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Can climate city contracts lead towards deep decarbonisation?

Published 23 March 2023 New article investigates climate city contracts in Sweden and discusses how to achieve 100 climate neutral cities in Europe. The European Commission has established a mission to achieve 100 climate neutral cities by 2030. A key element in the process is for municipalities to develop a Climate City Contract (CCC). Simultaneously, Viable Cities, a national strategic innovatio - 2025-03-09

How can individual changes or political shifts help reduce emissions and reach the climate goals?

Published 28 March 2023 IIIEE researcher Jessika Richter speaks out on national TV about how each one of us can make changes to reduce our emissions. On 6 March, IIIEE researcher Jessika Richter spoke on national TV about how lifestyle changes can help reduce emissions. She emphasised that we need to focus on both the impacts we can influence and those we can't. "Influencing companies through poli - 2025-03-09

Climate-neutral cities 2030 – Open Academy

Published 29 March 2023 The IIIEE is proud to present the knowledge platform Climate-neutral cities 2030 – Open Academy! The intention with this knowledge platform is to support the three EU Mission cities Malmö, Helsingborg and Lund in their quest to become climate-neutral by 2030. This by building transformative processes that can spur action and support transdisciplinary research. The knowledge - 2025-03-09

Experimenting with new climate policy tools

Published 4 April 2023 A new pilot study to test mindfulness and compassion as new climate policy tools. The latest IPCC report has emphasised that the climate must be at the heart of all decision-making processes. In addition, the ‘Inner Development Goals’ have emphasised the role of individuals and transformative skills for sustainable development. We addressed these areas and deployed a pilot e - 2025-03-09

Joining efforts for climate-neutral cities: workshop on mobility and transportation

Published 17 April 2023 Open Academy has concluded its first joint workshop with representatives from the cities of Malmö, Helsingborg, Lund, Lund university, Malmö university, and SLU Alnarp, among others. In April, the knowledge platform Climate-neutral cities 2030 – Open Academy held its first joint workshop on the theme of mobility and transportation. Emissions related to mobility and transpor - 2025-03-09

Public seminar on lifelong learning and sustainable urban solutions

Published 21 April 2023 On Thursday April 20, the IIIEE invited the public to an event as part of the Sustainability Week in Lund, with both a seminar and networking. As part of the Sustainability Week in Lund, IIIEE opened the doors to the public for a panel discussion on the lifelong learning to advance sustainable urban solutions. Moderator was Björn Wickenberg from the Malmö Stad/IIIEE who ope - 2025-03-09

The 13th IIIEE Alumni Conference taking place now

Published 27 April 2023 The IIIEE Alumni Network Conference has kicked in! About 250 conference participants meeting to weave solutions for a better future. The 13th IIIEE Alumni Conference has now kicked in, gathering 150 of our one thousand alumni; with staff & students in total 250+ participants! 25+ of our student batches will be represented! Two full conference days and networking, discussion - 2025-03-09

IIIEE master thesis wins SYSAV scholarship

Published 9 May 2023 The IIIEE graduate Hedda Roberts has been awarded first prize in an annual competition with her thesis on the topic "Take-Make-Destroy - Exploring Unsustainable Production-Consumption Systems and Policies to Address Product Destruction". IIIEE master thesis wins SYSAV scholarship Hedda Roberts won the first prize in SYSAV’s annual thesis competition. SYSAV, the South Scania Wa - 2025-03-09

Sticks and carrots: what should governments do for radical lifestyle change?

Published 11 May 2023 New research in five EU countries reveals stakeholders’ views on what is needed to enable a shift towards 1.5° C-compatible lifestyles. Bans and taxes for unsustainable behaviour and outcomes, positive incentives for low-carbon attitudes, and better public funding for basic services, are seen as essential climate policies to overcome current barriers to action at the househol - 2025-03-09

The IIIEE has launched a first student-led podcast on sustainability called "Sustainably Speaking Beyond the Aula"

Published 12 May 2023 Exciting news for all sustainability enthusiasts! The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) has officially launched its very first student-led podcast on sustainability called "Sustainably Speaking Beyond the Aula." This mini-series podcast is led by the student body at IIIEE and is set to feature conversations with people from the institute a - 2025-03-09

