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International Conference “Central Asian Law Forum: Commercial Law at the Time of Change: New Imperatives and International Standards”

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 30 May 2022 Central Asian Law project continues to produce knowledge about Central Asia and sharing it with other scholars in this area. Thus, on the 27th of May the project members participated in a panel discussion at an international conference “Central Asian Law Forum: Commercial Law at the Time of Cha - 2025-03-11

Project Workshop “Shadow economy, business environment and legal cultures in Central Asia”.

Published 17 July 2022 Central Asian Law project delivered another workshop on the “Shadow economy, business environment and legal cultures in Central Asia”. The workshop took place at Lund University in Sweden on July 5-8, 2022. The workshop, that was held over 4 days, turned into a platform for the project participants to work on their research, exchange ideas and discuss the latest news and dev - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project participated at the annual CESS conference on 14-17 October, 2021.

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 17 October 2021 On Thursday, 14th of October, 2021, the Central Asian Law project team participated in a panel session of the Central Eurasian Studies Society’s (CESS) annual conference. CESS Annual Conferences have been held at universities around North America since 2000, currently offering up to 70 pane - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project participated at the annual LDRN conference on 24-26 November, 2021.

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 26 November 2021 Central Asian Law project researchers participated at another international conference, presenting their work carried out within the framework of the project. The 5th annual conference of the Law and Development Network named “Beyond the Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Law and Dev - 2025-03-11

School visit by Central Asian Law project team together with Sociology of Law Department

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 29 October 2021 The faculty members of the Sociology of Law Department of Lund University, including Central Asian Law project team visited a school the Kullagymnasiet in Höganäs city. The visit took place on the 29th of October, 2021. The purpose of the visit and meeting students was to talk about the Age - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project panel at the LSA conference 2022

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 16 July 2022 After the fall of the Soviet Union, political and economic developments in five Central Asian republics have evolved around two parallel and contradictory patterns. On the one hand, Central Asian countries opened up to the outside world and declared their ambition to attract FDI. On the other - 2025-03-11

Survey on Legal Culture in Uzbekistan

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 1 October 2022 Central Asian Law team is planning to conduct country-wide survey on legal culture in Uzbekistan. The preparations are underway to conduct the survey in several regions of the country and among different strata of the population. This quantitative study aims to understand the legal culture i - 2025-03-11

Visit of the Uzbek Embassy to Lund University

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 23 November 2022 Central Asian Law team hosted the visit by the representatives of the newly established Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Kingdom of Sweden. The representatives of the Embassy visited Lund University’s Sociology of Law department on the 22ndof November 2022. The chargé d'affaire - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project workshop held in Istanbul on January 3-4, 2023

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 4 January 2023 With almost one year left for the end of the project “Central Asian Law: legal cultures and business environments in Central Asia”, the participants of the project are working hard to finalise their research publications. Project workshop was organised in Istanbul on January 3-4, 2023 and ga - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project participants presented their research at the RCSL Conference

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 4 September 2023 The Sociology of Law department of Lund University hosted the conference of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL) on August 30-31 and September 1, 2023. The conference titled “Law, Society and Digital Pasts, Presents and Futures”, aimed to understand how past, present and futur - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project participants presented their research at the ESCAS 2023 Regional Conference

Published 29 September 2023 The European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) successfully hosted its highly anticipated regional conference, "Power, People, and Cultural Change in an Ever-Evolving Central Asia," held from September 21 to 24, 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The event brought together esteemed scholars, researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts from across the globe to delve int - 2025-03-11

Central Asian Law project participants presented their research at the CESS Annual Conference at the University of Pittsburgh

Published 30 October 2023 The Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) successfully hosted its highly anticipated annual conference held from October 19 to 22, 2023, at the University of Pittsburgh, United States. The event brought together esteemed scholars, researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts from across the globe to delve into the multifaceted dynamics of Central Eurasia’s ongoing transf - 2025-03-11

