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Your search for "*" yielded 536137 hits

Hanna Bäck on group belongingness and collective action

Published 2 June 2015 Hanna Bäck has co-authored the article "Group belongingness and collective action: Effects of need to belong and rejection sensitivity on willingness to participate in protest activities" which has been published in Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Links:Group belongingness and collective action: Effects of need to belong and rejection sensitivity on willingness to partici - 2025-03-20

Lisa Strömbom on the Silwan neighbourhood in East Jerusalem

Published 8 June 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Lisa Strömbom has co-authored an article with Johanna Mannergren Selimovic (Utrikespolitiska institutet) titled "Whose Place? Emplaced narratives and the politics of belonging in East Jerusalem’s contested neighbourhood of Silwan", published in the journal Space and Polity. Links:“Whose Place? Emplaced narratives and the politics of belonging in East - 2025-03-20

Annica Kronsell on the gendered identity of the EU’s Security and Defense Policy institutions

Published 10 June 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: Annica Kronsell has written the article "Sexed Bodies and Military Masculinities. Gender Path Dependence in EU's Common Security and Defense Policy" in the journal Men and Masculinities. Links:“Sexed Bodies and Military Masculinities. Gender Path Dependence in EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy in Men and Masculinities”Annica Kronsell - 2025-03-20

Nielsen and Bäckstrand present at the UN climate negotiations in Bonn

Published 12 June 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Tobias Dan Nielsen and Karin Bäckstrand presented yesterday at a side-event at the current UN climate negotiations in Bonn on 'Carbon footprints for effective climate policy on international trade’. The event was covered in the widely circulated ISSD newsletter.Links:Newsletter on ‘Carbon footprints for effective climate policy on international trade’Tob - 2025-03-20

Nielsen on developments at the UN Climate Conference

Published 16 June 2015 RESEARCHER OUTREACH: Tobias Dan Nielsen blogs on LU Sustainability Forum about last weeks UN climate negotiations. The blog post titled “Green light for REDD+” covered a ‘historical’ conclusion of the negotiations on the methodological guidance for UN based mechanism aimed at reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+). Links:“G - 2025-03-20

Magdalena Bexell on the discussions about new UN millennium development goals

Published 1 July 2015 Magdalena Bexell has contributed the chapter "The Post-2015 Consultations: Fig Leaf Policy or Test Bed for Innovation?" in the newly published book "Global Trends. Prospects for World Society" Abstract:The United Nations (UN)-led global consultations on new development goals, which will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), started in 2012. In comparison with the c - 2025-03-20

Concluding article to special issue on political psychology of emotions in European Union foreign policy in times of ontological (in)security and crisis

Published 22 August 2024 Professor Ian Manners has just published the concluding article on ‘Political psychology of emotions in European Union foreign policy in times of ontological (in)security and crisis’ in a special issue of the Journal of European Integration edited by Seda Gürkan and  Özlem Terzi on The role of emotions in EU foreign policy.Professor Manners’ concluding article argues that - 2025-03-20

New Approach Needed to Address Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Published 29 August 2024 Associate Professor Jakob Skovgaard och doctoral student Evan Drake at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. Despite 15 years of international commitments to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, global subsidies reached a record $1.5 trillion in 2022. In a recent article for npj Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform, Jakob Skovgaard, Evan Drake and their co-authors call f - 2025-03-20

Vilka arbetar för innovation i offentlig sektor och hur gör dom det?

Published 29 August 2024 I denna artikel studeras innovationsarbete i offentlig sektor och hur olika aktörer – kommuner, konsulter, akademiker, finansiärer och frivilligorganisationer - skapar och sprider gemensamma berättelser om en illa fungerande offentlig sektor i behov av att ”öppna upp” för nya typer av aktörer, tjänster och kunskap. Genom berättelserna kan vitt skilda aktörstyper (ex. riskk - 2025-03-20

Promoting public sector innovation: who does what, when and how?

Published 29 August 2024 This article examines public sector innovation and how different actors – municipalities, consultants, academics, financiers, and non-profit organizations – create and distribute stories about a poorly functioning public sector in need of "opening up" to new types of actors, services, and knowledge. Despite differences, the actors involved narrate their world similarly con - 2025-03-20

Inclusivity in Practice: Patchworks of Inclusion at Multiple Tracks in the Colombian Peace Process

Published 2 September 2024 Lisa Strömbom and Isabel Bramsen. Inclusion has become somewhat of a standard formula when trying to create political order in the transition from war to peace. But how does inclusion come into play in practice? In the article, Inclusivity in Practice: Patchworks of Inclusion at Multiple Tracks in the Colombian Peace Process, Bramsen and Strömbom investigate the inclusio - 2025-03-20

Anna Wieslander has successfully defended her thesis!

Published 9 September 2024 Anna Wieslander and external reviewer Professor Anders Wivel, University of Copenhagen, during the dissertation at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. Anna Wieslander has successfully defended her thesis entitled 'Transatlantic Transitions: Responses to the Russian Threat in the Baltic Sea Region, 2014–2020'. Congratulations! Dr. Anna Wieslander receive - 2025-03-20

Abdelmoez on digital feminist practice during and after the Arab Spring

Published 16 September 2024 This chapter explores feminist activism during and after the so-called Arab Spring, a transformative event that brought new challenges and a new political environment for feminist activists. At first, the overthrow of old regimes raised hopes for a more open and liberated society, but these hopes did not last long. Feminist organizations in countries such as Egypt and T - 2025-03-20

Barbara Magalhães Teixeira has successfully defended her thesis!

Published 20 September 2024 Barbara Magalhães Teixeira on her dissertation and external reviewer Professor Jan Selby, University of Leeds. Barbara Magalhães Teixeira has successfully defended her thesis entitled 'The Nature of Peace and the Continuum of Violence in Environmental Conflicts'. Congratulations! AbstractIn this dissertation, I aim to explore the links between nature, conflict, and peac - 2025-03-20

Bramsen on the role of emotions and emotional energy in conflict, repression and violence

Published 26 September 2024 Isabel Bramsen has published a new chapter on the role of emotions and emotional energy in conflict, repression and violence in The Oxford Handbook of Emotions in International Relations. AbstractEmotions play a significant role in shaping human interaction, not least in the context of conflict and violence. This chapter delves into the intricate interplay between emoti - 2025-03-20