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Your search for "*" yielded 531811 hits

Co-funding – an increasingly difficult challenge

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 2 April 2024 Annika Olsson, dean of LTH, Magnus Genrup, head of the Department of Energy Sciences, and Karolina Isaksson, Head of Finance at LTH. Photo: Kennet Ruona, Johan Persson and private Lund University’s researchers are good at applying for and obtaining external research grants. But many fun - 2025-02-10

Curious about the Conversation?

By ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Alberstdottir) - published 9 April 2024 During the spring - April and May - a lot of exciting things are happening in research communication for researchers! There are several opportunities for you as a researcher to learn more about how to communicate your research. Pitch your idea to the Conversation – April session Researc - 2025-02-10

Competence is the best vaccine against crisis

By evelina [dot] linden [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 4 April 2024 Lund Nano Lab at LTH, Lund University, had a prominent visit from Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and his entourage. They got to talk about #semiconductors, #nanoscience, #nanotechnology, and the importance of keeping the competence growing, academia, and industry hand in hand. The Prime minister got an pre - 2025-02-10

New presentation material about the University available

By anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna V Johnsson) - published 5 April 2024 The University’s general presentation material is updated with new profile texts, PowerPoint presentations and new facts and figures, to use as a basis for speaking about the University, for example at a conference or during a study visit. The following material is updated with new facts and fi - 2025-02-10

Do you have research findings that could make a difference — Apply to LU Business Track!

By emma [dot] renman [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Renman) - published 8 April 2024 Do you lack the time or knowledge to explore the commercial potential on your own? You don’t have to do it alone. That’s where LU Business Track comes in.  LU Business Track is a tailored programme where we pair you with a dedicated project team and financial support to assess and develop the commercial v - 2025-02-10

New reports on threats to academic freedom and university governance

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 10 April 2024 The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) has produced three reports that highlight key issues it regards as threats to the activities of higher education institutions. A fourth report on governance in higher education will be published after the summer. The other reports con - 2025-02-10

Remember to report occurrences!

By fredrik [dot] bexell [at] byggnad [dot] lu [dot] se (Fredrik Bexell) - published 6 April 2024 As a staff member, it is important that you report adverse occurrences. This could be accidents or incidents connected to the physical environment or threats and victimisation that affect the psychosocial work environment. As a staff member, it is important that you report adverse occurrences. This cou - 2025-02-10

Afternoon Talk about new conditions for developing Lund Innovation District

Published 9 April 2024 We warmly invite innovation stakeholders and actors, business leaders, council and university representatives, and Future by Lund members to the seventh afternoon talk, this time about Lund Innovation District and the innovation politics that effects the way it is organised, governed, and financed. Lund Innovation District is a global innovation ecosystem that brings togethe - 2025-02-10

New ideas for a sustainable workplace gets funding

By jenny [dot] hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 8 April 2024 During the winter, the Sustainability Fund opened a call for proposals to test solutions to sustainability challenges in the organisation. Lund University is deeply committed to its sustainability strategy and sustainability plan, aiming for remarkable achievements in this area. We know that change requires - 2025-02-10

The students' incident reporting will now take place in the IA system

By Marie [dot] Gruvhammar [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se (Marie Gruvhammar) - published 1 April 2024 During the spring, the faculties will gradually start using the IA system with the goal that all students from September will be able to report in the IA system. The IA system is our digital reporting system regarding occupational injuries and incidents. Since mid-2023, all university employees have re - 2025-02-10

LU’s rating in the QS World University Rankings by subject 2024

Published 10 April 2024 The University building. Photo: Mikael Risedal The QS World University Rankings by subject announced on 10 April enable the University to see how we rate globally in our different subject areas. The QS subject ranking is based on information that QS collects in different ways and does not include information that LU reports. The parameters included in the subject ranking ar - 2025-02-10

LU Internal Contribution and/or Participation in AI Nordic Powwow in Lund 16 May 2024

