbetet med att införa öppen tillgång till forskningsdata. Denna rapport är en delredovisning av Vetenskapsrådets uppdrag och beskriver arbetet och insatserna som genomförts, samt ger en internationell utblick. Ladda ner rapporten på - 2025-03-19

Nu kan du anmäla informationssäkerhetsincidenter!

Published 29 October 2021 Har du tappat bort ett USB-minne med känsliga uppgifter? Eller har du sett någon stryka omkring i universitetets lokaler med en möjlig avsikt att tillskansa sig värdefull information? Det finns gott om exempel på tänkbara informationssäkerhetsincidenter som måste anmälas. En informationssäkerhetsincident är ”en oönskad händelse med negativa konsekvenser som handlar om säk - 2025-03-19

Ny studie från Region Skåne: Återfall av Clostridium difficle

Published 2 November 2021 Vid verksamhetsområdet infektionssjukdomar på Skånes universitetssjukhus planeras en studie kring återfall av Clostridium difficile (nyligen namnbyte till Clodstridoides difficile). Studien ska utreda vilka faktorer som kan vara avgörande för att få fler återfall. Läs mer på - 2025-03-19

The Case Time Series Design

Published 4 November 2021 The case time series design represents a general and flexible tool, applicable in different epidemiologic areas for investigating transient associations with environmental factors, clinical conditions, or medications. Read the paper at… - 2025-03-19

Strength in causality: discerning causal mechanisms in the sufficient cause model

Published 5 November 2021 In this article, we discuss how to discern the causal mechanisms of interest in the sufficient cause model, which pays closer attention to the relationship between the sufficient cause model and the Bradford Hill viewpoints. Read the paper at - 2025-03-19