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Single-Zone Diesel PPC Modeling for Control
Partially premixed combustion (PPC) is a combustion concept with similarities to both Diesel and Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion. It provides a combustion mode with better controllability than HCCI without increasing the emissions of nitrogen oxides and soot to the level of traditional Diesel engines. The model described in this paper aims to describe the main features of
Lärlingsutbildning - i skärningspunkten mellan kompetensförsörjning och socialpolitik
Lärlingsutbildningen väcker allt större intresse både i Sverige och i andra europeiska länder. I boken fokuseras svenska erfarenheter och initiativ på lärlingsutbildningsområdet mot bakgrund av forskning på området och erfarenheter av lärlingsutbildning i Danmark, Norge, Nederländerna, England och Tyskland. Boken utgår från följande huvudfråga: vilka är förutsättningar för att etablera en omfattan
Measuring quality of life in patients with panic disorder
Polarization vision in Arthropods
A dictionary of Mah Meri, as spoken at Bukit Bangkong
A Power Market Forward Curve with Hydrology Dependence - An Approach based on Artificial Neural Networks
This paper develops an hourly forward curve for power markets where the intra-day and intra-week shapes (profiles) depend on the level of the hydrological balance. The shaping model is based on a feed-forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which is trained on a historical data set of hourly electricity spot prices from the Nord Pool market and weekly measurements of the Nordic hydrological balan
On Joint Optimization of Link Rate Assignment and Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks
We consider an optimization problem of joint link rate assignment and transmission scheduling in wireless mesh networks. We assume that each radio link uses (when active) one selected link-dependent modulation and coding scheme. For finding an exact optimum, the problem requires a complicated branch-and-price algorithm that becomes excessively time consuming for networks of practical size. Therefo
Sustainable Culinary Systems. Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality.
Flickors sociala anpassning: utveckling, mönster av problem och dess konsekvenser
Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Liquid Food Process Lines
Popular Abstract in Swedish I följande arbete har ett dynamiskt modellbibliotek av komponenter utvecklats för processlinjer. Analysen inriktades mot karakteristiska aspekter för processlinjer för flytande livsmedel, och nya modeller utvecklades för byte av fluidum, dispersion, blandfaser och första ordningens kemiska reaktioner i rör och värmeväxlare. Modellernas beräkningseffektivitet och noggranIn the present work a dynamic model library of components for process lines was developed. The analysis addressed characteristic aspects of liquid food process lines, and new models were developed for fluid transitions, dispersion, mixing zones and first-order chemical reactions in pipes and heat exchangers. The computational efficiency and accuracy of the models were analysed. It was demonstrated
The Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism, 1906-1931
Testing Structural Hypotheses on Cointegration Vectors: A Monte Carlo Study
Knowledge bases, modes of innovation and regional innovation policy: a theoretical re-examination with illustrations from the Nordic countries
Hur man betraktar och identifierar byggnadsexteriörer: metodstudie
Behaviour of Multilayer External Walls with an Exterior Layer of Glazed Ceramic Tiles. Vol. 1
Making Daggers and Scouting for Talents: Situated learning in Late Neolithic Scandinavia
Non-thermal emission of Mg I at 12 micron m from Procyon
The Role of Reconciliation in Peace-Building. Like in Somalia, for example
The Somalia Reconciliation Conference led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in Eastern Africa, is focusing on creating a basis for dialogue as a means of reaching peace and stability in the region (Somali Reconciliation Conference, 2003; IGAD, 2002). This paper deals with the critical implications with focusing on dialogue as a means of promoting long-term peace.