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First BECC ECR workshop

Published 6 February 2019 The 6th and 7th of December 2018, the first multidisciplinary workshop gathering early career researcher from BECC was held in Halmstad, organized by Romain Carrié, Nils Droste and Marion Dupoux, all young researchers within BECC. The objective of this workshop was to:- Create new collaborations among early-career researchers (ECR) from Gothenburg and Lund, spanning the d - 2025-02-11

BECC researchers put attention to the school strike

Published 15 March 2019 Many BECC researchers has written a debate article that underlines that the demands from the youths are to be taken seriously and action is needed In a debate article at Dagens Nyheter more than 270 researchers, among them many involved in BECC, show respect and support for the demands the youths all over the world claim are needed in a manifestation today, March 15th.The f - 2025-02-11

Report from the Stakeholder workshop - Prevention and control of Alien Invasive Plants

Published 27 March 2019 Several interesting talks and discussion was undertaken during this one day workshop in March 2019. Presentations held at the workshop as pdf. Mikael Svensson, Artdatabanken Linda Hellberg, Helsingborgs stad Richard Åkesson Höganäs kommun Niklas Carlström, Dupont: Tina D'Hertefeldt, Lunds Universitet BECCHur påverkar klonväxters ekologi kontrollmetodens effektivitet?Jan Per - 2025-02-11

Stakeholder Interaction in Research Processes

Published 6 May 2019 The guide: Stakeholder Interaction in Research Processes has been updated, please take part of the new updated version guide_stakeholder_interaction_in_research_processes_revised_2019-06-05.pdf Please do take part of the process by Daniel Slunge, Olof Drakenberg, Anders Ekbom, Maria Göthberg, Åsa Knaggård and Ullrika Sahlin that led to the guide here - 2025-02-11

Spring meeting 2019 – BECC MERGE jointly on the Sustainable Development Goals

Published 21 May 2019 During 7-8 of May, 80 researchers within BECC and MERGE met to learn about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and how their research can be linked, and contribute, to the implementation of the goals. We are just as far from reaching the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as Burkina Faso. We just have different challenges.This is one of many terse quotes delivered by Ka - 2025-02-11

Report on the symposium on Phenological shifts and their impact on Society by BECC and the Swedish National Phenology network.

Published 21 May 2019 BECC and the Swedish National Phenology network organised a symposium on how deliverables from phenology research and data monitoring can be used in planning and decision-making of stakeholders as well as for the general society for discovery and adaption to a changed climate. The symposium was held in connection to the Oikos conference in Uppsala February 4th, 2019, just pri - 2025-02-11

Another type of forest management would provide greater values for society

Published 11 November 2019 A forest management method different to those practised today would contribute to greater welfare and wellbeing for society in general, compared with current methods that mainly benefit the forestry industry. This has been shown in a new study by two researchers from Lund University in Sweden. There is an intensive debate at the moment about the best way to use the fores - 2025-02-11

BECC annual meeting 2019 - Interdisciplinarity in research on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate

Published 20 November 2019 The BECC annual meeting was held October 22nd-23rd in Halmstad. At the meeting keynote speakers with expertise in interdisciplinary and and transdisciplinary research presented their research, followed by participant presentations of interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary research. The two days were filled with presentation and discussions to give inspiration and disseminat - 2025-02-11

Report from the symposium Grön infrastruktur och biologisk mångfald

Published 10 December 2019 Den 25 november anordnades en heldag på temat Grön infrastruktur (GI) för biologisk mångfald. Det var ett välfyllt symposium med personer från myndigheter, kommuner, privata företag, organisationer, ideella föreningar och forskare. Syftet med dagen var att utbyta information och erfarenhet mellan forskning och olika samhällsaktörer inom arbetet med implementering av GI. - 2025-02-11

