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We are celebrating 25 years!

By julia [dot] luttrup [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (Julia Luttrup) - published 18 February 2025 This year is the 25th anniversary of the founding of Campus Helsingborg, and we will be celebrating this with a whole year of activities and events. The big finale will be on 10 October, when we will be holding a special anniversary day full of festivities. 25 years of education, research and innovation20 - 2025-03-15

Waste as a Critique

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 17 February 2025 A new anthology explores how waste – in all its forms – can be an unexpected but powerful starting point for understanding and questioning contemporary society. Professor Hervé Corvellec is the editor and has also contributed with chapters in the book. The anthology, Waste as a Critique, uses waste to - 2025-03-15

Welcome home to Ellen

Published 6 July 2023 It is always exciting to move into a new student apartment. You might think that all student apartments look pretty much the same, both in terms of layout and interior design, but that is far from the truth. At Furutorpsgatan student accommodation, Ellen Tössberg lives in a one-bedroom apartment of twenty square meters. The apartment may be small, but it has a lot of personal - 2025-03-15

New to Helsingborg, what not to miss?

Published 6 July 2023 Lucas, an active board member of Ingenjörssektionen, has generous tips for both new students and those already in Helsingborg. We asked him a few questions to get his insider knowledge on how to navigate student life and take advantage of all that Helsingborg has to offer. You come as a new student to the city, how do you get to know people? The best way to get to know new pe - 2025-03-15

"There is a lot going on in Helsingborg all the time"

Published 6 July 2023 Eléonor studies strategic communication and lived in Helsingborg for the first two years of her studies. Read on to find out what she thinks the best things to do in Helsingborg during the summer! Are there any activities or events that you would recommend to others? The summer in Helsingborg is full of concerts so even though the semester has ended there is plenty of life in - 2025-03-15

Skatteforskaren Åsa Hansson till Ratio

Publicerad 22 januari 2024 Åsa Hansson Hur påverkar skatter företag och individer? Och hur kan skattesystem utformas för att inte hämma konkurrenskraft i en internationell och digital värld? Det är några av Åsa Hanssons främsta forskningsintressen. Nu knyts hon till forskningsinstitutet Ratio för att där förlägga en del av sin forskningstid. Åsa Hansson, docent i nationalekonomi och välkänd skatte - 2025-03-15

Kommunala kapaciteter och strategier för en hållbar kommunal framtid – ett nationellt kommunforskningsprogram

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 14 december 2023 Nu startar ett nytt nationellt kommunforskningsprogram i ett samarbete mellan KEFU, CERUM (Umeå universitet), CKS (Linköpings universitet), och KFI (Förvaltningshögskolan i Göteborg med en övergripande ambition att bygga ett långsiktigt starkt nationellt forskningsnätverk. Initiativet stöttas också finansiellt av Kommuninve - 2025-03-15

Ekonomistudenter från Lund till finalen i världens mest prestigefulla business case-tävling

Av linnea [dot] morth [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Linnea Mörth) - publicerad 23 januari 2024 Studenterna från Ekonomihögskolan tillsammans med coachen och läraren Mats Urde. Foto: Privat Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet kom hem med flera medaljer från 2024 års upplaga av världens största casetävling i Kanada. Laget säkrade tredje plats i finalen, läraren Mats Urde fick priset som årets coach - 2025-03-15

Primula – systemet som vi älskar att hata (eller i alla fall klaga på)

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 19 februari 2021 Systemen ska underlätta vårt arbete, men ibland kan man som medarbetare uppleva att det snarare är tvärtom. I artikeln ges flera perspektiv på ett välanvänt system vid Lunds universitet och flera andra lärosäten och organisationer: Primula. Foto: Istock Säg ”Primula” och en del tänker på en blomma. An - 2025-03-15

Ekonomihögskolan rankas bland de bästa handelshögskolorna i Europa

Publicerad 7 december 2020 För första gången kvalar Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet in på ”Financial Times European Business Schools 2020 ranking”. I stark konkurrens rankas nu skolan som nummer 75 i Europa. Måndagen den 7 december riktade tidningen Financial Times (FT) återigen strålkastarna mot de europeiska handelshögskolorna. Ekonomihögskolan i Lund har två magisterprogram som nyligen r - 2025-03-15

