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Symposium: Framing Turkish Memory

Published 29 May 2023 Photo: Meg Jerrard/Unsplash Welcome to a symposium at CMES on Turkish nationalism on 1 June! Please register to attend in-person or online. Warmly welcome to a mini-symposium arranged within the MECW project Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities: Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms, with three timely talks on Turkish nationalism and Republi - 2025-03-17

CMES Workshop on Israel’s Democratic Backsliding and Elusive Peace

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Eitrem Holmgren) - published 30 May 2023 Layout: Linda Eitrem Holmgren Photo: Yoav Aziz/Unsplash On 9-10 May, CMES organized a workshop titled “Israel at the Crossroads: Democratic Backsliding and Elusive Peace” with international scholars to discuss the ongoing mass protests and democratic upheaval in Israel. The workshop explored - 2025-03-17

Master Thesis Award for Middle Eastern Studies

Published 1 June 2023 The Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies has published a call for submission for its MA thesis award. Application deadline: 15 September 2023 The call is open for students who are based at a Nordic university (in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland or Denmark) and have submitted their MA thesis between 16 August 2022 and 15 August 2023. The thesis must be written in English - 2025-03-17

Launch of New Series: CMES Regional Outlook

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Eitrem Holmgren) - published 2 June 2023 CMES launches a new series, Regional Outlook, on topical issues and analyses related to the Middle East and North Africa region from CMES researchers. The series will offer fresh perspectives and analysis of current events related to countries in the MENA region. Researchers at CMES will use - 2025-03-17

CMES Regional Outlook: The Turkish Elections

By pinar [dot] dinc [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Pinar Dinc) - published 2 June 2023 Photo: Kubra Kısa/Pexels What were the results of the Turkish elections? On May 14, over 50 million people went to polls to cast their vote for the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey. There were four presidential candidates on the ballot papers, but due to the withdrawal of one candidate, the race - 2025-03-17

New MECW Project on Conflict, Environment and Sustainable Development in Syria

Published 7 June 2023 Photo: Ahmed Akacha/Pexels CMES is happy to announce the new MECW project for 2023-2026 which will focus on conflict, environment and sustainable development in Syria. Over a decade has passed since the onset of the Syrian conflict, which continues to have dire humanitarian consequences in the region. Syria, with a population of approximately 17 million, ranks among low-incom - 2025-03-17

Climate Change and Groundwater Resources in Iran

Published 12 June 2023 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored an article on climate change and groundwater resources in Iran. The article is published in the journal Agricultural Water Management. CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Soft computing assessment of current and future groundwater resources under CMIP6 scenarios in northwestern Iran" togethe - 2025-03-17

Liberal Democracy, Group Rights and Gender Discrimination

Published 13 June 2023 CMES Visiting Olof Palme Professor Raphael Cohen-Almagor has authored "Should Liberal Democracy Respect Group Rights that Discriminate against Women and Apostates?" published in the journal Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review. Abstract The paper examines the limits of state interference in proscribing cultural norms by considering gender discrimination, - 2025-03-17

Book Review: The Kurds, Erdoğan's Turkey and Sweden

Published 14 June 2023 CMES researcher Svante Lundgren has written a review of a book about Erdoğan's Turkey, the Kurds and Sweden. The reviewed book is called Endast den som är turk är lycklig: Erdoğan, kurderna och Sverige (English translation: Only the Turks Are Happy: Erdoğan, the Kurds and Sweden) and was written by Kurdo Baksi (Kaunitz-Olsson, 2023). Svante's review was published in Ny Tid o - 2025-03-17

Religion, Secularism and Supersessionism Post-9/11

Published 15 June 2023 CMES researcher Jayne Svenungsson has authored the article "Religion and secularity as supersessionist categories: contemplating diversity and otherness after 9/11" in the journal Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik. Abstract This article argues that the Christian ambivalence towards the Jews throughout history lies at the heart of the difficulties liberal soc - 2025-03-17

