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Students visiting Nordic Waterproofing to get insights from industry

By charlotte [dot] leire [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Leire) - published 31 August 2023 The autumn semester course on applied environmental management was kicked-started with a study visit to Nordic Waterproofing. Interesting discussions on drivers, approaches and possibilities in the roofing business. On Tuesday 29 August the course EMSBVC went onsite to Höganäs and the company Nordic - 2025-03-13

New article on the possible implications of new forms of shared housing: what do we share when the ‘dirty work’ of daily life turns into a service?

Published 7 September 2023 Sharing housing with non-family members has increasingly become a way to reduce costs while pursuing autonomous yet communal living throughout the life course. But is it as easy as it sounds? What might be the implications of new forms of shared housing be on the residents, and what happens when shared household tasks can be performed by staff, for a fee? Sharing housing - 2025-03-13

IIIEE presenting on transitions and PV systems in Utrecht

Published 13 September 2023 IIIEE researchers Lena Neij and Sofie Sandin Lompar shared their ongoing research on transaction costs for acquiring solar PV systems at the 14th International Sustainability Transitions conference in Utrecht. In the light of the numerous challenges we as societies are facing, the need for sustainability transitions is pressing. As researchers, we ask ourselves what is - 2025-03-13

The role of culture in sustainable development and the need for “inner sustainability”

Published 19 September 2023 In August, Frans Libertson from the IIIEE discussed the role of culture in sustainable development and the need for “inner sustainability”. The doctoral student of IIIEE, Frans Libertson, participated on a discussion panel at the second iteration of Österlens Fredsfestival that was held in Simrishamn in August. The panel discussions focused on the role of culture in sus - 2025-03-13

Welcome, Georgios Pardalis!

Published 21 September 2023 Photo: Håkan Rodhe Meet our new colleague Georgios Pardalis who recently joined the IIIEE. Originally from Thessaloniki, Greece, with master’s degrees from Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gävle and a PhD from Linnaeus University, he has now moved to Lund. Georgios has a background in Building Technology and Industrial Economics, and will be worki - 2025-03-13

Breaking Up Silos – Can a mission approach for climate neutral cities accelerate energy transitions?

Published 2 October 2023 The IIIEE is part of a new collaborative research project engaging the Swedish Institute of International Affairs as well as the University of Twente in the Netherlands and the municipalities of Amsterdam and Stockholm. The project is investigating if and how the mission approach for climate neutral cities can spark transformative change. The world needs to break out from - 2025-03-13

New report on the historical and policy narratives of domestic heating in Sweden

Published 3 October 2023 Do you know how district heating and electric heating were perceived in the news media when first coming into Swedish homes? Or how the arguments have changed for including heating costs in the rent over time? As part of the JustHeat project, IIIEE researchers Jenny von Platten and Jenny Palm have published a new report providing an overview of the Swedish history of domes - 2025-03-13

Malmö Art Academy is open for applications Jan15th - April 1st

Published 23 January 2015 Applications to the Bachelor's Programme for the academic year of 2015/2016 is open from January 15th through March 2nd, 2015Applications to the Master's Programme in Fine Arts for the academic year of 2015/2016 is open from January 15th through April 1st, 2015.Read more: - 2025-03-13

Nina Stemme - The Faculty's new Honorary Doctor

Published 14 January 2016 Photo credit by: Neda Navaee The Swedish soprano Nina Stemme is one of the foremost singers of today. Her international career has involved high-profile appearances at the most prestigious international opera stages, such as in London, Paris, New York (Metropolitan), Berlin, Milan (La Scala) and Vienna (Wiener Staatsoper).She is very versatile and has sung major roles in - 2025-03-13

The current and future premises of the Malmö Art Academy

Published 16 June 2016 In the last few days there has been an intense debate in the media about the Art Academy, which has been described as threatened with shut-down due to an eviction notice from the city of Malmö on its current premises. Lund University has been warned that the city needs the building as soon as possible, preferably within a year, with the aim of using it as a primary and lower - 2025-03-13

Påsklov 10-17 april

Publicerad 6 april 2017 Leta påskägg i växthuset och lär dig samtidigt namnen på några vanliga vårblommor. I varje rum hittar du ett litet bo med ett påskägg. Öppna det och se om du vet vilken blomma som finns inuti. Sedan kan du gå ut i trädgården och se om du kan hitta några av blommorna. Växthuset är öppet hela lovet klockan 11-15. - 2025-03-13

Klimatmätningar och fenologi

Publicerad 11 april 2017 Nu följer vi samspelet mellan trädgårdens växter och klimatet Klimat och växterHur påverkas växterna i Botaniska trädgården av klimatet? Med hjälp av en klimatstation samlar vi nu in data och ser hur temperatur, nederbörd och dagslängd påverkar växtligheten. Det ska bli jättespännande att följa! Vad är fenologi?Fenologi är läran om årligt återkommande faser i naturen. Det - 2025-03-13

Möt våren i dikt och ton

Publicerad 24 april 2017 Årets Litteraturrunda i Skåne äger rum helgen 6-7 maj. En av programpunkterna äger rum i Botaniska trädgården. Bert Westerström läser egna dikter i ett arrangemang med visor och musik med tema "Vindarna vilar i lila alkover".Tidpunkt; lördag 6 maj kl 14-15, Plats; Agardhsdammen vid växthusen. - 2025-03-13

Kurs i pilflätning 21 maj

Publicerad 26 april 2017 Lär dig olika slags tekniker för att fläta med pil. Deltagarna får tillverka olika former av växtstöd i varierande storlek. Materialet som används är pil av olika sorter och färger. Deltagarna får lära sig olika former av flätteknik. Kursen äger rum utomhus. Medtag gärna egen sekatör. Kostnad för kursen är 380 kronor och det finns plats för 15 deltagare. Kursen leds av Fil - 2025-03-13

Odlingstävling 21 maj

Publicerad 9 maj 2017 Illustration: Kirsten Tind, ur boken Nyttoväxter från hela världen Högst solros vinner! Söndag den 21 maj, klockan 12-15, kan barn komma till Botaniska trädgården och hämta en liten solrosplanta att ta med sig hem. Odlingstävlingen avgörs den 16 september på kulturnatten. Högst solros på plats vinner! - 2025-03-13