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Annual visit of students from the University of Virginia

Published 16 May 2019 The annual three week long study programme with visiting students from University of Virginia has now kicked off at the IIIEE.Sixteen students have been assigned four business cases with the clients: Godsinlösen, Malmö Stad, Gram and Movebybike.The initial meetings with the clients were well organized and well received.Blog by the visiting students from  University of Virgini - 2025-03-06

Longer life LED lamps are good for energy efficiency, but how long should they last?

Published 16 May 2019 Photo: Shutterstock Switching to more energy efficient LEDs has potential to save money in the long term and GHG emissions, but should we also be thinking about the lifetimes of these products? In their scenario-based life cycle assessment of LEDs, IIIEE researchers Jessika Luth Richter and Carl Dalhammar found that when energy efficiency is still improving rapidly for LED li - 2025-03-06

Post-doctoral position in Behavioural Insights for Low-carbon and Resource Efficient Economies

Published 16 May 2019 We welcome your application! Are you interested in Behavioural Insights for Low-carbon and Resource Efficient Economies? Then this post-doctoral position at the IIIEE at Lund University might be for you!Subject description:The post-doctoral candidate will work in the area of behavioural economics as applied to low-carbon and resource efficient economies. The post-doctoral can - 2025-03-06

Three new reports from the MISTRA Sustainable Consumption programme

Published 17 May 2019 Focusing on how to eat, holiday and decorate your home more sustainably. The MISTRA Sustainable Consumption programme has published three reports on how to eat, holiday and decorate your home more sustainably. The reports are the result of a broad mapping process of potentially sustainable consumption practices with many hands-on sustainable examples.View the reports (only av - 2025-03-06

New Publication about Circular Economy Business Models and Resource Efficiency

Published 20 May 2019 Katherine Whalen identifies three ways companies contribute to extending product lifetimes and what to consider when aiming to reduce resource consumption. IIIEE researcher Katherine Whalen has published a research article in the Journal of Cleaner Production. The paper explores three types of circular business models that help extend the lifetimes of products and reflects cr - 2025-03-06

Kick-off of the 11th Alumni Conference at the IIIEE and 25 years of education and research!

Published 23 May 2019 Alumni at the IIIEE conference in 2015 Photo: Håkan Röjder 23-24 May 2019 Today on 23 May, the IIIEE kicks off the 11th Alumni Network Conference, a conference that takes place every second year at the IIIEE.We are happy to see so many familiar faces in the house from our EMP and MESPOM Master’s Programmes!We are proud to have so many cool people in the house bringing back in - 2025-03-06

IIIEE Alumna Johanna Lissinger Peitz appointed as special attaché at the UN in New York

Published 24 May 2019 The Swedish Government has appointed Johanna Lissinger Peitz, an IIIEE alumna, attaché of environmental issues at Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations in New York. Johanna's mission is to prepare for the UN meeting, the Climate Summit, taking place on 23 September 2019.Link to the news on the Swedish Government's website (in Swedish only) - 2025-03-06

New podcast episode: “Is anyone listening?” Reflections on Evaluating Research Impact

Published 28 May 2019 Researchers Steven Curtis and Sofie Sandin at the IIIEE have launched a new episode of the podcast ‘Advancing Sustainable Solutions’. In the monthly podcast, Steven and co-host Sofie Sandin discuss sustainability research conducted at the IIIEE. In this month’s episode, Steven and Sofie share insights into evaluating research impact. Check out their episode!Episode Title: “Is - 2025-03-06

Jonas Sonnenschein defends his doctoral dissertation on 'Green growth and rapid decarbonisation?'

