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Syria is waiting for "enough is enough"...

Published 23 September 2013 Meet Jean-Pierre Filiu, Professor in Middle East Studies at Sciences Po., who visited Lund last week during the conference “Everyday Life in the Middle East”, hosted by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University. He is a former diplomat with long experience from the Middle East. This summer he visited Syria to see how the revolution affected people’s everyda - 2025-03-25

Collective memory – a sand sculpture that can be re-moulded

Published 25 September 2013 “Thy throne rests on mem’ries from great days of yore, when worldwide renown was valour’s guerdon...” is the translation of the words of the Swedish national anthem, which tries to construct a memory of a glorious national past. This type of attempt is not unusual, nor is its opposite – the suppression or alteration of shameful events. “We like to think that history is - 2025-03-25

Multiple explanations for memory problems

Published 25 September 2013 Where did I put my sunglasses? Where have the car keys got to, what is the door code to Lisa’s building, and what did I do yesterday afternoon? We all know how irritating it can be when our memory doesn’t work as it should. However, it can be difficult to know what is a ‘normal’ poor memory and what is the result of disease. Susanna Vestberg is a researcher in psycholog - 2025-03-25

Clues can awaken hidden memories

Published 25 September 2013 The scent of a madeleine dipped in lime blossom tea awakened a flood of childhood memories for the main character in Marcel Proust’s famous novel about ‘lost time’. The madeleine is an example of a clue for the memory. In Proust’s case, the clue worked subconsciously, in other cases we can use clues to consciously try to recall the memories for which we are searching. M - 2025-03-25

Dedicated alumna launched Minnesota model in Sweden

Published 30 September 2013 “Education and knowledge are the way to change society for the better. I want to make a difference and help to give young people the same fantastic opportunities I had”, says alumna Monica Getz Silfverschöld, a new board member for the Lund University Foundation (LUF). LUF is an independent foundation that aims to strengthen Lund University’s ties with the USA and Ameri - 2025-03-25

Is this year’s hot summer a taste of things to come?

Published 3 October 2013 Meet Markku Rummukainen... ... Professor of Climatology, who conducts research on climate change and its consequences. Is this year’s hot summer a taste of things to come? “Yes, a general increase in temperatures means that hot weather will become increasingly common and cold weather less common. For instance, in a review of various different temperature records in the US, - 2025-03-25

Older researchers offer new dimension to elderly research

Published 17 October 2013 “We want to use the knowledge of those who have worked for many years with the care and treatment of elderly people, and who are now growing older themselves. We mustn’t let their knowledge go to waste!” said Professor Emerita Bodil Jönsson at the start of the project Uppdrag Kunskap, in which 20 senior citizens will each carry out a research project. Professor Emerita Bo - 2025-03-25

Strong progress in cancer genetics

Published 17 October 2013 With enthusiasts plus technological developments, a lot of progress can be made in quite a short space of time. This is shown by developments in cancer genetics advice, which is now a natural part of the health service, but which was questioned 20 years ago. The primary enthusiasts were Professor of Oncology Håkan Olsson and Reader in Clinical Genetics Ulf Kristoffersson. - 2025-03-25

Idea from Lund behind research satellite

Published 17 October 2013 This autumn, a unique research satellite, Gaia, will be launched. The project aims to map a billion stars and involves hundreds of European astronomers. One of the originators of the initiative is Lund University’s Professor of Astronomy Lennart Lindegren. Lennart Lindegren tests a meridian circle, which was used in the 19th century to measure the position of the stars. P - 2025-03-25

Meet Henrik Sternberg, researcher at the newly established logistics centre Relog at Campus Helsingborg:

Published 17 October 2013 How have you persuaded 5 000 lorry drivers to get involved in a project on cabotage – and what is it? “Cabotage is domestic transport carried out by foreign carriers. This could be freight or passenger transport. Within the EU, there is a narrower definition as given in the ‘CMR waybill’ that accompanies transported goods. In practice, it means that transport in Sweden ca - 2025-03-25