”Sverige var det minst demokratiska landet i Västeuropa i början av 1900-talet”

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 3 juni 2019 Bilden till höger: demonstration i Lund 1950 på valborgsmässoafton eller 1 maj. Firma Hagblom-Foto, från Lunds universitets bildarkiv. Bilden till vänster: Erik Bengtsson. I en vetenskaplig artikel slår ekonomihistorikern Erik Bengtsson hål på myten om Sverige som ödesbestämt att bli (social)demokratiskt. - 2025-03-15

Mona Hemmaty has defended her thesis

Published 26 April 2019 Mona Hemmaty at the Department of Sociology has defended her doctoral thesis in sociology ”On the Margins. Migrants, Status Mobility and Recent Turns in Swedish Migration Politics” today, 26 April at 10:15 in the Kulturen Auditorium in Lund. Discussant: Associate Professor Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Barcelona Centre for International AffairsAbstractMany people believe that c - 2025-03-15

Immigrants' humorous play with ethnic stereotypes can have a bonding effect

Published 29 April 2019 Henriette Frees Esholdt has written the article "Virgins, Terrorists, and Ten Children: Immigrants' Humorous Play with Ethnic Stereotypes in Bonding with Danes in the Workplace" published in the journal Symbolic Interaction. The article explores immigrants' self‐directed ethnic humor in collegial relationships drawing on fieldwork in a multi‐ethnic workplace, an industrial - 2025-03-15

Matthias Abelin has defended his thesis

Published 10 May 2019 Matthias Abelin at the Department of Sociology has defended his doctoral thesis in social anthropology ”A Swedish Dilemma: Culture and Rule of Law in Swedish Sickness Insurance” today, Friday 10th May at 10:00 in the Eden Auditorium in Lund. Swedish society has been described as both modern, liberal democratic and deeply humanitarian; and as more or less premodern, semi-autho - 2025-03-15

New student association starts out by addressing surveillance capitalism

By theo [dot] hagman-rogowski [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Theo Hagman Rogowski) - published 16 May 2019 Doxa, a new student association at the Department of Sociology, hosted their first public event on 14th May. A panel discussion featuring researchers from Lund University and Denmark covered the implications of surveillance capitalism, a phenomenon expected to grow extensively in just a few y - 2025-03-15

The Department of Sociology gets new address

Published 2 July 2019 The building is the same, but the address has changed. From 1 July the Department of Sociology's address is Sandgatan 11. To make it easier for emergency services to find the right building in the Paradis area in Lund, several university buildings are changing addresses. On 1 July, the Department of Sociology's address was changed from Paradisgatan 5 to Sandgatan 11, with ent - 2025-03-15

How bars and nightclubs make you drink more

Published 16 August 2019 Sébastien Tutenges has studied overt and covert techniques used in bars and nightclubs to sell more alcohol, and noticed that they are most prevalent in low-priced venues with young patrons. Other than obvious methods to increase drinking – alcohol advertisements, special offers like Happy Hour, and large pitchers or shot glasses which speeds up consumption – bartenders ca - 2025-03-15

Comprehensive work on collective bargaining in the EU

Published 19 August 2019 Professor Anders Kjellberg has contributed to “Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame”, a four-volume collection covering collective bargaining in EU member states since the year 2000. The literature explores how collective bargaining has been weakend or significantly changed in all 28 EU states. The main policy issue addressed by the authors is how the trend - 2025-03-15

The British strategy of dividing Cyprus ultimately enabled its independence

Published 10 September 2019 The events leading up to Cyprus gaining independence from Great Britain in 1960 were not the result of instrumental rational calculations, argues sociologist Chares Demetriou in a recently published paper. Instead, a complicated series of interactions between several actors clouded the colonizer's judgement, ultimately leading to the inadvertent independence of Cyprus. - 2025-03-15

Anna Berglund successfully defends her doctoral thesis

Published 4 October 2019 Anna Berglund at the Department of Sociology defended her doctoral thesis in social anthropology ”Ambiguous hopes: an ethnographic study of agricultural modernisation in a Rwandan village” on Friday 4th October. For her PhD project, Anna Berglund spent 13 months in a Rwandan village studying the consequences of agricultural modernization policies. The Rwandan government ha - 2025-03-15