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What Kees says about the Master's in Asian Studies

Kees from the NetherlandsKees is a graduate of the programme, now a doctoral student at Delft University of Technology.What was the best thing about the Asian Studies programme?"It was the cosy environment. We were with around thirty students, so it wasn’t too big. We were a very tight community between both the students and the teachers. It became a really open environment that was very stimulati - 2025-02-25

Connect with current students

Want to know more about a programme, student life, or what it's really like to study at Lund University? Our current student ambassadors from all over the world are here to help! They'd be happy to share their experiences and answer any questions you have about life in Lund. You can also learn about their experiences by checking out their video clips or reading their blog posts about a range of to - 2025-02-25

What Ranjitha says about the Master's in Wireless Communications

Ranjitha Gubbi Suresh from India – AlumnaWhat year did you graduate and what is your current job? "I graduated in 2020 and I’m currently working as an R&D Engineer at NOKIA in Finland."What is your favourite thing about your job?"My favourite thing is the possibility to keep learning and working with talented colleagues."What was especially useful about the programme that you use in your everyday - 2025-02-25

Production and Materials Engineering student ambassador Yeabsra

Introducing YeabsraSelam! Hi! Or tjena! My name is Yeabsra and I'm the student ambassador for the Master's Programme in Production and Materials Engineering. I am here to help you know more about the programme and life in Lund, as well as help you find answers to other questions you might have. Please note that I cannot answer questions about the application process, scholarships or residence perm - 2025-02-25

Connect with us about studies

There are several opportunities for you to connect with Lund University representatives throughout the academic year, both virtually and physically. Digital options include joining one of our webinars, Q&A sessions, panel discussions and other online events. You can also physically meet staff, current students and alumni at fairs and events in Lund or abroad. OnlineAs a prospective student, applic - 2025-02-25


We hold webinars, Unibuddy Live sessions and Facebook Live sessions for prospective students, applicants and admitted students, so you can meet Lund University staff and students online in this way at any stage of the application cycle. Moreover, we both host and are represented at virtual fairs and other events. Virtual eventsIf you want to learn more about Lund University, our study opportunitie - 2025-02-25

In a city near you

Lund University participates in a number of selected fairs and events around the world. This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet us personally in a city near you and get answers to your questions about studies at Lund University. In addition, we have formal agreements with education consultants in a few countries, so you can also address your questions to them. Fairs and events in a city n - 2025-02-25

At Lund

There are several opportunities for you to meet staff and current students at the Lund University campus. The different options include campus tours and information sessions. When in Lund, you can also always visit the International Desk to get answers to more general questions. Campus tours and information sessions (year-round)During the summer, when most university departments are closed, prospe - 2025-02-25

Entreprenörskap och innovation - Magisterprogram

In the Master's in Entrepreneurship and Innovation you will learn how to create, develop and exploit business opportunities by starting up and managing new ventures. This programmes offers you an opportunity to be fully involved as an entrepreneur in the start-up process, from idea selection and team composition to venture formation, which enables you to gain real experience in starting up a In the Master's in Entrepreneurship and Innovation you will learn how to create, develop and exploit business opportunities by starting up and managing new ventures. This programme offers you an opportunity to be fully involved as an entrepreneur in the start-up process, from idea selection and team composition to venture formation, which enables you to gain real experience in starting u

Internationell strategisk ledning - Magisterprogram

Business is increasingly faced with challenges that threaten current business models, but also represent huge opportunities. This programme provides you with the knowledge and skills on how to recognise these challenges and act upon them to ensure long-term success. You will learn how to make decisions that can make or break your company, but also how to implement them. We offer the latest insighBusiness is increasingly faced with challenges that threaten current business models, but also represent huge opportunities. This programme provides you with the knowledge and skills on how to recognise these challenges and act upon them to ensure long-term success. You will learn how to make decisions that can make or break your company, but also how to implement them. We offer the latest insigh

Management - Magisterprogram

This extremely intensive, one-year full-time programme prepares recent, non-business graduates for a wide range of careers in management. An emphasis on skills takes students beyond the theory and into the heart of real-life management challenges. You will refine and build upon your communication, teamworking, and presentation skills through individual and group work, and develop your professionalThis extremely intensive, one-year full-time programme prepares recent, non-business graduates for a wide range of careers in management. An emphasis on skills takes students beyond the theory and into the heart of real-life management challenges. You will refine and build upon your communication, teamworking, and presentation skills through individual and group work, and develop your professional

Economy and Society - Kandidatprogram

 Du kommer att studera vid institutionen för ekonomisk historia, där undervisningen handlar om hur förståelse av ekonomisk förändring i det förflutna kan hjälpa oss att förstå samtiden och forma framtiden. Ekonom-historiker använder begrepp och teorier från samhällsvetenskaperna för att studera ekonomiers utveckling i många olika sociala, politiska och kulturella sammanhang. De kombinerar komYou will study at the department of economic history, where teaching is concerned with how understanding economic change in the past can help us shape the future. Economic historians use concepts and theories from the social sciences to study the development of economies in many different social, political and cultural contexts. They combine the skills of the economist and the historian, the stati

