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Elgström on trends in development policies of the Nordic countries

Published 27 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Ole Elgström has contributed to a report commissioned by the Norwegian Church Aid with a short article titled ”Still a progressive vanguard in development policy?”. The report, ”The End of Nordic Exceptionalism?”, includes overviews of trends in the development policies of the Nordic countries. Ole ElgströmRead The End of Nordic Exceptionalism? - 2025-03-10

Zelli provides pluralistic knowledge base on global environmental governance

Published 30 November 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Fariborz Zelli is one of two editors of the newly released book Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, the Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in the gove - 2025-03-10

Karin Aggestam participates in panel discussion on Syria, ISIS and international law

Published 2 December 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: The Faculty of Law, Jus Humanis and the International Committee are hosting a panel discussion in English about Syria, ISIS and International Law this Thursday at 4.15 pm in the Pufendorf room at the Faculty of Law. Professor Ann Orford, Melbourne University, professor Gregor Noll, Law Faculty, and the human right activist Hanin Shakrah are also on th - 2025-03-10

Oels's panel at COP21: No simple link between climate change and migration

Published 3 December 2015 150 people attended the side event on climate migration at the UN climate summit in Paris on December 1st, that visiting professor Angela Oels organised. Lund University was hosting the side event in collaboration with Lancaster and Hamburg University. Official side-event on climate migration at COP21. Photo: Dr. Janpeter Schilling. The panel had one clear message: There - 2025-03-10

Jönsson on global environment, human wellbeing and health with focus on global governance

Published 4 December 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Kristina Jönsson has written a chapter on health in Fariborz Zelli’s (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics. The chapter discusses the close relationship between global environment, human wellbeing and health with special focus on global governance issues.The book Global Environmental Governance and Politics contains e - 2025-03-10

Björkdahl speaks at Twenty Years of Peace

Published 4 December 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Annika Björkdahl will speak at the conference "Bosnia-Herzegovina: Twenty Years of Peace" at SIDA in Stockholm, 5 December, 2015. BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 20 YEARS OF PEACE5 December 20151 pm-6 pmSIDA, Valhallavägen 199 StockholmPoster with more information (PDF)REGISTRATION: Björkdahl's personal p - 2025-03-10

Behravesh on Stability and the Future of the Middle East

Published 7 December 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Maysam Behravesh is one of the panelists at the LUPEF panel discussion: Stability and the Future of the Middle East on Thursday 10 December. Panel title: Stability and the Future of the Middle EastDate: 10 DecemberVenue: Lund, Cafe Athen Behravesh's personal page here on the department's website. - 2025-03-10

Bergman Rosamond talks about Sweden’s feminist foreign policy in London

Published 8 December 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Annika Bergman Rosamond will participate in a debate on the Security Council Resolution SCR 1325 with focus on Sweden’s feminist foreign policy, organised by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, 10 December 2015. The debate is titled: Women, Peace and Security: Opportunities and Pitfalls of a Global Gender Norm.Programme for Women, P - 2025-03-10

Study on success factors in EU agricultural negotiations receives 120 000 SEK

Published 14 December 2015 Malena Rosén Sundström and Ole Elgström have received a grant of 120 000 SEK from Sieps – The Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies - to investigate “success factors in EU agricultural negotiations”, with a special focus on the Nordic EU-members’ influence in the latest CAP reform process. The resulting report, based mainly on interviews in Stockholm and Brussels - 2025-03-10

Elgström on External Perceptions of the EU

Published 17 December 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Ole Elgström has written a chapter, “External Perceptions of the EU: Obstacle or Asset in the Fight Against Global Imbalances?" in The EU’s Role in Fighting Global Imbalances. This volume is an updated version of a book published in Swedish in 2014.Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Moa Mårtensson, Lars Oxelheim och Thomas Persson (eds), The EU’s - 2025-03-10

Hildingsson on conflicts between low-carbon strategies and broader sustainability goals

Published 20 December 2015 One of the articles in Roger Hildingsson dissertation will be published in the journal "Energy Policy" in January and is already available online. AbstractClimate change is a central sustainability concern, but is often treated separately from other policy areas in environmental governance. In this article we study how low-carbon energy transitions might be governed in l - 2025-03-10

Seven political scientists from Lund in extensive Handbook of Swedish Politics

Published 22 December 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Oxford University Press has recently published a extensive Handbook of Swedish Politics. The book involves 48 scholars, mostly political scientists, seven of these from Lund: Rikard Bengtsson, Douglas Brommesson, Hanna Bäck, Ole Elgström, Johannes Lindvall, Annika Bergman Rosamond och Malena Rosén Sundström.The book covers a wide range of differ - 2025-03-10

Jönsson's Health Policy Evolution one of top downloaded articles

Published 28 December 2015 Kristina Jönsson's (et al.) article Health policy evolution in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: context, processes and agency is one of the top downloaded articles from 2015 in Health Policy and Planning. Health Policy and Planning publishes high quality health policy and systems research that aims to inform policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries.Learn - 2025-03-10

Behravesh new Research Fellow

Published 15 January 2016 Maysam Behravesh has got a new position as a "Research Fellow" at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), Lund University, and will start working there in January 2016 while continuing to complete his PhD at the Department. CMES was founded in 2007 in an effort to support and coordinate research on the Middle East and North Africa and has since become an institution - 2025-03-10

Björkdahl and Mannergren Selimovic have co-authored an article about peace building

Published 19 January 2016 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Annika Björkdahl and Johanna Mannergren Selimovic have co-authored the article "A tale of three bridges: agency and agonism in peace building", published in Third World. AbstractThis article explores agonistic processes of peace, which are situated within and constitutive of different spaces and places. Three contested cities, Sarajevo, Mostar an - 2025-03-10

Kinnvall on postcolonial has moved into Europe

Published 28 January 2016 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Catarina Kinnvall has published the article “The Postcolonial has Moved into Europe: Bordering, Security and Ethno-Cultural Belonging” AbstractThe legacy of European colonialisms and nationalisms has conditioned immigration and citizenship policies that inform the postcolonial move into Europe. This article questions the assumptions that undergir - 2025-03-10