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21 million dollar funding for Sol Voltaics

Published 15 August 2017 NanoLund spin out Sol Voltaics secured 21 million US dollar in a funding round over the summer. The new finance will be used to accelerate commercialization of its highly anticipated solar efficiency boosting technology, SolFilm™ which promises to increase conventional solar panel efficiencies by up to 50%“This latest round of finance gives us the critical capital required - 2025-03-12

Håkan Pettersson on IUPAP Semiconductor Commission

Published 26 June 2017 Håkan Pettersson has been elected Sweden's representative in the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Commission on Semiconductors.The Commission on Semiconductors (C8) was established 1957 to promote the exchange of information and views among the members of the international scientific community in the general field of Semiconductor Physics.Read more abo - 2025-03-12

Silver atom nanoclusters could become efficient biosensors

Published 7 July 2017 In a new study, Donatas Zigmantas and Erling Thyrhaug from NanoLund, together with researchers from the University of Copenhagen, have studied nanoclusters consisting of 20 silver atoms. For the first time, the researchers managed to measure the exact energy levels and identified that the ultrafast energy flow is linked to the structural changes that occur when light excites - 2025-03-12

Solar cells more efficient thanks to new material standing on edge

Published 13 September 2017 Researchers from NanoLund and from Fudan University in China have successfully designed a new structural organization using the promising solar cell material perovskite. The study shows that solar cells increase in efficiency thanks to the material’s ability to self-organise by standing on edge.The current research study deals with perovskite, a new and promising materi - 2025-03-12

Nanotubes that build themselves

Published 21 April 2017 Researchers involved in NanoLund have succeeded in producing nanotubes from a single building block using so-called molecular self-recognition. The tube can also change shape depending on the surrounding environment. The results can contribute to the future development of transport channels for drugs through the cell membrane.In the present study, researchers from Lund Univ - 2025-03-12

Modern alchemy creates luminescent iron molecules

Published 7 April 2017 A group of researchers active at NanoLund have made the first iron-based molecule capable of emitting light. This could contribute to the development of affordable and environmentally friendly materials for e.g. solar cells, light sources and displays.Through advanced molecular design, the Lund researchers have now successfully manipulated the electronic properties of iron-b - 2025-03-12

Cells grow more naturally in “spaghetti ”

Published 7 April 2017 The usual way of cultivating cells is to use a flat laboratory dish of glass. However, inside a human body, the cells do not grow on a flat surface, but rather in three dimensions. This has lead researchers at Lund University in Sweden to develop a porous “spaghetti” of tissue-friendly polymers with cavities in which the cells can develop in a more natural way.The Lund resea - 2025-03-12

Chemist receives prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Published 23 March 2017 Professor Kenneth Wärnmark at the Department of Chemistry and active in NanoLund has been awarded the 2017 Edlund Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, for his cutting-edge research on iron-based dyes in solar cells.Read more on the homepage of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (in Swedish). - 2025-03-12

Parallel Network-based Biocomputation

Published 15 March 2017 Today’s computers use vast amounts of electric power – so much so that the inability to cool the processors actually hampers the development of more powerful computers. In addition, they cannot do two things at the same time, which affects the processing speed needed.The EU is now funding a large project that aims to develop technology for an extremely powerful computer bas - 2025-03-12

Nanowire imaging by super resolution optical microscopy

Published 15 March 2017 Researchers of NanoLund, in collaboration with the group of Stefan Hell at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, have published an article in Nano Letters showing that nanowires can be imaged using super resolution optical microscopy. In the article, GaInP nanowires were imaged using ground state depletion at a five fold resolution enhancement com - 2025-03-12

Mobile phone microscope for diagnostics

Published 3 April 2017 The Swedish Research Council has decided to support a project lead by Jonas Tegenfeldt on diagnosing disease such as sleeping sickness and malaria in remote locations with the help of a nanotechnology based device coupled to a mobile phone camera.The method will enable quick and precise diagnosis with very minuscule amounts of sample and will first be tested in Ghana and Tan - 2025-03-12

Nanotechnology for the Future - Drop-in March 7th

Published 1 March 2017 As part of Lund University Science Week, NanoLund will host the event Nanotechnology for the Future. This day we will open up the lab and give guided tours, telling the story of the role that nanotechnology plays in current and future challenges. Come evening time, we welcome you to lectures and debates about nanotechnology in society. Welcome to k-space (Q179) at the Depart - 2025-03-12

Bias affects nanowire photodetector studies

Published 26 June 2017 In a February 2017 paper in Nanotechnology NanoLund researchers reports the results of simulations and experiments investigating the effect of the nanowire doping profile on photodetection characteristics in InP nanowire array photodetectors, emphasizing the role of bias dependence.The study was done by V Jain, M Heurlin, M Karimi, L Hussain, M Aghaeipour, A Nowzari, A Berg, - 2025-03-12

Research Environment Funding

Published 2 March 2017 February 23 the Swedish Research Council announced funding of Research Environments within natural and engineering sciences for the 2016 call. NanoLund researcher Jens Schouenborg was awarded 24MSEK over six years for his project with the Swedish title: "Utveckling av implanterbar och vävnadsvänlig optoelektronisk teknik för att monitorera och kommunicera med den medvetna hj - 2025-03-12

Funding for Hexagem

Published 7 February 2017 NanoLund spin out company Hexagem, founded in 2015, has raised 2 MSEK from Almi Invest, Rapidus reports.GaN, which is a high bandgap semiconductor, is the main contender for next-generation power electronics and mobile platforms, including 5G. Today, GaN technology is hampered by challenges in wafer fabrication and material quality.Read more about Hexagem (in English) and - 2025-03-12

Sol Voltaics wins "Rapidus Company of the Year 2016"

Published 2 February 2017 The NanoLund spin out company Sol Voltaics was named "Rapidus Company of the Year" at a ceremony in Malmö on January 24 2017. Organized by Swedish technology and business news publisher Rapidus, the award encompasses all business categories in the Öresund region of Sweden.The recipient of "Company of the Year" is recognized as having the greatest potential for future succ - 2025-03-12

Nanowire Week 2017

Published 3 January 2017 NANOWIRE WEEK will take place at the end of May 2017 in Lund, Sweden. Nanowire Week is the merger of two long-standing workshops, NANOWIRES and the Nanowire Growth Workshop, and is the foremost event worldwide for all areas of nanowire research. The aim of Nanowire Week is to promote lively discussion on all areas of nanowire research from growth to applications.For more i - 2025-03-12