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Characterizing Short-Term Jobs in a Population-Based Study

Published 3 December 2019 Work histories generally cover all jobs held for ≥1 year. However, it may be time and cost prohibitive to conduct a detailed exposure assessment for each such job. While disregarding short-term jobs can reduce the assessment burden, this can be problematic if those jobs contribute important exposure information towards understanding disease aetiology. New publication in A - 2025-03-16

For a sound use of health care data in epidemiology: evaluation of a calibration model for count data with application to prediction of cancer incidence in areas without cancer registry

Published 3 December 2019 There is a growing interest in using health care (HC) data to produce epidemiological surveillance indicators such as incidence. Typically, in the field of cancer, incidence is provided by local cancer registries which, in many countries, do not cover the whole territory; using proxy measures from available nationwide HC databases would appear to be a suitable approach to - 2025-03-16

Compared with whom? Reference groups in socio-economic comparisons and self-reported health in 34 countries

Published 4 December 2019 The association between socio-economic position and health is believed to be mediated, in part, by psycho-social comparison of one’s situation with that of others. But with whom? Possibilities include family, friends, elites, or even those in other countries or in previous times. So far, there has been almost no research on whether the reference point matters. New publica - 2025-03-16

The ESC-EORP EURO-ENDO (European Infective Endocarditis) registry

Published 4 December 2019 The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) European Endocarditis (EURO-ENDO) registry aims to study the care and outcomes of patients diagnosed with infective endocarditis (IE) and compare findings with recommendations from the 2015 ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of IE and data from the 2001 Euro Heart Survey. - 2025-03-16

Weight and height separated provide better understanding than BMI on the risk of revision after total knee arthroplasty: report of 107,228 primary total knee arthroplasties from the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register 2009–2017

Published 5 December 2019 Obesity defined as increased BMI is commonly associated with higher revision rates following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We examined the effect of BMI on the rate of revision after TKA, for both infection and other reasons, and analyzed weight and height separately to provide better understanding of the risk profile. New publication in Journal Acta Orthopaedica - 2025-03-16

Genetic instrumental variable analysis: time to call mendelian randomization what it is. The example of alcohol and cardiovascular disease

Published 5 December 2019 In recent years, epidemiologists have increasingly sought to employ genetic data to identify ‘causal’ relationships between exposures of interest and various endpoints – an instrumental variable approach sometimes termed Mendelian randomization. However, this approach is subject to all of the limitations of instrumental variable analysis and to several limitations specifi - 2025-03-16

Midlife physical activity is associated with lower incidence of vascular dementia but not Alzheimer’s disease

Published 6 December 2019 Physical activity might reduce the risk of developing dementia. However, it is still unclear whether the protective effect differs depending on the subtype of dementia. We aimed to investigate if midlife physical activity affects the development of vascular dementia (VaD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) differently in two large study populations with different designs. New p - 2025-03-16

How Independent Are “Independent” Effects? Relative Risk Estimation When Correlated Exposures Are Measured Imprecisely

Published 6 December 2019 A relative risk estimate which relates an exposure to risk of disease will tend to be estimated too close to unity if that exposure is subject to random measurement error or intra-subject variability. New publication in International Journal of Epidemiology - 2025-03-16

Förändringar i Socialstyrelsens klassifikationer

Published 5 December 2019 Från den 1/1 2020 sker en del ändringar i Socialstyrelsens klassifikationer vilket är viktigt för dig att veta som använder klassifikationer vid bl.a. statistik-, analys- och registerarbete. 1)  (Via denna länk hittas ändringar fr.o.m. 2020 i Pdf-format till kla - 2025-03-16

The importance of clinical registries

Published 7 December 2019 Griffen and colleagues article on extrapolating information from national registries showcases the importance of clinical health registries in identifying relationships between factors that can lead to adverse health outcomes. As discussed by the authors, how this adds to the body of evidence is that it is identified that this population group (patients with alcohol consu - 2025-03-16

