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The Government Extends the Time Limit for Employment as Associate Senior Lecturer

Published 8 October 2024 Minister of Education, Johan Pehrson The government has decided to amend the Higher Education Ordinance. The change extends the time limit from a PhD to employment as an Associate Senior Lecturer from the current five years to up to seven years. With this amendment, universities will be able to decide for themselves which time limit to apply. The position of assistant prof - 2025-03-15

The expert’s view: Why the future of food matters

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 2 October 2024 At this fall’s first alumni breakfast on October 8th, both breakfast and the latest research on the future of food will be on the agenda. Thomas Kalling, Professor of Strategic Management at LUSEM, and Karolina Östbring, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Food Technology and Applied Biochemistry at LTH, wi - 2025-03-15

The expert’s view: How sensors are shaping the urban landscape of the future

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 22 October 2024 During this year's popular science Framtidsdagarna ('Future Days') at Lund University on October 16–17, we had the chance to hear about crucial and decisive issues for the future. This year focused on future cities and 'The Future of Death.' Representing LUSEM, Markus Lahtinen, teacher and researcher at the - 2025-03-15

LUSEM's very own head of finance is retiring — what happens now?

Published 22 October 2024 Change brings development and is a part of life. Sara Novakov has guided LUSEM through changes while maintaining continuity since 2007, but this fall, she will be retiring. Sara joined LUSEM in 2007, having already been employed at the university since 1994, including working as an internal auditor. Coming to a faculty full of economists as an economist herself has worked - 2025-03-15

Andreas Bergh on media choices for research communication

Published 23 October 2024 Photo of Andreas Bergh by Louise Larsson An economist as a comic book character, podcaster, or cultural commentator? Andreas Bergh from LUSEM has chosen all three (and a bit more) as he, alongside his lectures on microeconomics and the welfare state, curiously explores various ways to reach the public. Here, he shares his best tips on where and why. Comics – because it’s - 2025-03-15

Nominate candidates for the Lund University Administrative Prize 2025

Published 23 October 2024 Employees and students at Lund University are hereby invited to propose candidates for the 2024 Lund University Administrative Prize. With this award, the University management wishes to recognize extraordinary contributions in administration throughout the University. Nominate by 11 November 2024 at the latest.Learn more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-15

A sustainable workplace – from idea to reality

Published 23 October 2024 Do you want to contribute to making Lund University more sustainable? A new application round and the chance to realize the idea for the Sustainable Proposal Testbed will be opened.A sustainable workplace – from concept to realityThe University’s Sustainability Strategy and the Sustainability Plan are ambitious. Change demands new ideas, and good ideas often come from emp - 2025-03-15

Vegetarian food to become the default offering at meetings and conferences

Published 23 October 2024 What we eat and drink impacts people and the environment in many ways – thanks to the way food is produced, transported and used. New guidelines for purchasing foodstuffs raise our ambitions and clarify the University’s role on issues of sustainable food production. The target is to increase the proportion of food that is vegetarian and in season, and for food wastage to - 2025-03-15

Economics of death – and Halloween consumption

By peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - published 1 November 2024 According to Svensk Handel, the interest from the retail industry when it comes to Halloween is at an all time high. Photo: iStock Candy heaven or candy hell? Halloween consumption has gone rampant since we imported this tradition from the United States, and is expected to reach 1,6 billion SEK in 2 - 2025-03-15

How Covid impacts experience-based knowledge in social work?

By patrik [dot] hekkala [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (Patrik Hekkala) - published 22 April 2021 About 70 teachers, researchers, and representatives from different service user organisations from nine countries highlighted the matter during the conference Experience-based knowledge in the shadow of the pandemic. The conference was arranged by the international network PowerUs.  “We discussed many cr - 2025-03-15

SEK 1 million to research project on online consumption and vulnerability

Published 19 November 2014 Senior lecturer Lupita Svensson is one of the researchers in a research group that has received funding for a project that will explore how the digitization of everyday life, including consumption, credit management and communication, affects economic vulnerability among young adults. The project, which will last for a year, os led by Stefan Larsson, Lund University Inte - 2025-03-15

