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Five information meetings about Formas open call 2016

Published 9 February 2016 Photo: SLU FORMAS will give five information meetings during February and talk about their open call. For more information about a specific meeting and regional activities, see contact information under each meeting below. The call will be published on Formas webb page on March 3: February 11, 13.00 -15.00, SLU Alnarp Location: Crafoordsalen, Alnarp, see bu - 2025-03-17

Newsletter February

Published 10 February 2016 Photo: LU, Camilla Lekebjer The new BECC newsletter is out. Read about our researchers, events, funding opportunities and much more. Some examples from the content:BECC call for funding of research 2016Aiming for a good life – thoughts about Paris, good food and wineDaniel Metcalfe receives an ERC Consolidator GrantFlexible support is needed to stimulate active farming a - 2025-03-17

Broader view needed to predict wildlife climate change survival

Published 22 February 2016 Paul Caplat Too much focus has been on how long animals can move. Important issues such as what they eat, how fast they breed and how well they adapt to different habitats have been neglected. Paul Caplat, researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Climate and BECC, is one of the researchers behind the review published in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution. Pa - 2025-03-17

28 April: BECC seminar with Thomas Elmqvist on urban ecosystem services

Published 1 April 2016 A seminar on biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainable urban development with Thomas Elmqvist, Stockholm Resilience Centre as keynote speaker. Welcome to a BECC seminar on biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainable urban development. Invited key note speaker is Professor Thomas Elmqvist, Stockholm Resilience Centre. The seminar is free and open for persons worki - 2025-03-17

(Bio)Diversity from an interdisciplinary perspective

Published 5 March 2016 Photo: Anna Kaijser Annica Kronsell, BECC board memeber and PI, is together with Anna Kaijser, researcher Lund University, working on an article exploring the concepts of biodiversity and ecosystem services. On January 21-22, Anna Kaijser participated in a conference and workshop at the Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität in Freiburg, Germany, themed On the ‘Diversity of Life’ in Env - 2025-03-17

Concern for the environment brought her to Gothenburg

Published 12 March 2016 GU-Journalen has interviewed Jessica Coria, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at University of Gothenburg. Read about her scientific and personal journey from Chile to Sweden. Jessica Coria is one of the BECC PI's and Associate Professor within Environmental Economics at University of Gothenburg. She is also one of the research leaders at FRAM, Future Chemi - 2025-03-17

Launch of SDSN Northern Europe

Published 12 March 2016 The SDSN Northern Europe was officially launched in Gothenburg February 25-26 with the participation of the Swedish Prime Minister, top academics and the CEOs of several major Swedish companies. Thomas Sterner, BECC PI, within Environmental Economics from the University of Gothenburg was one of the speakers. Day one of the event gathered leading international researchers at - 2025-03-17

Major study on how climate change affects birds

Published 5 April 2016 For the first time, researchers have shown that bird populations in Europe and the Unites States respond similarly to climate change. BECC researcher Åke Lindström is one of the authors of the study. This is the first time ever that a comparative study of this magnitude has been executed. The study is based on data that have been collected over 30 years in the US and Europe. - 2025-03-17

Call for applications to ClimBEco graduate research school 2016-2018

Published 28 April 2016 Interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on climate, biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing world? The application is now open for participation in the two-year research school: ClimBEco. Opportunity for PhD students interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on climate, biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing world:It is now open to apply for par - 2025-03-17

Increased vegetation in the Arctic region may counteract global warming

Published 17 May 2016 New study indicates that changes to the arctic region, imposed by a changing and warming climate, may have inhibiting effect on global warming. Photo: K. Rousk Climate change creates more shrub vegetation in barren, arctic ecosystems. A study at Lund University in Sweden shows that organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, are triggered to break down particularly nutritious dead - 2025-03-17

Thomas Sterner no 9 of Sweden's most influential opinion leaders

Published 2 May 2016 Thomas Sterner, professor of environmental economics at School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg,and BECC PI, has been ranked as no 9 of the most 101 influential opinion leaders in Sweden for sustainable development. The ranking is made by the sustainability magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet. Motivation: The professor's engagement is most noticeable internatio - 2025-03-17

BECC Science Seminar: Dimensions of Land-Use Change, 31 May

Published 17 May 2016 Welcome to a seminar about the dimensions of land-use change on Tuesday 31 May, 13.00-15.30. When: Tuesday 31 May 13.00-15.30Where: Blå Hallen, Ecology Building, Lund University, Sölvegatan 37, 22362 LundFind the programme here as pdf Registration required by 26 MayCoffee and refreshments will be provided for participants who register by 26 May here (open webform).Programme13 - 2025-03-17

New atlas illustrates global soil biodiversity and threats to soil organisms

Published 26 May 2016 Katarina Hedlund. Photo: Inger Ekström Katarina Hedlund, BECC PI and Professor at the Department of Biology at Lund University, is one of the authors of the first Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas mapping the soil biodiversity of the entire planet. This unique Atlas provides a detailed analysis of soil organisms and the threats to soil biodiversity at global scale.  The Atlas wa - 2025-03-17

Collaborating with researchers in Rwanda

Published 27 May 2016 Rwanda With local researchers in the hill country of Rwanda, researchers Göran Wallin and Johan Uddling study how Africa’s largest remaining tropical montane rainforest is reacting to climate changes. Göran Wallin and Johan Uddling are BECC researchers from the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg. “It’s extremely exciting to carry on an - 2025-03-17

Demographic changes increase the risk of natural fires

Published 25 May 2016 Photo: André Bessa In many parts of the world, grass and forest fires pose a threat to animals and humans. According to a new study from Lund University in Sweden, while climate change is likely to cause more and larger fires, in the future, more and more people will become directly affected as a result of demographic changes. Wolfgang Knorr at Lund University, together with - 2025-03-17

Forest production on drained peat release greenhouse gases

Published 22 June 2016 Skogaryd research site spruce forest on drained peat soil and drainage ditch. Photo: Åsa Kasimir Forests have long been seen as a sink for greenhouse gases. Research conducted by scientists from University of Gothenburg has shown that over a forest rotation of 80 years, forest production on drained peat soil is a large source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. BECC/MERGE - 2025-03-17

Environmental economists return to Gothenburg

Published 23 June 2016 Photo: University of Gothenburg The Department of Economics at the School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg has been selected to host the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, WCERE, in June 2018. BECC researcher Thomas Sterner is head of the local organization committee for the conference. “We feel happy and proud to once agai - 2025-03-17

PhD student positions in Environmental Science

Published 27 June 2016 Open PhD student positions in Environmental Science, at Lund University. Doctoral student position in Environmental Science, at the Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem ScienceWork descriptionThe successful applicant for this position will setup and run the forest ecosystem model ForSAFE in different climate regions in Sweden. The effects on processes and indicators - 2025-03-17

Wanted! Suggestions for joint SRA projects and funding for infrastructure (LU internal)

Published 1 July 2016 Photo: Pixabay Lund University has an open internal call for 7 million SEK aiming at Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) as for example BECC. All 7 million comes from SRA-funding. Send in your suggestion before August 19! In shortA call for 5 millions for research infrastructure (Forskningsinfrastruktur) and 2 millions for joint SRA projects (Gemensamma projekt).Funding needs to - 2025-03-17

New research organisation in BECC - from clusters to Grand Challenge Themes

Published 1 July 2016 Photo: Pixabay Although not yet decided, we have good reasons to believe that the funding of the 43 Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) including BECC will continue. As a result, we are now preparing for the long-term future, including a new internal structure where Challenged Themes replace the former Clusters with the aim to increase the integration between disciplines. At the - 2025-03-17