6 BECC postdoc positions at Lund University

Published 9 January 2020 Please spread the word! Ecological-Economic Framework to Investigate and Promote the Effectiveness of Biodiversity OffsetsTowards better assessments of nutrient constraints on soil carbon sequestration: including soil microbial and mineral mechanisms into terrestrial biosphere modelsExploring synergies between wild pollinators and climate-smart protein production – a mixed - 2025-02-11

Report from the symposium ”Working together for an environmentally ambitious, evidence-based agricultural policy”

Published 14 January 2020 On the 5th of December 2019, BECC organized a full day of science-to-policy discussions in cooperation with the thematic collaboration initiative LU Land, on the topic of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which is currently undergoing a reform. The CAP is a strong shaping force of European land use practices, and therefore also strongly influences biodiversity and - 2025-02-11

Call for proposals for research funding in BECC

Published 15 January 2020 BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate) welcomes proposals for research funding within the vision and aims of BECC for the years 2020-21. BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate) welcomes proposals for research funding within the vision and aims of BECC for the years 2020-21. This is a joint call between Lund university (LU - 2025-02-11

Forest governance to meet global challenges

Published 20 March 2020 Different aspects of forest governance were presented as well as landscape approaches to achieve multiple goals were discussed and exemplified. Different aspects of forest governance were presented in the morning by three invited speakers, Erik Sollander from the Swedish Forest Agency, Carina Keskitalo from Umeå University and Marie Appelstrand from Lund University. In the - 2025-02-11

Focus on peatland

Published 27 April 2020 During a one-day symposium in Gothenburg peatland was the theme, now you may follow the work organized and carried out by BECC researchers in several Swedish media. Peatland is a major questionmark in the combat of climate change. Skogaryd is an infrastructure of BECC and at the research station researcher within the BECC community have research going on that has been highl - 2025-02-11

Thank you for participating in BECC-MERGE spring meeting online Science Says! conference

Published 6 May 2020 We appreciate your participation in the online conference, which was a very successful joining of about 100 participants. April 23 and 24 were two very rewarding days, filled with interesting sessions, poster presentations, office yoga, group discussions, as well as fruitful conversations and sharing of expertise. The event allowed for interesting discussions among researchers - 2025-02-11

Tropical montane forests in a warming world

Published 25 May 2020 “Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills, depends on its forests and trees that protect soil fertility, preserve biodiversity, help to cope with climate change and provide fuel for cooking. But the forests used to be much vaster.” Eric Mirindi Dusenge, BECC researcher at University of Gothenburg, is part of a project to find out how native tree species can contribute to tackling - 2025-02-11

Summary of ClimBEco summer meeting

Published 14 September 2020 ClimBEco summermeeting in Lund. Photo: Ylva van Meeningen ClimBEco’s annual summer meeting was held this August over two consecutive days, with both online and in-person meetings in Lund, Malmö and Gothenburg. The summer meeting is one of the highlights of our graduate school, where current PhD students can meet, network and learn more about an interdisciplinary topic. - 2025-02-11

Summary of ClimBEco winter meeting 2021

Published 29 January 2021 The different disciplines represented at the ClimBEco winter meeting 2021. The theme of the ClimBEco annual meeting was “Multidisciplinary learning environments – seizing their opportunities and avoiding their pitfalls”. After an icebreaker that included seeing some sweet ‘corona-pets’ in the screens, we brought ourselves onto the level of metaphysics and the multiple way - 2025-02-11

Smog, ozone and particles in Beijing - with BECC focus

Published 11 June 2014 Photochemical smog, including tropospheric ozone and fine particles, is an important environmental concern over large parts of the world with strong connections to climate change climate policies. Especially in densely populated regions of the world with fast growing economies, such as China and India, there is a great risk for rising levels of air pollutants such as ozone w - 2025-02-11

Soldiers, snakes and marathon runners in the hidden world of fungi

By jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 3 February 2021 Researchers have discovered individual traits in fungi in their hunt for food. Maze-like structure made of silicone. (Photo: Kristin Aleklett Kadish). BECC researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered the individual traits of fungi, and how their hyphae – that is, the fungal threads that grow in so - 2025-02-11