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Flag at half-mast today

Published 22 August 2024 It is with great sadness that we today fly the flag at half-mast on the occasion of a memorial tribute to Antonio Marañon, teacher at the Department of Statistics at Lund University School of Economics and Management who passed away earlier this summer. Our thoughts are with the family and closest relatives.Det är med stor sorg vi idag flaggar på halv stång med anledning a - 2025-03-15

Leeds comes to Lund

Published 26 August 2024 Anna France and David Gardner from Leeds University Business School. Photo: Maria Johansson “External engagement is at the centre of what happens at Leeds University Business School (LUBS), be it with partner companies, NGOs or alumni. It’s a bridge between these levels and the students, researchers and teachers at our school and a high priority of our’s”, says Anna France - 2025-03-15

New guide makes it easier for researchers to do things correctly

Published 28 August 2024 Most researchers want to do things correctly and much of the time this is straightforward: you do not need instructions in order to understand that you are to write your own text and not plagiarise others. But not all rules and processes are as obvious and some change over time.In order to make it easier for researchers to do things correctly, Lund University has produced - 2025-03-15

Innovation workshop for researchers: How to think like an entrepreneur

Published 28 August 2024 Do you want to take your research further? Innovation developer Cecilia Jädert at LU Innovation encourages researchers to come and present their idea. Register for a workshop no later than 9 September. Also, read about the Faculty researchers who got help to start a business.Read more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-15

Behavioral economics of beliefs and misperceptions — field experiments, registers, and surveys

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 10 September 2024 We are pleased to announce a course organized by LUSEM in collaboration with colleagues from Hanken School of Economics in Finland. Titled Behavioral Economics of Beliefs and Misperceptions, the course will explore key topics through a series of online and hybrid lectures. The course covers field experime - 2025-03-15

New Thesis: Three questions for Steve Berggren-Clausen

Published 11 September 2024 After nailing his thesis “Climate, Culture, and History – Essays in Development Economics” to the wall at LUSEM, Steve Berggren-Clausen is gearing up for his defense on 4 October. You have been writing your thesis at the department of Economics and now it is on the wall just a few steps from Café Holger. Please tell us in your own words what it is about.My thesis explor - 2025-03-15

The salary review starts soon

Published 11 September 2024 This year’s salary review date is 1 October. This is the date on which your new salary will apply and from which your new salary will be paid retroactively when the University pays the new salaries.According to the timetable drawn up by the University, which has been presented to the employee organisations, it is estimated that the new salaries will be paid out in Febru - 2025-03-15

New international staff members were welcomed to the new academic year

Published 11 September 2024 The University has started a new initiative that involves inviting its new staff from far and wide to joint activities during the year.New international staff members and their families were recently welcomed to the new academic year at an event in the Main University Building. Specially invited staff members enjoyed a get-together and refreshments with music by Albin R - 2025-03-15

Staff exchange – see the world

Published 12 September 2024 Are things the same, but different or just plain different? How do students enroll? What is it really like to be a teacher or administrator at a business school in Spain, or South Africa for that matter? With grants such as Erasmus + we actually have a chance to find out for ourselves. Would you like to see first-hand how your counterpart at another university goes abou - 2025-03-15

New Thesis: Three questions for Marcos Castillo

Published 23 September 2024 On 27 September he will be defending his doctoral dissertation: Roots Across the Atlantic: Social Networks and Economic Outcomes from the Swedish Mass Migration to the United States, 1880–1920. But before that we wanted to get to know a little bit more about Marcos Castillo and his work ad the department of Economic History. You are about to defend your thesis, what is - 2025-03-15

Kurs i etikprövning (Ethical review course)

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 24 September 2024 There is an online course provided by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (only available in Swedish at the moment). The course is described as follows:As part of the government mandate to increase knowledge about the regulations for ethical review, the Swedish Ethical Review Authority has decided to des - 2025-03-15

New Thesis: Three questions for Valeria Lukkari

Published 24 September 2024 Valeria in action at her "spikning" Diving headlong into the matter of economic inequalities in Kenya, Economic History doctoral student Valeria Lukkari looks at what factors drive these disparities. You are about to defend your thesis “Economic Disparities in Colonial Kenya – Income Inequality and Wage Differentiation”, what is the thesis about?My thesis project recons - 2025-03-15

Winners of CH Witt's Award from LUSEM

Published 25 September 2024 Jörgen Carlsson and Niklas Sandell, researchers and lecturers in accounting and corporate finance at LUSEM are receiving the CH Witt Memorial Award for their article in the journal Balans, about how the debate around group accounting sounded 30 years ago. What was special about the debate back then compared to now? "The major difference between the debate then and now, - 2025-03-15

8th Lindau meeting in Economic Sciences

Published 25 September 2024 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, located in the Frescati area in Stockholm The call for applications from young Swedish economists to attend the 8th Lindau meeting of the laureates of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is now open. This information is from the KVA website.8th Lindau meeting in Economic Sciences – kva.seDurin - 2025-03-15

Lund University is Sweden’s eighth most attractive employer

Published 26 September 2024 The employment agency Academic Work conducts the Young Professional Attraction Index (YPAI) survey annually, in close collaboration with polling firm Kantar. Their survey asks young people in various professional categories which employer they would most like to work for, and what makes an employer attractive.Learn more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-15

Call: Seed money within the profile area Human Rights

Published 26 September 2024 Human Rights is one of Lund University’s five profile areas. The profile area aims for excellence in research, education, and external collaboration – nationally and globally – in human rights as an interdisciplinary field. One goal is to facilitate the initiation of new research ideas with potential to secure external funding. Another goal is to build a well-connected - 2025-03-15

Inauguration ceremony for new professors, 18 October

Published 26 September 2024 The time has come for the inauguration of 28 new professors at the University. They will be inaugurated at a formal ceremony and all are welcome.The inauguration will take place in the Main University Building auditorium, followed by informal networking in Pelarsalen.Time and place: 18 October 2024 16:00 | Main University Building auditorium.Learn more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-15