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Alumn: Cia Kanthi

Publicerad 17 maj 2022 Cia Kanthi, Untitled, brons, 2017 Foto: Valdermar Asp. Utställning Släpljus på Carl Eldh ateljémuseum Vår alumn Cia Kanthi deltar i utställningen Släpljus på Carl Eldhs ateljémuseum. - 2025-03-09

Notes on Tools

Publicerad 19 maj 2022 You are invited to a one day only student exhibition as part of a course taught by Francis Patrick Brady and Max Ockborn called 'Work & Play: Across the fire and the field'. This is part of the Tools of the Trade course at Malmlö Art Academy run by Maj Hasager and Joachim Koester. Welcome to the site-specific, non-present anti-happening / micro event 'Notes on tools' held at - 2025-03-09

Att lyssna till staden

Publicerad 1 juni 2022 Med projektet Att lyssna till staden - som är en experimentell konsert med olika ljud som plockats upp från Klostergården - blir stadens ljud till ett orkesterverk. Bakom verket står konstnären Maj Hasager och kompositören Ask Kæreby, i samarbete med Kammarorkestern, Kulturskolan i Lund.… - 2025-03-09

Leif Holmstrand - Lilith Perfomance Studio

Publicerad 14 september 2015 Leif Holmstrand - Fake Bones - Lilith Perfomance Studio Artist Talk: 15 Sept at 7pm by Leif Holmstrand & OLTA at Inter Arts Centre in Malmo. Free EntrancePerformance: 17 – 26 Sept, 2015 at Lilith Performance Studio, Bragegatan 15, MalmöOpen Hours: 7pm – 9pm, (26 Sept open between 7pm – 10pm)Price: frivillig entréavgift  / optional entrance fee  paid at the door. Cash o - 2025-03-09

Edstrandska stiftelsens stipendiater 2022

Publicerad 9 augusti 2022 Den 27 oktober kl 17.00  öppnar Edstrandska stiftelsens utställning med årets stipendiater. Stipendieceremonin äger rum i KHM1 Friisgatan 15 kl 18.00. Edstrandska stiftelsens stipendium 2022 tilldelas: Emm Berring  Ferdinand Evaldsson Ana Rebordão Linnea Rygaard Edstrandska stiftelsens stipendium till avgångsstudenter vid Konsthögskolan i Malmö 2022: Therese Bülow Jørgens - 2025-03-09

Alumn: Ivan Nylander

Publicerad 2 september 2022 Ivan Nylander, installationsvy, Skordatura, Malmö, 2022. Foto: Youngjae Lih Ivan Nylander – Ringar på vattnet 4 september – 9 oktober 2022 Vernissage söndag 4 september kl 14-17. Performance med konstnären kl 14.30. - 2025-03-09

Remote sensing of insects with laser light (Finished Master Project)

Published 3 May 2023 Hyperspectral lidar measuring the backscattered spectra of free-flying insects that cross the laser beam. In this thesis, an instrument using a broadband light beam for remote sensing of insects was developed. The thickness of a free-flying insect wing was measured at a distance of 85 m and with an accuracy of 2 nm. Insects play a key role in the ecosystem and are essential fo - 2025-03-09

Unveiling Plasma Mysteries: Harnessing 3D Tomography and Laser Power!

Published 23 June 2023 Let me clarify that we are not referring to blood plasma, as that pertains to the field of biology. Instead, we are discussing the fourth state of matter, which can be envisioned as a mixture of electrons, atoms, and excited species. To put it simply, it can be described as an ionized gas or a "soup" of charged particles. Our research group focuses on exploring the applicati - 2025-03-09

Saturated planar laser-induced fluorescence using sinusoidal intensity modulation (Finished Bachelor Project)

Published 24 October 2023 An irradiated fluorophore. What if it was possible to identify elements by simply shining a light on them? This proposed method might make it possible to do just that - by analysing just one photograph. Many of us have probably encountered a pen with” invisible” ink that is only visible if you shine on it with a UV lamp. Besides that, these are useful for writing secret m - 2025-03-09

Insights into soot emissions with a newly developed Aerosol Sample Delivery System at MAX IV

Published 28 November 2023 Dr Kim Cuong Le from the Division of Combustion Physics at Lund University is conducting one of the first experiments using the new Aerosol Sample Delivery System A newly developed sample delivery system at MAX IV lets researchers study the properties of aerosol particles. With this knowledge, they can further understand the health and climate effects of soot from burnin - 2025-03-09

Metals as alternative to fossil fuels

Published 28 October 2022 Iron particles burning. Looks like fireworks since metals are what is used in fireworks to create different colors. Can metals really burn? Well yes, and you have most definitely seen them burn since metals often are used in fireworks to get different colors. These colorful flames have the potential to be used as alternative to gasoline and other fossil fuels in a clean c - 2025-03-09

Coughed droplets, estimating size and speed

Published 1 November 2022 Recording of person coughing. The velocity and sizes of the found droplets are shown later in the movie. When we cough and speak we launch droplets and if the person launching these droplets is sick from some kind of virus disease, such as COVID19, the droplets can contain viruses. These viruses have been found to be one of the main contributors to the spreading of the pa - 2025-03-09

Measuring oxygen in lungs with lasers (Finished Master Project)

Published 1 November 2022 Here, a wild boar lung is used as a model similar to the lungs of a human child. A diode laser is used to check if the lung is filled with air. Throughout life, our lungs are vital organs. For newborns as well as for elderly patients, there is a need for safe and continuous lung monitoring in the healthcare. Some of today's common methods of examining the lungs, such as X - 2025-03-09