Collaboration with Jordan strengthened

Published 17 October 2013 Having LU researchers and lecturers on site is very important to develop functioning international collaborations, according to Head of International Relations at the Faculty of Medicine Karin Frydenlund. She has recently returned from a visit to Jordan, where the collaboration between LU and the University of Jordan is growing deeper and deeper. Vice-Chancellor Per Eriks - 2025-03-25

Meetings in English at students’ request

Published 15 November 2013 Lund University Students’ Unions (LUS) has now received a hearing for its demand that the meetings of the University’s internationalisation committee should be held in English. The meetings will be held in English for a trial period, while minutes will be taken in Swedish to fulfil the legal requirements placed on public authorities. “In the long run, you can’t speak Swe - 2025-03-25

‘Ministerial’ degree equips philosophers for job market

Published 15 November 2013 Soon it will be possible to take a ‘ministerial’ degree in Lund. Next autumn, the departments of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics will be starting a Bachelor’s degree in Practical Philosophy, Politics and Economics – PPE. The role model for the programme is a degree given at Oxford University, and it is reputed that several British ministers hold a PPE degree - 2025-03-25

Helping doctoral students finish on time

Published 15 November 2013 Åsa Burman, like many humanities researchers, struggled alone with her thesis in philosophy. Now she helps other doctoral students to finish on time, and to feel better during the process. “However, I would never have made this idea a reality without my experiences as a consultant in the private sector and my practical experience of writing a thesis at Berkeley”, she say - 2025-03-25

Efficiency mindset inappropriate to elderly care

Published 15 November 2013 A researcher who made invisible female labour visible and had her hypotheses that efficiency thinking in healthcare is neither good nor cheap confirmed when her own husband became ill. Rosmari Eliasson-Lappalainen is a pioneer in elderly research. Photo: Gunnar Menander You could say that Rosmari Eliasson-Lappalainen is the mother of Swedish elderly care research. When s - 2025-03-25

Harvesting fruits of sustainable urban farming project

Published 15 November 2013 It isn’t difficult, takes up very little space, and is healthy, fun, tasty and social! Sustainable urban farming is a project involving some 20 doctoral students on the area of grass between Gerdahallen and Sölvegatan. From ten raised beds, they have harvested lettuce, carrots, chard, spinach, pumpkins, peas, rhubarb and much more. Molly McGregor from the US pulls up one - 2025-03-25

Never too young to learn programming

Published 13 December 2013 Nowadays, the ability to write computer code is almost as fundamental as writing and arithmetic. Björn Regnell is passionate about getting programming onto school timetables, preferably from the very start. Björn Regnell. Photo: Mats Nygren He works practically towards this goal with children at Vattenhallen and by trying to influence public opinion and lobbying the auth - 2025-03-25

New funding provides valuable freedom

Published 13 December 2013 Mikael Lund is a chemist who doesn’t wear a lab coat. Instead, his research involves computer models of atoms and molecules. Being named a Future Research Leader means both freedom and new challenges. “Using computer models, we can zoom in on molecular details to gain insights that are difficult to achieve with classic experiments”, says Mikael Lund, a theoretical chemis - 2025-03-25

Meet the research leaders of the future!

Published 13 December 2013 Everything from practical problems such as where to locate a suddenly much larger research team to how to make the terms of employment so good that you don’t lose your most competent colleagues to the private sector – these are the questions buzzing around the mind of a newly appointed future research leader. LUM has met two of the four young researchers at LU who have r - 2025-03-25

Practical problems following grant success

Published 13 December 2013 Success with grant applications leads to problems of an unexpected although pleasant kind. If your research team is almost doubled in size, where are all your colleagues supposed to work? And how are they to get access to laboratory equipment which is already fully booked? Johan Jakobsson in an unusually empty lab (the rest of his group were at a conference). After major - 2025-03-25