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Hedersdoktor 2024

Publicerad 26 januari 2024 Hedersdoktor David Lagnado. Foto Jake Fairnie. Professor David Lagnado har utsetts till fakultetens hedersdoktor. David Lagnado är professor vid University College London. Lagnado är en världsledande forskare inom bevisvärdering, som på ett tvärvetenskapligt sätt förenar juridik med beslutsteori och kognitionsvetenskap. Lagnados forskning handlar om att empiriskt undersö - 2025-03-09

Marja-Liisa Öberg är koordinator för en ny Pufendorf Advanced Study Group (ASG)

Publicerad 9 februari 2024 Marja-Liisa Öberg är  koordinator (tillsammans med Rhiannon Pugh, CIRCLE och LTH) för en ny Advanced Study Group (ASG) vid Pufendorfinstitutet med titel "(O)NATURLIGA GRÄNSER: Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på gränser av europeisk integration". "Europeisk integration" är en social konstruktion som har stor inverkan på naturen samtidigt som den begränsas i olika former av n - 2025-03-09

Tova Bennet tilldelas medel från Riksbankens jubileumsfond

Publicerad 12 februari 2024 Tova Bennet har tilldelats forskningsmedel om 851 000 kronor från Riksbankens jubileumsfond för genomförande av projektet 'Frikänd efter rättspsykiatrisk undersökning' (2024-2026).  Projektet är en del av Tovas forskningsansats som rör frågor om ansvar och påföljd för lagöverträdare med psykisk sjukdom eller funktionsnedsättningar i det svenska straffsystemet. Läs mer o - 2025-03-09

Heikki Pihlajamäki tilldelas Gad Rausings pris

Publicerad 26 februari 2024 Heikki Pihlajamäki tilldelas Gad Rausings pris. Foto: Marja Ruusu. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien har beslutat att tilldela vår hedersdoktor, professor Heikki Pihlajamäki (Helsingfors), dess största pris: Gad Rausings pris för framstående humanistisk forskargärning. Enligt akademiens motivering sker detta på grundval av Heikki Pihlajamäkis uppslags - 2025-03-09

Per Samuelsson och Marcus Utterström har publicerat boken Entreprenadrätten

Publicerad 7 mars 2024 Per Samuelsson, professor emeritus, och Marcus Utterström, biträdande universitetslektor, har publicerat boken Entreprenadrätten (Norstedts Juridik 2024).Boken finns på Norstedts Juridiks hemsida. Per Samuelssons forskning i universitetets forskningsportal.Marcus Utterströms forskning i universitetets forskningsportal. - 2025-03-09

Rune och Lena Lavins stiftelse för rättsvetenskaplig forskning vid den Juridiska fakulteten i Lund

Publicerad 8 mars 2024 Ändamål: att främja rättsvetenskaplig forskning vid den juridiska fakulteten i Lund. Detta innebär att stiftelsen genom sin verksamhet ska stödja, stimulera och underlätta forskningen vid fakulteten.Berättigad att ansöka om bidrag är den som bedriver aktiv forskning vid den juridiska fakulteten i Lund.Bidrag ska främst utges för kostnader som är direkt föranledda av en forsk - 2025-03-09

Thawing permafrost turns Arctic from carbon sink into carbon emitter

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 28 October 2019 Solar panels at the flux station in Adventdalen on Svalbard, one of the locations where data was collected for this study. Photo: Frans-Jan Parmentier. A recent study based on data collected by, among others, researchers at our department, finds that climate change is converting permafrost areas fr - 2025-03-09

Another type of forest management would provide greater benefits for society

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 18 November 2019 Malene Thyssen [CC BY-SA 3.0 (] Giuliana Zanchi (INES) and Mark Brady (CEC) have been interviewed about new research that shows the benefits of continuous cover forestry in larger areas compared to intensified biomass utilization. Mark Brady (research - 2025-03-09

Students of the department created an exhibition

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 20 November 2019 Last week, some of our students arranged a GIS day showing cartographic material made by the department's students. Last week, on November 13th 2019, the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science celebrated GIS Day.On this occasion, for the first time in the department's history, stud - 2025-03-09