Regarding the situation in Ukraine

Published 28 February 2022 In the light of the ongoing invasion in Ukraine, Lund University wants to show our support for students and employees that may be affected. To our current knowledge, no Lund University students or staff members are in Ukraine at the moment. However, we recognise that these are stressful and upsetting times for many and we want to remind those of you who are directly affe - 2025-03-15

Aktivering av gamla virus orsakar inflammation senare i livet

Av alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - publicerad 11 mars 2021 En förstorad bild av en nervcell (blå) som förlorat den epigenetiska kontrollen av ERV och därmed uttrycker virusrelaterade protein (röd). Foto: Marie Jönsson Forskare vid Stamcellscentrum, Lunds universitet, lyfter fram vikten av att kontrollera virala beståndsdelar som finns i arvsmassan och hur deras - 2025-03-15

Snabbare ansamling av Alzheimers-protein hos kvinnor

Av martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - publicerad 25 mars 2021 Ruben Smith har ansvarat för hjärnavbildningarna i den studie där han nyligen upptäckte att det Alzheimers-proteinet tau ansamlas fortare hos kvinnor än hos med män. Alzheimers sjukdom tycks utvecklas snabbare hos kvinnor jämfört med män. Hos kvinnor ansamlas det sjukdomsalstrande proteinet tau fortar - 2025-03-15

Nya rön om astrocyternas roll vid Parkinson

Av alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - publicerad 23 mars 2021 Med färgning visas skadliga aggregat av alfa-synuklein (grönt) ansamlas i astrocyterna (lila). Cellkärnorna färgas blå. Bild: Laurent Roybon I ett samarbete med en rad andra europeiska kollegor har forskare vid Lunds universitet fått ökad förståelse om hur proteinaggregat som ansamlas i hjärnan vid Park - 2025-03-15

Ämnesomsättning och sömn nycklar till gåtan ALS

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 19 april 2021 Åsa Petersén, professor i neurovetenskap och postdoktor Sanaz Gabery, har undersökt hur ämnesomsättning förhåller sig till ALS. Foto: Agata Garpenlind. Forskare har länge misstänkt att bland annat förändringar i kroppens ämnesomsättning påverkar utvecklingen av den obotliga och dödliga neurologiska s - 2025-03-15

Ny studie på möss om ECT och Alzheimers-protein

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 22 april 2021 Hjärnans mikrogliaceller (grönt) har förmågan att plocka upp klumpar av beta-amyloid (rött) som ansamlas vid Alzheimers sjukdom. ECT verkar inte försämra denna process, visar forskare i ny studie. Bildkälla: Forskargruppen experimentell neuroinflammation. ECT, eller elbehandling, är en behandling med - 2025-03-15

Ny studie: Alzheimers sjukdom – fyra distinkta subtyper

Av tove [dot] gilvad [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Gilvad) - publicerad 29 april 2021 Sjukdomsspridningen i hjärnan vid fyra olika subtyper av Alzheimers. Bild: J Vogel Alzheimers sjukdom kännetecknas av onormal spridning och ansamling av proteinet tau i hjärnan. En internationell studie visar nu hur tau sprids enligt fyra distinkta mönster som leder till olika symtom med olika prognoser för de - 2025-03-15

Acceptans - nyckel till livstillfredsställelse hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom

Av martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - publicerad 17 maj 2021 Studien baseras på djupintervjuer av patienter som befinner sig i ett tidigt stadium av Parkinsons sjukdom. (Foto: Lina Rosengren) Djupintervjuer med Parkinsonpatienter som befinner sig i ett tidigt stadie av sjukdomen visar att acceptans skapar förutsättningar för en bibehållen livstillfredsställelse - 2025-03-15

Tre miljoner till ett nytt tematiskt samverkansinitiativ om tidig diagnos och prognos av Alzheimers sjukdom

Av martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - publicerad 19 maj 2021 Nio seniora forskare från fem olika fakulteter vid Lunds universitet har beviljats tre miljoner kronor för ett nytt tvärvetenskapligt initiativ för att förbättra den tidiga diagnosen Alzheimers sjukdom. Fyra av dem är forskningsledare från det strategiska forskningsområdet MultiPark vid den medicinska - 2025-03-15