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Sustainability Week 2021, 3-8 May

Published 29 April 2021 Sustainability Week is an annual event in Lund organised as a joint venture by Lund University and the City of Lund. Sustainability week serves as a platform for bringing together ideas, for cross-disciplinary collaborations, for raising public awareness and for inspiring sustainable change. This year's sustainability week consists of digital events, outdoor exhibitions, wo - 2025-01-29

Virtual Student Office

Published 1 September 2021 The Student Office at the Department has opened up again, but now virtually. The office is open via zoom in order to help with any study administrative issues or questions you might have. We can for instance help you with  Registration and re-registration on courses Reporting of study results Access to course pages on Canvas Issuing of study certificates and official tra - 2025-01-29

Torsten Hägerstrand Scholarship Announcement

Published 6 September 2021 Hereby, the Torsten Hägerstrand Fund announces two scholarships, to an amount of 12000 Swedish crowns each. One scholarship is directed to human geography, and one to physical geography. They are primarily directed at younger doctors or doctoral students in the latter part of their studies. The scholarships are meant to cover costs for fieldwork or travel to conferences. - 2025-01-29

Johan Pries in DN

Published 12 October 2021 Johan Pries at the Department talks about the densification of Malmö. We are happy to share this news article with you, in which Associate Senior Lecturer Johan Pries discuss the densification of Malmö. You can find the article at this link: - 2025-01-29

Mariko Takedomi Karlsson discuss Femwashing in DN

Published 12 October 2021 Mariko discuss the femwashing of clothing commercials in Dagens Nyheter. We are happy to share yet another news article from DN in which our Department is represented! PhD student Mariko Takedomi Karlsson discussed Femwashing and Greenwashing in the clothing industry, which is related to her research project. You can read the article HERE. To read similar research by Mari - 2025-01-29

Martina Angela Caretta author in UN Climate Report

Published 17 February 2022 A child on a bike, cycling through exhaust fumes on their way to school. Photograph: Aulia Erlangga How vulnerable is humanity in relation to climate change? And how is it impacting livelihoods today? These are some of the questions answered by the IPCC on February 28th. Martina Angela Caretta, senior lecturer at the department, is authoring one of the chapters in the fi - 2025-01-29

2022 PhD positions in Human Geography

Published 16 March 2022 The 2022 PhD positions in Human Geography have now been advertised! The doctoral candidate program amounts to 240 credits (equivalent to four years of full-time study). It formally ends with the doctoral candidate publicly defending his/her printed doctoral thesis. The holder of a doctoral position has a primary obligation to successfully fulfil the third cycle of education - 2025-01-29

Drop-in study guidance

Published 7 April 2022 Between April 4–19th the University's general study guidance service offers drop-in guidance over phone and zoom. Between April 4–19th the University's general study guidance service offers drop-in guidance over phone and zoom, every work day between 10.00 - 14.00, and between 14.00 - 18.00 on April 7th and 13th.  You can find more information about this on Lund University's - 2025-01-29

Newsletter from the Academic Support Center

Published 5 May 2022 Here's a note from the Academic Support Center: The writing sessions for the Spring 2022 semester have now started! You can find more information about the writing sessions, current dates and how to register on this link: Writing sessions. Do you have any short, specific questions about academic writing or study strategies? Or do you just want to know what help is available fr - 2025-01-29

Thesis defense by Rikard Warlenius on the 10th February

Published 20 January 2017 Rikard Warlenius will defend his thesis named "Asymmetries. Conceptualizing Environmental Inequalities as Ecological Debt and Ecologically Unequal Exchange" on the 10th of February at 1 pm in Världen, Geocentrum 1. Opponent will be Joan Martínez Alier of UAB, Barcelona. In this compilation thesis, consisting of six papers and an introductory chapter, the concepts of ecolo - 2025-01-29

Doctoral seminars, spring 2017

Published 27 February 2017 On Monday June 12, at 14:15-16, Chia-Sui Hsu will have her final seminar. On Wednesday June 28, 13-15, Joakim Wernberg (CIRCLE) will have his final seminar.  Chia-Sui Hsu, Monday June 12, 14:15-16, final seminarFarmland of Dreams: Gentrifying the Countryside with Alternative Food Networks in TaiwanDiscussant: Senior Lecturer Dr Nicholas Loubere, Centre for East and South - 2025-01-29

SYMPOSIUM: "Rich man, poor (wo)man". Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing Re-examined

Published 2 March 2017 350-ÅRSJUBILEUM. Welcome to this symposium on Wednesday March 8th, where we look at poverty development in Sweden during the last 100 years & trends in men & women's incomes in Africa. Life expectancy in the Western world, like in Sweden, has expanded linearly by about 25 years during the 20th century, a bit more for women than men. At the same time, living standards have im - 2025-01-29

Monthly notifications: March

Published 9 March 2017 Two new books, two grants and a price!  New booksErik Jönsson och Elina Andersson (red): Politisk Ekologi, with contributions from several of the institution's employee (Link to Studentlitteratur) Anders Burman: Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes (Link to Bokus)  GrantsAnders Lund Hansen – grant from STINT Seed Funding for Development of the International C - 2025-01-29

Master’s Programme in Human Geography is open for submitting late applications!

Published 24 April 2017 If you have not yet applied, you can now submit a late application to the Master’s Programme in Human Geography at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University. The Master’s Programme in Human Geography prepares you for a wide range of professions. Human Geography is about the ways in which spaces, places and environments are both the condition for and the consequence - 2025-01-29

The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands Stiftelse 2017

Published 2 May 2017 The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands Stiftelse for 2017 has been awarded to...  For Physical Geography Abdulhakim AbdiPhysical Geography and Ecosystem Science, University of Lund. Abdi is applying for grants to present the results of his PhD-thesis (2017) at The Japan Geoscience Union/American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting on May 20th, 2017 in Chiba, Japan.  The stipend wil - 2025-01-29

Nailing ceremony for PhD thesis

Published 12 May 2017 A warm welcome to PhD thesis nailing ceremonies on Monday May 15 (Hayford Ayerakwa) and on Tuesday May 16 (Noura Alkhalili)! You are hereby invited to the PhD thesis nailing ceremony for  Hayford AyerakwaMonday 15th May  at 15:15 (3:15 pm) Venue: the third floor, Geocentrum 1 Noura AlkhaliliTuesday 16th Mayat 15:00 (3 pm)Venue: the third floor, Geocentrum 1   There will be so - 2025-01-29


Published 17 May 2017 On Wednesday 17 May 2017, Lund University will fly the rainbow-flags again to draw attention to the violence and discrimination that LGBTQI people are exposed to in all countries. The programme for IDAHOT at Lund University is open to anyone who wants to learn more about LGBTIQ. All activities are free of charge.PROGRAM8.00 Flag hoisting ceremonyWe meet in front of the main u - 2025-01-29

Ståle Holgersen "Staden och kapitalet - Malmö i krisernas tid"

Published 18 May 2017 On Thursday May 18, Ståle Holgersen will be at Lund University for a panel discussion about his new book "Staden och kapitalet - Malmö i krisernas tid". With Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren (Political Science), Johan Pries (Department of History) and Andreas Malm (Department of Human Geography).Date: Thursday May 18Venue: "Världen", Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10.Time: 13:00-15:00 (1pm-3 - 2025-01-29