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Campus locations

Lund University is located in the Skåne region of southern Sweden in Scandinavia, Northern Europe. It has campuses in Lund, Helsingborg, Malmö and Ljungbyhed. Click on the image to enlarge. This page presents our campus locations and campuses. If you are looking for visitor and travel information for Lund University, the region of Skåne and/or the country of Sweden, please look here instead:Visit - 2025-02-27

A word from the programme director – Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Joakim Kembro, Associate ProfessorOur programme has a cross-functional focus, providing the students with an education in the broad spectra of logistics and supply chain management. Ranging from production planning and purchasing to warehouse, packaging and distribution, the programme provides understanding of how different functions interlink and how they are affected by decisions made in other p - 2025-02-27

Medical insurance

All incoming students at Lund University are covered by either Student IN or FAS+. Specific definitions apply, which you can read more about below. Please contact your department if something happens. Exchange students within a formal exchange agreementIncoming exchange students at Lund University are covered by Kammarkollegiets group insurance Student IN. This includes accident coverage, costs fo - 2025-02-27

Your student email account

All students at Lund University have a Google Apps email account, which you can access using your student ID. Your Google Apps account gives you:A student email accountGoogle Drive – with a calendar, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, a forms tool and a drawing toolGoogle Groups – online messaging service to interact with coursemates and friendsGoogle Site – through which you can create - 2025-02-27

Internet connections

There are several ways for students to connect to the internet and access the resources offered by Lund University. Wireless networkYou can access internet through the wireless network Eduroam. Log in to Eduroam with your student account username (adding '' at the end) and your student account password.For example, if your student account username is pe3584ha-s, your user ID for Eduroam will - 2025-02-27

FAQs about student email

If you are experiencing problems with your email account, please read the questions and answers below before contacting support. 1. What should I do if I have lost or forgotten my password? If you're studying a Bachelor's or Master's programme that you have applied for via universityadmissions.seVisit and log in through to change your passwordIf you're an exc - 2025-02-27

Before you arrive

On these pages we have collected information that is useful for you when you are preparing for your studies at Lund University. Don't miss the arrival and orientation pages with important information on your first weeks in Lund. Photo: Johan Persson. Read your Pre-Arrival GuideAll admitted students are sent a pre-arrival guide before the start of the semester. The guide provides detailed informati - 2025-02-27

Changing your email address

If you want to change your visible email address, please follow the instructions below. Every student at Lund University has at least two email addresses (linked to their single email account).They are:'givenname [dot] familyname [dot] 1234 [at] student [dot] lu [dot] se''userid [at] student [dot] lu [dot] se'.You can log in to to see the email address that contains your first name and - 2025-02-27

Interview with the programme directors

Lund University started an internationally oriented Master’s programme in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in autumn 2015. The programme is designed to help meet the rapidly growing need for people educated in this field. "The organisations that work with Disaster Risk Management around the world are requesting people with specific skills. People that they have a need for and - 2025-02-27

Wireless internet via Eduroam

Eduroam is an encrypted network and is a collaboration between a large number of universities around the world. Students from other universities that have Eduroam can log in when they are on the Lund University campus. Similarly, Lund University students can connect using an Eduroam network at other universities.About Eduroam – eduroam.orgConnecting to Eduroam on your computerBefore you can connec - 2025-02-27

Lund University Shop

At Lund University Shop you can find licensed products from Lund University. Our online and on-campus shops have our full collection, and several retailers sell some of our products. The Lund University Shop collection includes hoodies, t-shirts, bags, and more. Online shopShop online at the Lund University Shop websiteShops on campusThere is one main shop on campus in Lund and there are several r - 2025-02-27

Website accessibility

ReachDeckYou can choose to have the content of our webpages or PDF-files read aloud to you by ReachDeck, and save the read pages as MP3 files. ReachDeck also allows you to change the font size, text colour and other settings. ReachDeck is free software that works on smartphones, tablets and laptops. There is no need to download it to your own device first.Click on the link below to enable ReachDec - 2025-02-27

Study guidance

The study guidance services offer guidance and information when you are in the process of making educational or professional choices. We help you to clarify what your interests and abilities are prior to and during your studies. Lund University offers bothMaster's and subject-related guidance at the different faculties/departmentsgeneral study guidance.What type of study guidance do you need?Maste - 2025-02-27

External scholarships

In addition to the scholarships that Lund University offers, there may be external scholarship and funding opportunities for you as an international student applying to Lund University. The list below includes some examples of scholarship and funding organisations around the world that may be able to help finance your studies. Note that these organisations are not managed by Lund University. Pleas - 2025-02-27

The Academic Support Centre

Welcome to the Academic Support Centre (ASC)! We can give you tips and advice about how to improve your study skills and your academic writing or reading. The Academic Support Centre can support Bachelor's and Master's level students when it comes to study skills and writing academic texts. You can come to us for help in finding efficient ways of working on assignments, essays and take-home exams. - 2025-02-27

Grading system

Grading scales at Lund UniversityThere are five different grading scales at Lund University. The relevant faculty board decides which grading scale is used for each course. This means that a degree or transcript may include courses with different grading scales. Please note that no overall grade is given for the degree and that the faculties generally do not provide grade conversions.All grades at - 2025-02-27

Apply for your degree certificate

When you have completed your studies at Lund University and meet the degree requirements, you can apply for your degree certificate. Shortcuts to page content: Degree certificate and diploma supplementHow to apply for a degree certificateProcessing timeShare information about your degree (verification)How to access Ladok without a student accountIf you have questions  Degree certificate and diplom - 2025-02-27

Student rights and responsibilities

This information explains what students are entitled to – and in some cases what their responsibilities are. This might be anything from students’ work environment, student influence and equal opportunities, to the rules that apply in cases of cheating and plagiarism. Your rights and safetyAs a student at Lund University, you should feel that the work and study environment is safe and secure. The - 2025-02-27

Transcript of records from Ladok

View details of your studies in Ladok Ladok is a national student record system. In Ladok you can register for courses and view your grades and your study results. You can also generate an official transcript of records. If you are a current student at Lund University, you can view your academic details and results in Ladok and you can use the system to generate and print out a transcript of recor - 2025-02-27

Essays and degree projects

This page offers you help to get started or to make progress on your essay or degree project. You can also publish your essay online in LUP Student Papers. Assistance in essay writingCourses in academic writingLund University offers two open online courses in academic writing, also known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The course 'Writing in English at University' is intended for those who - 2025-02-27