Språk och språkvetenskap, Svenska/Nordiska språk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializatiThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializati

Astrofysik - Masterprogram

Vid Lunds universitet har astronomiforskningen en lång tradition av att ligga i den absoluta kunskapsfronten. Som masterstudent får du ta del av en dynamisk miljö präglad av forskningsprojekt på internationell toppnivå, speciellt vad gäller Vintergatan och dess stjärnor, planetbildning och planetsystems utveckling, högenergiastrofysik samt astrometri. Våra medarbetare har i det internationella forLund University has a long tradition of research at the absolute forefront of astronomy. As a Master’s student, you will be part of a characterised by international excellence, especially with regard to the Milky Way and its stars, planet formation and the formation of planetary systems, high energy astrophysics and astrometry. Our staff also play an active and driving role in the international re

Geologi - Masterprogram

Masterutbildningen ger dig fördjupad kunskap inom stora delar av geologin. Du lär dig om jordklotets bildning och uppbyggnad, klimatvariationer, förhistoriskt liv och evolution. Du arbetar med moderna metoder som används inom geologi. Här ingår studier i geokronologi, geokemi, istopgeologi, sedimentologi, dateringsmetoder, paleontologi, landformer samt jordlagers utbredning och bildning. Du tar deThe master's education gives you in-depth knowledge in geology. You learn about the formation and structure of Earth, climate variations, prehistoric life and evolution. You work with modern methods used in geology. This includes studies in geochronology, geochemistry, isotopes, sedimentology, dating methods, palaeontology, landforms and soil formation. You take part in lectures and exercises in w

Geografisk informationsvetenskap - Masterprogram

Masterprogrammet i GIS riktar sig till studenter som vill lära sig analysera och modellera rumsliga fenomen med hjälp av geografiska informationssystem. Efter utbildningen finns det möjligheter att jobba inom en rad olika områden där GIS är en viktig metod; analyser av klimatförändringar över större eller mindre geografiska regioner, naturvård, resurshantering inom jordbruk, tillgång till vatten, This Master’s (120 credits) programme is intended for students who wish to learn to analyse and model spatial phenomena using GIS. A degree from the programme leads to opportunities to work in a range of areas in which GIS is an important method. This could, for example, involve analysis of climate change in large or small geographical regions, nature conservation, resource management in agricultu

Kemi, Syntetisk och analytisk kemi - Masterprogram

Programöversikt Masterprogrammet erbjuder dig teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper i analytisk, organisk och metallorganisk kemi samt koordinationskemi. Du rör dig inom områden som läkemedelsframställning, livsmedel, miljöfrågor och nanoteknologi.  Du får fördjupade kunskaper inom avancerad organisk syntes, lär dig om reaktionsmekanismer hos metallorganiska föreningar samt metalProgramme overview The Master’s programme provides both theoretical and practical knowledge in analytical, organic, organometallic and coordination chemistry. Some of the areas covered include drug production, food, environmental issues and nanotechnology. You will obtain specialised knowledge in advanced organic synthesis, learn about reaction mechanisms in organometallic compounds and the impor

Matematik - Masterprogram

Masterprogrammet har två inriktningar – matematik och numerisk analys. Båda inriktningarna har en flexibel struktur med möjlighet till individuell anpassning och erbjuder ett brett utbud av kurser som ger dig både avancerad teoretisk kunskap och praktiska färdigheter. Du kan välja olika inriktningar där du lär dig arbeta med renodlat matematiska frågeställningar eller med matematisk problemlösning    The Master's programme has two specialisations - mathematics and numerical analysis. Both specialisations have a flexible structure with the possibility of individual adaptation and offer a wide range of courses that give you both advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills. You can choose different areas where you learn to work with purely mathematical problems or with mat

Naturvetenskapligt kandidatprogram, Fysik (undervisning på engelska)

Fysik handlar om de grundläggande byggstenarna i vår värld och de krafter och lagar som styr dem. Fysiker utforskar materiens egenskaper genom avancerade experiment och utvecklar modeller för att beskriva verkligheten, ofta med hjälp av detaljerade datorsimuleringar. Beroende på din inriktning kan du till exempel arbeta med att undersöka elementarpartiklar eller utveckla nya komponenter för energiPhysics is about the fundamental building blocks of our world and the forces and laws that govern them. Physicists explore the properties of matter through advanced experiments and develop models to describe reality, often with the help of detailed computer simulations. Depending on your specialization, you may for example work on investigating elementary particles or developing new components for

Service Management, Retailing and Consumption - Masterprogram

När du söker till Masterprogrammet i service management väljer du en av fem inriktningar: Culture and Creativity Management, Retailing and Consumption, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management eller Service Management – Tourism. Undervisningen sker på engelska och vi antar studenter från hela världen. Handeln genomgår omfattande förändringar med ett flertal utmaningar i form aWhen applying to the Master’s Programme in Service Management, you choose one of five different specialisations: Culture and Creativity Management, Retailing and Consumption, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Service Management or Tourism. We have a mix of students from all around the world. The retail sector is undergoing broad transformations. These transformations include digitalization and