Empowering Collaboration and Innovation: Lund University Hosts Professors from Tashkent State University for Capacity-Building Program

By rustamjon [dot] urinboyev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Rustamjon Urinboyev) - published 19 November 2023 Video about capacity building seminars From 13th November to 17th November, Lund University had the privilege of hosting 26 professors from Tashkent State University of Economics for an enriching and productive capacity-building program. During these intensive five days of seminars, the vi - 2025-03-11

The Central Asian Law project’s final conference was held on February 1-2, 2024

Published 3 February 2024 Istanbul, Turkey — February 1-2, 2024—The concluding conference of the Central Asian Law (CAL) project convened researchers and scholars to discuss the multifaceted legal and business landscapes in Central Asia. Hosted online and in person, the conference facilitated a comprehensive analysis of the political economy, domestic institutions, and business environments across - 2025-03-11

CIP-kurs genomförd i Venedig (VIU)

Publicerad 10 juli 2017 CenCIP medverkade i genomförande av en kurs inom Critical Infrastructure Resilience vid Venice International University Den 26-30 juni medverkade CenCIP-forskarna Jonas Johansson och Henrik Hassel i genomförandet av en sommarkurs inom Critical Infrastructure Resilience vid Venice International University (VIU). Totalt deltog 17 personer från flertalet olika discipliner (utt - 2025-03-11

SOS Alarm i Skåne bra på hjärtstopp

Publicerad 28 december 2016 Bildkälla: Mostphotos, Michael Erhardsson Larmtjänsten har ibland kritiserats för att skicka hjälp fel eller för sent. Men när det gäller hjärtstopp i Skåne och Köpenhamnsregionen, så har SOS Alarm bra resultat: 86 respektive 81 procent av alla inkommande larm om hjärtstopp identifierades helt rätt. Det visar en studie av anestesisjuksköterskan Cecilia Andréll. Cecilia - 2025-03-11

Barn drabbas orimligt hårt av internetreklam

Publicerad 4 januari 2017 Barn i 9-årsåldern är flera gånger känsligare för störande reklam än vad vuxna är. Det visar studier från Lunds universitet där man bland annat studerat barnens blickbeteende. – Jag hoppas att min forskning kan leda till en upprensning av de värsta avarterna inom reklambranschen, säger medie- och kommunikationsvetaren Nils Holmberg. Man vet idag att så kallad media-multit - 2025-03-11

Virus i arvsmassan viktiga för vår hjärna

Publicerad 9 januari 2017 Så kallade retrovirus har under årmiljonernas gång kommit att infogas i människans DNA, där de utgör nära 10 procent av den totala arvsmassan. En forskargrupp vid Lunds universitet har nu funnit en mekanism genom vilken retrovirus kan påverka hur gener uttrycks. Det innebär att de kan ha varit viktiga för den mänskliga hjärnans utveckling, och att de även kan spela en rol - 2025-03-11

Inga klara samband mellan perfektionism och ätstörningar

Publicerad 6 januari 2017 ”Duktiga flickor” och andra med höga krav på sig själva brukar anses vara särskilt svåra att behandla för ätstörningar. Nu vill Lundaforskare tona ner betydelsen av perfektionistiska anlag i behandlingen av ätstörningar. Under de snart 20 år som psykologen Suzanne Petersson har arbetat med patienter med ätstörningar har sjukdomens koppling till perfektionism intresserat h - 2025-03-11

Så påverkas huden av lösningsmedel

Publicerad 10 januari 2017 Resultaten från Lunds universitet visar hur molekyler i exempelvis hudlotion påverkar hudens egna molekyler. Det kan få betydelse för utveckling av såväl läkemedel som kosmetik och hygienprodukter. Foto: Shawn Campbell Forskare vid Lunds universitet har utvecklat en metod som gör det möjligt att se hur enskilda molekyler i hudkrämer, läkemedelssalvor och rengöringsproduk - 2025-03-11