Establishing the Prevalence and Prevalence at Birth of Hemophilia in Males: A Meta-analytic Approach Using National Registries

Published 7 December 2019 Prevalence of hemophilia as a proportion of cases to the male population, prevalence of hemophilia at birth as a proportion of cases to live male births by year of birth, life expectancy disadvantage as a 1 − ratio of prevalence to prevalence at birth, and expected number of patients worldwide based on prevalence in high-income countries and prevalence at birth. New publi - 2025-03-16

PROs in the wild: Assessing the validity of patient reported outcomes in an electronic registry

Published 8 December 2019 Collecting Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) is an important way to get first-hand information by patients on the outcome of treatments and surgical procedure they have undergone, and hence about the quality of the care provided. However, the quality of PRO data cannot be given for granted and cannot be traced back to the dimensions of timeliness and completeness only. New - 2025-03-16

How to Validate Data Quality in a Trauma Registry? The Helsinki Trauma Registry Internal Audit

Published 8 December 2019 Trauma registry data are used for analyzing and improving patient care, comparison of different units, and for research and administrative purposes. Data should therefore be reliable. The aim of this study was to audit the quality of the Helsinki Trauma Registry internally. We describe how to conduct a validation of a regional or national trauma registry and how to report - 2025-03-16

Prescription of pain medication among older cancer patients with and without an intellectual disability: a national register study

Published 9 December 2019 The longevity for people with intellectual disability (ID) has significantly increased in developed countries during the past decades. Consequently, the incidence of cancer is expected to increase in this group. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prescription of pain medication in older cancer patients with intellectual disability (ID) compared to older p - 2025-03-16

15 years of the Scandinavian knee ligament registries: lessons, limitations and likely prospects

Published 9 December 2019 High-quality national health registries provide the opportunities to: improve patient outcomes by giving medical units and clinicians relevant feedback about their work; detect inferior treatments and identify prognostic factors associated with both good and bad outcomes. New publication in British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2025-03-16

Social assistance and mental health: evidence from longitudinal administrative data on pharmaceutical consumption

Published 10 December 2019 his paper adds to the small literature on the role of welfare benefits and mental health by studying the relationship between uptake of Social Assistance Benefit (SAB) and objective mental health measures. We use rich longitudinal administrative data on income, unemployment benefits and psychopharmaceutic prescriptions (antidepressants, anxiolytics, and hypnotics) for mo - 2025-03-16

How to Measure Retirement Age? A Comparison of Survey and Register Data

Published 10 December 2019 Due to an increasing heterogeneity in retirement transitions, the measurement of retirement age constitutes a major challenge for researchers and policymakers. In order to better understand the concept of retirement age, we compare a series of measures for retirement age assessed on the basis of survey and register data. New publication in Journal of Population Ageing - 2025-03-16

ENVRI-FAIR training webinar

Published 6 December 2019 How FAIRsharing can help FAIRify your standards, databases and data policies Time: Friday 13 December at 10-11 CETLecturer: Peter McQuilton, FAIRsharing, UKOrganizers: ENVRI-FAIR WP 6 through Maggie Hellström, Niccola Fiore, Jacco Konjin and Maria JohnssonWhere: Zoom meeting room (link in flyer)Registration: Not needed to attend the webinarDownload flyer here. - 2025-03-16

Assistant Professor in Lifestyle Epidemiology New job

Published 9 December 2019 The Research Unit of Exercise Epidemiology and the Centre of Childhood Health , Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics invite applications for a position as assistant professor in health sciences within Lifestyle Epidemiology to be filled as soon as possible and until 30 September 2021. Application deadline: January 5, 2020Read more here - 2025-03-16

Seminar: Project Metropolitan

Published 9 December 2019 "Project Metropolitan" is a unique longitudinal population study, including more than 15 000 children born in Stockholm in 1953, designed to answer the question: “Why do some get on better in life than others?” One of the main aims of the project was to study the long-term impact of conditions in childhood. However, in 1986, media started reporting about the study, making - 2025-03-16