Published 29 May 2019 Jonas Sonnenschein Today on 29 May, Jonas Sonnenschein defends his doctoral dissertation with the title: 'Green growth and rapid decarbonisation? Assessing policy objectives, instrument choice and behavioural mechanisms'The defence takes place on 29th May at 9:00-12:00, in the Aula of the IIIEE. The opponent is Prof. Patrik Söderholm (Department of Business Administration, Te - 2025-03-06

IIIEE taking part in the World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki 3-5 June

Published 29 May 2019 Julia Nussholz, Katherine Whalen and Jessika Luth Richter will be participating in the World Circular Economy Forum 3-5 June. Jessika Luth Richter, Julia Nussholz and Katherine Whalen will be representing IIIEE at the World Circular Economy Forum 2019 in Helsinki. Information about WCEF (from their website): The World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) is the global initiative of - 2025-03-06

New publication: Transition governance for energy efficiency - insights from a systematic review of Swedish policy evaluation practices

Published 3 June 2019 Sofie Sandin, Lena Neij and Per Mickwitz have published a new article in the international peer-reviewed open access journal Energy, Sustainability and Society. BackgroundThe transition towards a more sustainable energy system is urgent for addressing global environmental and social challenges, and will require transformative changes including improved energy efficiency in th - 2025-03-06

Two Doctoral positions focusing on Sustainable Urban Governance, Smart Grids and Smart Cities

Published 5 June 2019 Photo: Shutterstock We welcome your application! Last application date 22 July! Are you interested in Sustainable Urban Governance, Smart Grids and Smart Cities? Then take a look at these two Doctoral positions:Doctoral student in Sustainable Urban Governance and Smart GridsDoctoral student in Smart grids and Smart cities - 2025-03-06

IIIEE Director Per Mickwitz congratulates the EEA turning 25 years!

Published 20 June 2019 EEA 25 years – A much needed institution in challenging times On 19 June, the IIIEE Director Per Mickwitz gave an anniversary speech at the 25th anniversary of the European Environmental Agency in Copenhagen. Per Mickwitz was invited as the chair of the Scientific Committee of the EEA and gave a well received speech shared here.Download the speech here: EEA 25 years – A much - 2025-03-06

100,000 downloads of publications and counting!

Published 20 June 2019 Associate Professor Kes McCormick at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) has achieved 100,000 downloads of his publications in Lund University Publications (LUP), which is the institutional repository for scholarly publications from Lund University.His most downloaded publication is the Greening the Economy Compendium with some 20,000 d - 2025-03-06

IIIEE Presentations at Australian Universities

Published 20 June 2019 Kes McCormick, the programme coordinator for Sharing Cities Sweden, has presented the national programme at two Australian Universities in June 2019 – the Centre for Urban Transitions at Swinburne University of Technology and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute at Monash University.The presentations focused on the ambitions of Sharing Cities Sweden, the emerging fin - 2025-03-06

IIIEE Researchers as Guest Editors on Special Issue on Smart and Sustainable Cities

Published 20 June 2019 IIIEE researchers Yuliya Voytenko and Kes McCormick have joined a group of international researchers to act as guest editors for a Special Issue on smart and sustainable cities in the Local Environment journal. The special issues brings together a diverse collection of papers that explore the relationship between urban sustainability and smart city development. Read more on - 2025-03-06

Mistra to continue funding research into circular economy transition

Published 26 June 2019 Research group at the IIIEE Photo: Håkan Röjder The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research has granted SEK 47 million for four years to Mistra REES. The aim of the programme is to facilitate the transition by Swedish manufacturing industry to a circular economy. Business and academia collaborate to facilitate the transition by Swedish manufacturing industry - 2025-03-06

Current green growth policies are not enough to reach Paris Agreement climate targets

Published 26 June 2019 Jonas Sonnenschein Photo: Blaž Samec New research implies that green growth climate mitigation policies are not sufficient for reaching the ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement, to limit global warming to well below 2°C by the end of the century.Green growth policies dominate the climate change mitigation discourse but how much can they contribute to rapid decarbonisatio - 2025-03-06

Pledges to phase out coal power are insufficient to reach climate target

Published 12 August 2019 A paper in Nature Climate Change, co-authored by an IIIEE researcher, alumna and student, shows that pledges to phase out coal are so far largely limited to older plants in richer countries. Reaching climate targets requires phasing out coal power without carbon capture and storage, as pledged by the members of Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA). Prof. Aleh Cherp and his c - 2025-03-06