The Middle East and 20 Years of the War on Terror

Published 15 June 2023 Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift recently published a special issue on the Middle East after twenty years of the war on terror with contributions from CMES researchers Lina Eklund, Isabell Schierenbeck, Karin Aggestam, Linda Eitrem Holmgren, and Lisa Strömbom. The special issue was edited by Anders Persson and includes the following articles written (in Swedish) by CMES researche - 2025-03-17

Climate, Drought and Conflict in Syria

Published 16 June 2023 CMES researcher Lina Eklund has written an article (in Swedish) on climate, drought and conflict in Syria 2000-2022, published in a special issue of Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift focusing on the Middle East. English Title "Climate and conflict in Syria: a spatial perspective of drought, agriculture and vulerability in Syria during the period 2000–2022" Swedish Title "Klimat oc - 2025-03-17

Art Exhibition: Narratives of Displacement

Published 14 June 2023 CMES researcher Yafa Shanneik will be participating in an event organised by Hand i Hand and Ibn Rushid on Friday 16 June in Malmö. Yafa will participate in a conversation about her use of art in her project on Syrian and Iraqi refugees followed by an art exhibition. In the art exhibition, representations of refugees in art are tackled using “body mapping” with the renowned - 2025-03-17

Women, Peace and Security in the Middle East and North Africa

Published 19 June 2023 CMES Director Karin Aggestam and researcher Linda Eitrem Holmgren have written an article (in Swedish) about women, peace and security in the Middle East and North Africa, published in a special issue of Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift focusing on the Middle East. English Title "Women, Peace and Security in the Middle East and North Africa" Swedish Title "Kvinnor, fred och säker - 2025-03-17

CMES Director Karin Aggestam Visits the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy in Abu Dhabi

Published 16 June 2023 CMES Director Karin Aggestam gave a public lecture on the water-development-security nexus in the Nile and Jordan River Basin. Karin also attended a conference on international negotiations as a member of the steering committee of the Processes of International Negotiation (PIN) Network on 22-24 May at Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate - 2025-03-17

Event Recording: Urban Imaginaries in Turkish-Nationalist Commemoration

Published 19 June 2023 CMES researcher Torsten Janson presented his research on Smyrna at a conference in Greece. On May 12, CMES researcher Torsten Janson participated in the conference Smyrna as Symbol: From the 19th Century to September 1922 at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on a panel about Smyrna. Torsten presented the paper "Overwriting Smyrna: Urban imaginaries in Turkis - 2025-03-17

Now Open: CMES Call for Research Initiation

Published 16 June 2023 CMES provides seed money for interdisciplinary research initiation and preparation of project applications for national and international research calls. Three grants will be offered during 2023-2024. Applications are open to employees at Lund University.  Application deadline: 31 August 2023  For more information and instructions please read the call: Call for CMES research - 2025-03-17

Peace Mediation and Digital Disruption

Published 20 June 2023 CMES Director Karin Aggestam has co-authored an article on peace mediation and digital disruption together with Elsa Hedling (Department of Political Science, LU), published in the Hague Journal of Diplomacy. Abstract This article focuses on the quest for digitalisation in peace mediation and to the extent to which digital disruption is reshaping its practices. While digital - 2025-03-17

Political Polarization in Israel

Published 20 June 2023 CMES affiliated researcher Isabell Schierenbeck has written an article on political polarization in Israel, published in Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift. English Title "Political polarization – Israel 20 years after the second intifada" Swedish Title "Politisk polarisering – Israel 20 år efter den andra intifadan" English Abstract Since the “War on Terror” the world has become i - 2025-03-17

The Abraham Accords and Peace in the Middle East

Published 21 June 2023 CMES researcher Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article "The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle East" together with Anders Persson (Linnaeus University) published (in Swedish) in Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift. English Title "The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle East" Swedish Title "Abrahamavtalens implikationer för fred i Mellanöstern" - 2025-03-17