Feedback loop anticipated after the 2018 record drought decreased forests uptake of carbon dioxide

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 20 December 2019 Screencap from the TV4 news, Anders Lindroth, Professor Emeritus, has been interviewed in Swedish TV4 news regarding effects of the 2018 drought. The ICOS research station in Hyltemossa measures, among other things, the exchange of carbon dioxide ( - 2025-03-09

Exciting internship during exchange in Svalbard

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 3 January 2020 One of our students, Juliano Hanna, is on exchange in Svalbard. He is participating in a project aimed at gathering knowledge about how the Longyear River is slowly changing its path over time. One of our bachelor students, Juliano Hanna, who is on exchange at Svalbard, is featured in a recent artic - 2025-03-09

Increasing tropical land use is disrupting the carbon cycle

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 31 January 2020 Increased tropical land use is disrupting the carbon cycle. Photo: Unsplash An international study led by researchers at Lund University in Sweden shows that the rapid increase in land use in the world's tropical areas is affecting the global carbon cycle more than was previously known. By studying - 2025-03-09

Lund University receives SEK 100 million to coordinate major polar research project

Published 14 February 2020 Zackenberg in northeast Greenland, one of the research stations that are part of Interact. Photo: Mikhail Mastepanov. Lund University will receive SEK 100 million from the EU to coordinate the international research project Interact for another four years. Among other things, the funding is to be used to send more polar researchers to the Arctic, make data available usin - 2025-03-09

New study solves old climate mystery about ecosystems’ nutrient limitation

Published 24 February 2020 The ability of global ecosystems to absorb carbon dioxide is regulated to a large extent by the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. With lower plant access to these nutrients, greater volumes of carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere, instead of being absorbed by forests and other ecosystems. A new study has now charted the global patterns of this nitrogen and phosphorus - 2025-03-09

She coordinates hundreds of researchers bound for the Arctic

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 9 March 2020 Margareta Johansson has been featured in several media outlets due to her commitment to coordinate the international polar project Interact. Margareta Johansson, research coordinator at the department, was interviewed regarding her coordinating role in the international polar project, Interact.Johanss - 2025-03-09

3D visualization exhibition in the foyer of Geocentrum II

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 17 March 2020 An exhibition set up Nils Bergendal will take place at the entrance to Geocentrum II from Monday March 16th. Nils Bergendal, artist with photography as his main interest, has long been interested in 3D visualization. Stereo images taken from aircraft are an important way to gather information for nat - 2025-03-09

Climate change is hastening spring arrival in Sweden

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 23 March 2020 Bernt Fransson / CC BY-SA ( During the last 16 years, global warming has led to a trend of spring arrivals occurring earlier, a new study published in International Journal of Biometeorology shows. Researchers, among others Lars Eklundh, Anna Maria Jönss - 2025-03-09

Weiming Huang awarded fellowship for postdoc studies in Singapore

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén, Susanna Olsson) - published 17 April 2020 Weiming Huang, a researcher and a recent doctoral graduate at our department, has been awarded a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Singapore plus a two-year repatriation grant back to Sweden from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project aims to connect and integrate dif - 2025-03-09

Rising temperatures affect wetlands and disrupt the water balance

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 20 May 2020 Degerö Stormyr in Vindeln, Sweden, one of the climate research stations which have contributed with data to the new study. PHOTO: ANDREAS PALMÉN In a future warmer climate, evaporation from the northern hemisphere’s wetlands will increase significantly more than previously thought. This is shown by an - 2025-03-09

Anders Lindroth interviewed in “A Tale from the Woods”

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 10 August 2020 Anders Lindroth, Professor Emeritus, is featured in the documentary A Tale from the Woods. In the documentary, Anders speaks about carbon emissions from clear cuts, as well as provides a glimpse of the ICOS research station in Hyltemossa. Anders Lindroth, Professor Emeritus, has been interviewed in - 2025-03-09