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International Conference on Asian Studies (ICAS) in Ottawa

Published 21 March 2017 The Fifth International Conference on Asian Studies (ICAS) entitled: "Asian Dream – Global Prosperity : Challenges & Issues" will be held on 17-18 June 2017 at the Saint Paul University. The conference is organized by the International University of Japan, International Center for Research & Development and Unique Conference, Canada. Submit abstract before 15 April, 2017. I - 2025-03-03

Call for abstracts for an edited volume "Liberal West"

Published 16 March 2017 Three scholars from the West Network welcome abstracts for their edited volume called “Liberal West” and Asianists are welcome to approach the topic from the Asian point of view. Deadline for abstracts is May 23 2017. Ever after the idea of “the Western civilization” was conceived, some intellectuals, politicians, and religious leaders have spelled doom for it. The “Western - 2025-03-03

Visiting Assistant Professorship at Florida State University

Published 19 March 2017 The Department of Religion at Florida State University invites applications for a 9-month Visiting Assistant Professor position for the period 8 July 2017 - 5 April 2018 in the area of South Asian Religions. Specialization is open, but preference is for competency in Hindu and/or Buddhist traditions in India with an excellent command of Sanskrit and/or other relevant langua - 2025-03-03

PhD Research Fellowships in International Management

Published 21 March 2017 The School of Business and Law at The University of Agder invites applications for up to seven full-time fixed-term appointments as PhD Research Fellows in International Management. Application closing date: 15 May 2017. The main profile is that the positions are located in Kristiansand, Norway, and that the PhD-period is three years. There may, however, be given priority t - 2025-03-03

Conference on South Asia at University of Wisconsin

Published 28 March 2017 The Center for South Asia at University of Wisconsin in Madison invites scholars, students, professionals, and anyone interested in research to the 46th Annual Conference on South Asia on 26-29 October 2017. Panel submissions are due by 1 April 2017. The Annual Conference on South Asia invites scholars, students, professionals, and anyone interested in research on the regio - 2025-03-03

Watch SASNET's recorded lectures

Published 20 March 2017 Some of SASNET's lectures have been recorded and can be watched on its Youtube Channel. In February Robert Phillipson and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas held a lecture entitled: "Is ‘global’ English compatible with local language ecologies and principles of language rights, or a neoimperialist project?". Watch the video. Go for the Youtube Channel. - 2025-03-03

Research visit to Lund by Dr. Ruchi Gaur from Indian Oil Corporation R&D Centre

Published 3 April 2017 Dr. Ruchi Gaur, Senior Scientific Officer at DBT-IOC centre for Advanced Bio-Energy Research visited Lund University 19th March 2017 to 1st April 2017. Dr. Ruchi Gaur was visiting as a partnership agreement signed between DBT-IOC Centre for Advanced Bio-Energy Research and Lund University on the sharing of research expertise. The partnership agreement is based on developing - 2025-03-03

Article on Coastal morphology and sea-level changes in Goa

Published 5 April 2017 Nils-Axel Mörner, Professor Emeritus and former head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University, recently published an article entitled: "Coastal morphology and sea-level changes in Goa, India during the last 500 years" in Journal of Coastal Research, 33:2, 421-434. Abstract: Coastal morphology, stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating, archaeological - 2025-03-03

Position available as Visiting Assistant Professor of History

Published 26 April 2017 Beloit College in Wisconsin, USA seeks a historian to teach two courses, one in each semester of the 2017-18 school year. The applicant should have expertise in one of the following fields of history: Modern Russia, Middle East, or South Asia. The position is a two-semester limited term appointment as a leave replacement. The successfull candidate will teach one introductor - 2025-03-03

Five Research Positions at The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

Published 26 April 2017 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska institutet, UI) is looking for researchers, preferably at the postdoc level. They will consider applications based on a broad range of topics. Successful applicants will join one of UI’s five programs: Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Russia and Eurasia, and Global Politics and Security. Deadlin - 2025-03-03