By jonas [dot] wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se (Jonas Wisbrant) - published 6 April 2024 In May 2019 AI* Nordic Powwow filled Lundagård with 550 curious and knowledgeable AI-interested persons. In May 2023 we came back after the pandemic. Now, on 16th May 2024, AI* Nordic Powwow will celebrate the first of, hopefully, many annual occurrences! AF-borgen is booked and we expect interesting - 2025-02-10

Drop-in for new international staff 21 May: Learn more about what it means to be new in Sweden

By webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (webbansvarig[at]hr[dot]lu[dot]se) - published 22 April 2024 The Palaestra building in Lundagård. Welcome to a drop-in at Lund University for new international staff! This is an opportunity for you to meet different functions, both from the university and outside. At this drop-in, you can ask questions for example regarding migration, population registrati - 2025-02-10

Renoveringen av Universitetsbiblioteket är påbörjad

Publicerad 24 oktober 2023 Lunds vackraste hus enligt studenterna, Universitetsbiblioteket, ska renoveras både interiört och exteriört. Bland annat ska entréplan och våningen en trappa upp byggas om. Ombyggnaden av inomhusmiljön börjar i februari 2024 men redan nu påbörjas renoveringen av fönsterna. Nu i oktober har Akademiska Hus påbörjat fönsterrenoveringen av de 470 originalfönsterna. Arbetet i - 2025-02-10

Tjänsteresor med flyg har ökat kraftigt – halveringsmålet avlägset

Av nina [dot] nordh [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Nordh) - publicerad 25 oktober 2023 Efter några år med minskat flygresande på grund av coronapandemin är nu tjänsteresorna med flyg uppe på ungefär samma nivåer som innan pandemin. Målet om en halvering till slutet av 2023 är långt borta. Nya aktiviteter behövs för att minska klimatavtrycket från flygresor som är en av de största enskilda utslä - 2025-02-10

Missa inte LU Open Science Days den 20-21 november

Av karolina [dot] lindh [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Karolina Lindh) - publicerad 23 oktober 2023 Forskare från LU delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och reflektioner kring olika aspekter av öppen vetenskap. Keynote-speaker Anders Conrad från DeiC (Danish e-infrastructre Consortia) talar om FAIR-principerna och Björn Brembs om hur framtidens publiceringsinfrastruktur skulle kunna se ut. Den 20–21 no - 2025-02-10

22 professorer installerades vid professorsinstallationen

Av maria [dot] blad [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Blad) - publicerad 23 oktober 2023 Den 13 oktober hölls höstens professorsinstallation där 22 av universitetets nya professorer installerades av rektor under en ceremoni i Universitetsaulan. Den 13 oktober installerades 22 nya professorer i universitetsaulan vid en högtidlig ceremoni i Universitetshusets aula med efterföljande mingel - 2025-02-10

Nya fakultetsledningar på plats

Av Anna [dot] Mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - publicerad 7 november 2023 Nu har flera fakulteter nya dekaner och styrelser. På några fakulteter är det samma dekaner som fortsätter men i de flesta fall är det nya personer på posterna. Se listan på de nya fakultetsledningar för nästa mandatperiod 2024-01-01 - 2026-12-31.EHL Joakim Gullstrand och Andreas Inghammar. Joa - 2025-02-10

Hållbarhetsvetenskap genom konst – hur funkar det?

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 1 november 2023 Den 24 november äger LU:s första kulturmöte rum. Tanken är att skapa en mötesplattform – ett ” Tinder” för kultursamverkan - för forskare, lärare och andra anställda som vill ta del av konkreta metoder över gränserna. Emma Johansson, forskare i hållbarhetsvetenskap, Lund University Center for Sustainab - 2025-02-10

Sök stimulansmedel för att utveckla din drömkurs

Av Sara [dot] Westman [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Westman) - publicerad 4 november 2023 En ny utlysningsomgång av stimulansmedel har öppnat för lärare att utveckla nya kurser och program tillsammans med partners inom EUGLOH med deadline första februari 2024. Ämnesinnehållet ska möta behovet hos framtidens samhälle, men är inte begränsat till något särskilt ämnesområde. Lärare vid Lunds univers - 2025-02-10