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Ny webbsida för flytten till Ekologihuset

Publicerad 11 februari 2025 Nu finns en ny webbsida med samlad information om flytten av Biologihus B, C och D till Ekologihuset. På sidan hittar du viktig information om tidsplaner, arbetsflöden och kontaktpersoner, samt uppdateringar om projektets framsteg.Flytten är en del av institutionens förtätningsprojekt och syftar till att skapa en mer samlad och funktionell arbetsmiljö förutom att minska - 2025-03-17

Biologer med i prisat projekt för en hållbar arbetsplats

Av anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - publicerad 14 februari 2025 Tre projekt har beviljats medel inom hållbarhetsfondens utlysning för att testa lösningar på hållbarhetsutmaningar i organisationen, Sustainable Proposal Testbed. Fokus ligger på psykisk hälsa för studenter och minskade klimatutsläpp från akademiskt resande. Emma Kritzberg och Erik Selander represe - 2025-03-17

The labor legislation will change this autumn

By Joakim [dot] Nilsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Joakim Nilsson) - published 25 May 2022 We expect a change in labour legislation that comes into force on 1 October this year. What is happening in the autumn is that general fixed-term employment, which is all fixed-term employment including hourly, but not temporary employment, disappears as a form of employment and is replaced by special fixe - 2025-03-17

Renovation of the ventilation in the Ecology building

By Henrik [dot] Wendel [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Henrik Wendel) - published 25 May 2022 Finally! We are now (almost) at the execution phase of the ventilation project in the Ecology building! Years of planning and discovering that “nobody thought of this” have hopefully prepared us as much as possible for what is going to happen. So what will actually happen? The entire ventilation system at th - 2025-03-17

New employment rules come into force on the first of October

By Joakim [dot] Nilsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Joakim Nilsson) - published 15 September 2022 The basis of the legislation is that permanent employment becomes an even stronger norm and fixed-term employment is more quickly converted to permanent employment. The time is 1 year of fixed-term employment instead of the previous 2 years and is counted retroactively from the first of March this ye - 2025-03-17

FAQ and the strategic plan – two new web pages

By Inger [dot] Ekstrom [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Inger Ekström) - published 22 September 2022 We have now created two new pages – one Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and one web version of our strategic plan. The FAQ is mainly intended for younger researchers at the department who are responsible for their own grants. Other people may also have good use of the FAQ, so please do check it out. O - 2025-03-17

New assembly point in case of fire in Ecology Building

By Erling [dot] Jirle [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Erling Jirle) - published 22 September 2022 The new sign is correct with a green colour. Photo: Erling Jirle. The old site where we were supposed to gather in case of a fire alarm, at the so-called assembly point, at the parking lot in front of Naturvetarvägen 6A has been moved to the lawn between the Ecology Building and the Biology Building, nea - 2025-03-17

Avoid power outages – save energy!

Published 27 October 2022 In an effort to reduce electricity prices ahead of the coming winter, the government is asking all authorities to save as much energy as possible. We, therefore, need to review our energy use and see where we can save. If we all chip in and save, the risk of planned power cuts during the winter is reduced. Henrik Wendel and the Health, environment and safety committee – w - 2025-03-17

In case of planned power outages

By prefekt [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessica Abbott) - published 19 December 2022 Information has already been sent out about the strained electricity situation and the risk of disconnection of electricity. In order for you to know what to do in the event of a power cut, the department has drawn up a plan. The department has appointed key persons who are responsible for the safe shutting down o - 2025-03-17

Registration BLAM 2023 is open

By Inger [dot] Ekstrom [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Inger Ekström) - published 24 February 2023 Now is registration to BLAM 2023 open. This year the conference is between 13 and 14 April at Palaestra. BLAM stands for Biology in Lund Annual Meeting and is a two-day-long conference arranged by our PhD students. All posters and talks (except two invited plenary speakers) are done by the PhD students. - 2025-03-17

Grant application from Jörgen Lindström's foundation is open

By Inger [dot] Ekstrom [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Inger Ekström) - published 4 October 2023 If you are a PhD student at the department and work with some kind of genetically oriented project, don't miss the opportunity to apply for a grant from Jörgen Lindström's foundation. The last day to apply is 20 October. Application and more information about the grant. - 2025-03-17

Ventilation rebuilding in the Ecology building

By Henrik [dot] Wendel [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Henrik Wendel) - published 2 May 2023 Only one month is left until we shut down parts of the Ecology building for this summer’s ventilation project! With a few exceptions, buildings B and F will be closed during June, July and August. If you want to access those parts of the building for something temporary, like picking something up, that’s ok. - 2025-03-17

Recruitment during summer 2023

By Joakim [dot] Nilsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Joakim Nilsson) - published 2 May 2023 The summer is approaching and we want to draw your attention to the fact that it is high time to start planning for matters that need to be completed before the summer vacations. As employment matters are handled by both department and faculty, the dates become especially important when staffing is low. In - 2025-03-17

Proposals for new units at the department

Published 8 May 2023 A working group, consisting of Edith Hammer, Anders Nilsson and Eric Warrant, have created proposals for a new organisation of the units in the department. The group presented these proposals at a meeting on 5 May. Take a closer look at the proposals. If you missed the meeting it was recorded and is published on the same page. All current units will have meetings and discuss t - 2025-03-17

Handling of lithium-ion batteries in the department's premises

Published 17 November 2023 Due to updated safety regulations from the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet), the university's insurance company, we have new procedures for how we handle lithium-ion batteries in our premises from 1 December 2023 The following applies to all of the department's premises:You are allowed to charge and use lithium-ion batteries in mobile - 2025-03-17

New units next year

Published 27 November 2023 The department board decided to proceed with the proposal for new units. It is now clear that the department will get five new units next year. Today's six units will be merged into five and new unit managers will be appointed. We have created a page where we will post all the information about the new units on an ongoing basis. - 2025-03-17

New and not so new unit managers

Published 19 January 2024 Now the new unit managers have signed all agreements and delegations, and their appointment will come into effect on February 1st. The units still go by the designations A-E, which means that naming is first on the agenda. So start thinking about suggestions!Our new unit managers are:Unit A – Mats HanssonUnit B – Eric WarrantUnit C – Anders NilssonUnit D – Staffan BenschU - 2025-03-17