Postdoctoral position in Digital Asia available at Leiden University

Published 24 April 2017 The Faculty of Humanities, Leiden Institute for Area Studies is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Asia. Deadline is on Wednesday 10 May, 2017. The applicant should have a Ph.D. in humanities, social sciences, or computer science field relevant to the analysis of digital media in Asia or in Asian languages. The position is from 1 September 2017 through Au - 2025-03-03

PhD Position available at Leiden University Institute for History

Published 25 April 2017 Leiden University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute for History is offering a PhD Position in ‘Negotiating Conversion and Family Law in Eighteenth Century Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka’. Deadline is May 28, 2017. From September 1, 2017, the Leiden University Institute for History will be appointing a PhD for a four-year period, within the NWO financed project “Colonialism inside - 2025-03-03

Position as Preceptor in Sanskrit available at Harvard University

Published 22 April 2017 Photo: Harvard University The Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University, seeks applications for a preceptor in Sanskrit. Deadline for submission is May 12, 2017. The appointment is expected to begin July 1, 2017. The preceptor will be responsible for language instruction and course development at all levels and across all genres and time periods of Sanskrit. The - 2025-03-03

Call for papers for Y-SASM Conference 2018

Published 21 April 2017 The Young South Asia Scholars Meet (Y-SASM) call for papers for its 2018 conference. The conference will be held in Zurich, Switzerland on 15-17th June, 2018. Submit applications before 30th September 2017. Y-SASM provides a platform for young scholars working on South Asia to present their work and to ensue fruitful discussions and debates.The theme for the conference in 2 - 2025-03-03

Call for papers for International Congress of Bengal Studies

Published 20 April 2017 Papers are invited for the 5th International Congress of Bengal Studies scheduled to be held during 25th – 28th January, 2018. The 5th Congress will be hosted by Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Last date for submission of abstract is 15th May, 2017. Papers, in English or Bengali, on all areas of Bengal Studies, including, but not limited to, Literature a - 2025-03-03

Master programme in Health and Society in South Asia at Heidelberg

Published 19 April 2017 The Master of Arts Health and Society in South Asia (MAHASSA) is a two-year degree, focusing on Medical Anthropology and South Asian Studies. It is integrated with the curriculum at Heidelberg University’s South Asia Institute. The application deadline for international students is June 15th, 2017. MAHASSA combines Medical Anthropology with South Asian Studies. Medical Anth - 2025-03-03

Call for Papers for Conference on Indian Diaspora Studies and Policies

Published 18 April 2017 The conference entitled: “Challenging Perspectives on the Indian Diaspora: A Global Conference on Diaspora Studies and Policies.” will be held at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands from 5 to 7 October 2017. Submit abstract before 30 May 2017. In this international conference the organizers would like to broaden the scope on the Indian - 2025-03-03

Call for PhD Applications in Political Science at Heidelberg University

Published 17 April 2017 The Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute at Heidelberg University, Germany invite applications for two doctoral positions for the duration of three years under the European Union Marie Curie Fellowship programme. This is part of the Global India project of European Training Network (ETN H2020). The Global India ETN will deliver a world-class multi-sectoral - 2025-03-03

Environmental Asia conference in Oslo

Published 26 April 2017 The 10th Annual Nordic NIAS Council Conference entitled: "Environmental Asia"will be held 20-22 November 2017 in Oslo, Norway. The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS) at Oslo University and the Nordic Institute for Asian Studies (NIAS). The conference will be combined with a PhD course 23-24 November. Deadline f - 2025-03-03

Full Professorship in the History of Asia

Published 17 April 2017 The Center of History at Sciences Po Paris invites applications for a position of full Professor in the history of Asia. This position aims at reinforcing the international development of the Center of history at Sciences Po. All areas of research in the history of Asia are concerned, with a preference for the political history of the 20th century, understood in the broades - 2025-03-03