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Femtosecond two-photon-excited backward lasing of atomic hydrogen in a flame

We report on an observation of bi-directional 656 nm lasing action of atomic hydrogen in a premixed CH4∕air flame induced by resonant femtosecond 205 nm two-photon excitation. In particular, the backward-propagating lasing pulse is characterized in the spatial and temporal domains for the sake of a single-ended diagnostic. Its picosecond-scale duration and smooth temporal profile enable spatially

Can losses caused by wind storms be predicted from meteorological observations

This paper contains a study of the extent to which aggregate losses due to severe wind storms can be explained by wind measurements. The analysis is based on 12 years of data for a region, Ska § ne, in southern Sweden. A previous investigation indicated that wind measurements from six recording stations in Ska § ne was insufficient to obtain accurate prediction. The present study instead uses geos

En förvaltningslag för EU? – ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure i svenskt och nordiskt perspektiv

Artikeln redogör för det förslag till modellregler för EU:s förvaltningsrätt som har utarbetats inom det europeiska forskningsnätverket ReNEUAL (Research Network on EU Administrative Law) och vad förslaget principiellt kan innebära för förvaltningsrätten i Sverige och övriga nordiska länder. Särskilt undersöks vilken betydelse nordisk förvaltningsrätt har haft för modellreglerna, förutsättningarna

H.264 Video Frame Size Estimation

This report describes a method to estimate the video bandwidth for IP cameras using the H.264 standard. The precise determination of bandwidth allows us to model the network access as a scheduling problem and/or estimate the amount of data that would traverse it during different periods. The paper is written to be as didactic as possible and presents a set of experiments, conducted in an industria

Genetics, the Rearing Environment, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce : A Swedish National Adoption Study

We used classical and extended adoption designs in Swedish registries to disentangle genetic and rearing-environment influences on the intergenerational transmission of divorce. In classical adoption analyses, adoptees (n = 19,715) resembled their biological parents, rather than their adoptive parents, in their history of divorce. In extended adoption analyses, offspring (n = 82,698) resembled the

An advanced decision support system for European disaster management : the feature of the skills taxonomy

Mankind has faced a huge increase in severe natural and man-made disasters worldwide in the last few years. Emergency responders on a strategic, tactical, and operational level can be assisted by decision support systems (DSS) to enhance disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Policy makers are in need of an advanced, resilient and integrated incident command and control systems for emergen

Mutations in the gene of the Gα subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein are the cause for brachytic1 semi-dwarf phenotype in barley and applicable for practical breeding

Background: Short-culm mutants have been widely used in breeding programs to increase lodging resistance. In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), several hundreds of short-culm mutants have been isolated over the years. The objective of thepresent study was to identify the Brachytic1 (Brh1) semi-dwarfing gene and to test its effect on yield and malting quality.Results: Double-haploid lines generated throu

Estimating critical extraction rates for the main metals for a sustainable society within the planetary limits

The critical rates of extraction of some metals was explored using a methodology based on the thinking behind critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen deposition developed in Europe 1990-2010. With a long term sustainability view in mind, critical rates based on 5,000 and 10,000 years were estimated and found to widely exceed the present extraction rates. Huge advances in recycling, as well as a si

Tillit och misstro : om synen på mammografiscreening vid bröstcancer

One example of the welfare state’s health ambitions is to reduce the onset of illness and mortality from cancer, which among other things means that approximately 900,000 women in Sweden in the age group 40–74 years recurrently receive an invitation to mammography screening. The objective is to detect possible breast cancer at an early stage and thereby reduce mortality from the disease. For this

A more generalized fear response after a daytime nap

The aim of this study was to examine how a daytime nap affected the consolidation of fear learning. Participants first underwent fear conditioning during which they were exposed to a large and a small circle. One of these was repeatedly paired with an electric shock (making it the CS+), whereas the other circle was never paired with the shock (the CS−). After a delay interval containing either a n