New article on energy citizenship in the urban heating system

Published 15 May 2023 How can urban citizens be engaged and active in the energy transition? A new article explores this by applying the methodology called ‘Walking with Energy’, which seeks to (re)connect citizens with where their energy is coming from. Energy citizenship has emerged as a concept which attempts to capture the new role envisaged for urban citizens as engaged and active in the ener - 2025-03-09

Students from University of Virginia in annual visit to study sustainability at IIIEE

Published 17 May 2023 As a collaboration between University of Virginia and the IIIEE, students taking part of the Study Abroad program undertake a short course in Lund focusing on organisations, businesses and sustainability strategies. Since 2014, the IIIEE is hosting students from University of Virginia in the USA to allow for a short course in which they are working as consultants to support b - 2025-03-09

Former deputy minister of environment in Ukraine visiting the IIIEE

Published 26 May 2023 For the upcoming graduation ceremony the former deputy minister of environment in Ukraine, Iryna Stavchuk, will visit the IIIEE. On the 5th of June the current Master’s students will enjoy the graduation ceremony and receive their diplomas. At the ceremony, IIIEE alumna Iryna Stavchuk, former deputy minister of environment in Ukraine when Russia attacked last year, is invited - 2025-03-09

Time for the annual Graduation Ceremony for our MSc students in Environmental Management and Policy

Published 29 May 2023 Graduation ceremony in 2022 The Graduation Ceremony for our Master of Science students in Environmental Management and Policy Ceremony will take place on 5th June in the Lund University Assembly Hall. During the ceremony speeches will be given by Jenny Palm, Director of the IIIEE and Iryna Stavchuk, Former Deputy Minister of the Environment in Ukraine, European Climate Fund, - 2025-03-09

​​​​​​​New research article on drivers and barriers for local flexibility markets

Published 30 May 2023 What can be done to help to manage peak demand and congestion in the electricity grid? A new article highlights the role of local flexibility markets and provides and understanding from the perspectives of the flexibility service providers in two LFMs in Sweden. Local flexibility markets (LFM) help to manage peak demand and congestion in the electricity grid. They are designe - 2025-03-09

IIIEE invited to national climate summit

By charlotte [dot] leire [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Leire) - published 1 June 2023 Jenny Palm from the IIIEE is invited to the Swedish government's annual round-table discussions on climate actions and policy. The meeting aims to bring together all societal actors to discuss pathways forward in climate policy and for a climate neutral future. Industry representatives, EU politicians a - 2025-03-09

Graduation ceremony of MSc students in Environmental Management and Policy

By charlotte [dot] leire [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Leire) - published 7 June 2023 A new group of great graduates to join the IIIEE Alumni Network! On 5th of June, the graduation ceremony for the students in Environmental Management and Policy took place. The ceremony was held in the university aula accompanied by family and friends - all in amazing summer weather. The guest speaker w - 2025-03-09

Solutions from space? New research on satellite technology and supply chains

Published 9 June 2023 A new paper explores the current use of satellite technology in forest-risk commodity (e.g. palm oil or cocoa) supply chains, combining dynamic capabilities theory and a multi-tier SSCM framework. Sustainability issues typically occur far upstream in companies’ supply chains, yet companies have limited visibility into these distant supply tiers and often do not know their ind - 2025-03-09

Coordinated carbon taxes or tightened NDCs?

By charlotte [dot] leire [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Leire) - published 13 June 2023 New study points to that both national carbon pricing and the tightening of nationally determined contributions are viable mechanisms to strengthen the Paris Agreement. It is crucial to consider the fairness and distributional impacts of different policies across all countries in order to achieve broad - 2025-03-09

Ana María Arbeláez Vélez has successfully defended her PhD dissertation

By charlotte [dot] leire [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Leire) - published 16 June 2023 On 15 June 2023, Ana María Arbeláez Vélez defended her dissertation “Environmental Impacts of Shared Mobility: Potential, Factors, and Assessments”.  Transport systems are under transformation and a variety of measures are taken decrease some of the environmental impacts. But what is the role of shared - 2025-03-09