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Your search for "*" yielded 537797 hits

Hannerz on punks, monks and politics

Published 22 December 2016 How is authenticity enacted in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia? Which role do local and global (sub)cultures play in these enactments? Erik Hannerz has contributed a book chapter on “Emplacing Punk: Subcultural Boundary Work and Space in Indonesia” to the book edited by Julian Ch Lee and Marco Ferrarese. Description of book:Authenticity is much sought after; being descr - 2025-02-11

Hannerz with two articles on the subcultural and on using Instagram for researching graffiti

Published 4 January 2017 What constitutes the subcultural? In Erik Hannerz’s recent contribution to the Journal Educare (no. 2, 2016), he refines subcultural theory by drawing on examples from the Indonesian and Swedish punk scene. Abstract:Arguing against the previous research’s presump on that the subcultural constitutes a single set of meaning, this article addresses the simple question of what - 2025-02-11

Sampson on angry white males

Published 10 January 2017 Why did Trump win? Or more precisely, how did Hillary lose? Why were so many experts so wrong about Trump’s support? How will Trump’s victory affect the lives of ordinary Americans? Steven Sampson discusses this in his recent piece “Angry white males as suffering subjects” published in Focaal blog.Learn more on focaalblog.comSteven Sampson’s personal page - 2025-02-11

Priscilla Solano has defended her thesis

Published 3 February 2017 Priscilla Solano defended her dissertation ”Assisting in the Shadows. Humanitarianism, Shelters and Transit Migration Politics” today at 10:15 in Kulturens Hörsal, Lund. External reviewer: Professor Julia O'Connell Davidson, University of BristolAssisting in the Shadows: Humanitarianism, Shelters and Transit Migration PoliticsPriscilla Solano's personal page - 2025-02-11

Lisa Eklund on the bio-politics of population control

Published 17 February 2017 How is population control embedded in bio-political rationales that affect women’s social, physical, and psychological wellbeing? Lisa Eklund, together with Navtej Purewal, investigates these complex dynamics in the article “The Bio-Politics of Population Control and Sex Selective Abortion in China and India”, Feminism and Psychology. Read the article at journals.sagepub - 2025-02-11

Lisa Eklund on the disciplining of prenatal sex-selection in neoliberal Europe

Published 24 April 2017 Lisa Eklund, together with Navtej Purewal, investigates the contours of how sex-selective abortion and ‘gendercide’ have been problematically combined within contemporary debates on abortion in Europe. Their article "Gendercide’, abortion policy, and the disciplining of prenatal sex-selection in neoliberal Europe" was recently published in the journal "Global Public Health" - 2025-02-11

David Wästerfors on gaming and disability

Published 24 April 2017 How can we look at gaming among young people with disabilities beyond a perspective that is mainly interested in these people’s exercise and improvement? In their recently published article, David Wästerfors and Kristofer Hansson look at how videos and computer games are used by these people within a private frame: “Taking ownership of gaming and disability”, Journal of You - 2025-02-11

Shai Mulinari on intersectionality and public health

Published 28 April 2017 Shai Mulinari has written, together with the researchers Maria Wemrell, Björn Rönnerstrand, S. V. Subramanian and Juan Merlo, an article on the use of categorical and anti-categorical approaches in studies of population health and US racial/ethnic groupings. The article is called "Categorical and anti-categorical approaches to US racial/ethnic groupings: revisiting the Nati - 2025-02-11

Benefits of study grants in Latin America held back by insufficient political support

Published 9 June 2017 Johan Sandberg has, together with Moira Nelson, published a chapter on 'Social Investment in Latin America', in the edited volume The Uses of Social Investment. The chapter aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the social investment approach in Latin America by analysing their conditional student grants, so called conditional cash transfers (CCTs). Despite empirical - 2025-02-11

Forest owners’ way of looking at the forest

Published 21 June 2017 Ann-Mari Sellerberg has published an article together with Tobias Linné on “The forest as a taskscape: seeing through the good forest owner’s eyes”, in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. Abstract: This article is a reanalysis of interviews conducted in 2006 and 2009 with forest owners and their families. It gives a complementary interpretation of the forest owners’ - 2025-02-11

Relationship between management and employees in new textbook about working life

Published 16 June 2017 Anders Kjellberg has written a chapter on unions, employers and industrial relations ("Fack, arbetsgivare och industrial relations") in the recently published new edition of the textbook Arbetslivet (Working life), where he writes about how many young people have left unions and about class-based unions in the Nordic countries. Editors: Mattias Bengtsson & Tomas Berglund. Le - 2025-02-11

Pedagogy daring to look beyond a set idea

Published 28 June 2017 Mattias Nilsson Sjöberg has just published "To (dare) meet the unexpected - The story of the unruly chair", an essay in Swedish ”Att (våga) möta det oväntade – Historien om den bångstyriga stolen”, in the Norwegian journal on educational studies Norsk pedagogisk tidskrift. The essay seeks to problematise an instrumental pedagogy that has followed todays increasing number of - 2025-02-11

Dark gazes and meeting distress in youth homes

Published 9 August 2017 David Wästerfors and Malin Åkerström have each written a chapter concerning youth welfare in the book "Den motspänstiga akademikern" (The Opposing Academic), a volume in honor of Professor Ingrid Sahlin at the School of Social Sciences in Lund. The chapters are Eyes for Violence (David Wästerfors) and Mötesstrider och dokumentkamp i ungdomsvården (Meeting Struggles and Docu - 2025-02-11

Vietnam continues to haunt American collective memory

Published 29 August 2017 Together with Ron Eyerman and Todd Madigan, sociologist Magnus Ring has published the article “Cultural Trauma, Collective Memory and the Vietnam War” in the Croatian Political Science Review, Vol. 54. More information and a link for downloading the article can be found here at the Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia. Abstract:Part of a wider project on how the Vietna - 2025-02-11

Boys find school increasingly pointless

Published 31 August 2017 Social Anthropologist Nina Gren has published the article 'Unruly Boys and Obedient Girls: Gender and Education in UNRWA Schools in the West Bank’ in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Middle East Studies Nidaba. More information, and a link for downloading the article at Abstract:Almost 70 years after the Palestinian displacement, many Palestinian refugee - 2025-02-11