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Your search for "*" yielded 529348 hits

Development and use of health outcome descriptors: a guideline development case study

Published 1 August 2020 McMaster GRADE Centre researchers developed ‘health outcome descriptors’ for standardizing descriptions of health outcomes and overcoming these problems to support the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) Guideline Development Group (GDG). We aimed to determine which aspects of the development, content, and use of health outcome descriptors were valuable - 2025-03-17

Facilitators for using data from a quality registry in local quality improvement work: a cross-sectional survey of the Danish Cardiac Rehabilitation Database

Published 2 August 2020 Objectives: To investigate use of data from a clinical quality registry for cardiac rehabilitation in Denmark, considering the extent to which data are used for local quality improvement and what facilitates the use of these data, with a particular focus on whether there are differences between frontline staff and managers. Read more here. - 2025-03-17

Using aggregated data from Swedish national quality registries as tools to describe health conditions of older adults with complex needs

Published 3 August 2020 Combining National Quality Registries (NQRs) with existing National Health Registries (NHRs) might make it possible to get a wider picture of older adults health situation. The aim was to examine the feasibility of aggregating data across different NQRs and existing NHRs to explore the possibility to investigate trajectories and patterns of disease and care, specifically fo - 2025-03-17

FORTE: Ingen utlysning av nätverksbidrag, gästforskarbidrag, tidskriftsbidrag och konferensbidrag 2020

Published 30 July 2020 Forte har påbörjat en översyn av ett antal mindre bidragsformer. Under 2020 sker därför ingen utlysning av nätverksbidrag, tidskriftsbidrag, konferensbidrag och gästforskarbidrag. Läs mer på…. - 2025-03-17

Corona akut-utlysning 2020

Published 4 August 2020 Med anledning av coronakrisen deltar Forte i Formas akututlysning för 2020. Utlysningen ska ge möjlighet att samla in forskningsmaterial av akut karaktär för att säkerställa framtida tillgänglighet för forskning. Forskare inom Fortes områden kan ansöka om medel för datainsamling med koppling till coronapandemin. Läs mer på - 2025-03-17

Estimating Risk Ratios and Risk Differences Using Regression

Published 4 August 2020 Generalized linear models (GLMs) are often used with binary outcomes to estimate odds ratios. Though not as widely appreciated, GLMs can also be used to quantify risk differences, risk ratios, and their appropriate standard errors (1). Here, we illustrate how GLMs can be used to quantify these latter effect measures, and we demonstrate how to obtain valid standard errors. R - 2025-03-17

The Epidemiologic Toolbox: Identifying, Honing, and Using the Right Tools for the Job

Published 5 August 2020 There has been much debate about the relative emphasis of the field of epidemiology on causal inference. We believe this debate does short shrift to the breadth of the field. Epidemiologists answer myriad questions that are not causal and hypothesize about and investigate causal relationships without estimating causal effects. Descriptive studies face significant and often - 2025-03-17

Helpful and challenging aspects of breastfeeding in public for women living in Australia, Ireland and Sweden: a cross-sectional study

Published 10 August 2020 Breastfeeding in public continues to be contentious with qualitative evidence confirming that women face many challenges. It is therefore important to gain understanding of not only the challenges but also what women perceive is helpful to breastfeed in public. Read more at - 2025-03-17

Data Resource Profile: Regional healthcare information platform in Halland, Sweden

Published 10 August 2020 The main categories of data collected include: demographics, care visits, other encounters, clinical data, visit-level costs, resources and occupancy. Clinical images, patient-generated data, genetics and visits outside Halland are not included in the platform. Read more at - 2025-03-17

A Cautionary Note on Extended Kaplan–Meier Curves for Time-varying Covariates

Published 11 August 2020 We argue that the causal implications of this independence assumptions are highly unrealistic, and that a causal interpretation of the extended Kaplan–Meier curve is therefore typically unwarranted. Read more at…. - 2025-03-17

Glossary for public health surveillance in the age of data science

Published 14 August 2020 With the rapid development of data science, encompassing big data and artificial intelligence, and with the exponential growth of accessible and highly heterogeneous health-related data, from healthcare providers to user-generated online content, the field of surveillance and health monitoring is changing rapidly. Read more at - 2025-03-17