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The Disjunctive Structure of Positive Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has reiterated that states have discretion regarding what means to use to fulfil their positive obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights (echr). Given the "wide range of possible measures" that could be taken to ensure compliance with positive rights, these rights have a disjunctive structure since an omission has no definitive counterpar

Voice and punctuation : A process model of conflict enactment in new venture teams

This paper presents an emergent process model of conflict enactment in new venture teams. The analysis is based on the inductive study of conflict process in three new venture teams over six months, leveraging a unique combination of interviews, video recorded observations and analysis of online chat conversations among team members. The analysis advances team conflict research by offering a novel

Visualizing the included subject : photography, progress narratives and intellectual disability

By examining photographic depictions of subjects labeled as ‘intellectually disabled’, this article theorizes how photography performs the ideological function of producing narratives of historical progression. Recurrent representations of, on the one hand, a dark past of state institutionalization and repression and, on the other hand, the present as a time when intellectually disabled people are

Podocalyxin-like protein as a predictive biomarker for benefit of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in resectable gastric and esophageal adenocarcinoma

Background: We have previously shown that podocalyxin-like protein (PODXL) is a prognostic biomarker for poor survival in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinoma treated with surgery up-front. The aim of the present study was to assess PODXL expression in tumors from patients treated with neoadjuvant ± adjuvant (i.e. preoperative with or without postoperative) chemotherapy, with regard to histopatho

PalCom MIST: a Metaprotocol for Internet Systems of Things

Future applications of internet of things (IoT) will go far beyond connecting sensors to the internet. The real challenge lies in how to easily build well working systems of things: well integrated distributed applications that support users, yet built from a variety of devices running on a variety of networks and protocols, and including services that were not designed to interoperate.Based on ou

Macro- and microvascular complications of diabetes: Studies on NFAT (Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells) as a novel target for the treatment of atherosclerosis and vascular dysfunction in diabetes.

Diabetes is associated with devastating chronic complications including coronary heart disease and stroke (macrovascular complications) as well as microvascular disorders leading to damage of the small vessels and the development of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. The underlying pathogenesis is not clear, but hyperglycemia has been identified as an important risk factor. Previous work fro

High prevalence of undiagnosed COPD among patients evaluated for suspected myocardial ischaemia

Objective: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and coronary artery disease (CAD) are leading causes of global morbidity and mortality. Despite the well-known comorbidity between COPD and CAD, the presence of COPD may be overlooked in patients undergoing coronary evaluation. We aimed to assess the prevalence of undiagnosed COPD among outpatients evaluated due to suspected myocardial ischem

The Angantyr model for heavy-ion collisions in Pythia8

We present a new model for building up complete exclusive hadronic final states in high energy nucleus collisions. It is a direct extrapolation of high energy pp collisions (as described by Pythia), and thus bridges a large part of the existing gap between heavy ion and high energy physics phenomenology. The model is inspired by the old Fritiof model and the notion of wounded nucleons. Two essenti

What Jimmie Got Right: Anthropologists and Sverigedemokratarna

In light of the recent Swedish elections where Sverigedemokratarna received 18% of the vote. Since the Swedish Democrats talk so much about culture, we anthropologists need to take a more nuanced position on how the issue of culture and immigrants 'fitting in' to Swedish society is discussed.

Reacting boundary layers in a homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine

An experimental and computational study of the near-wall combustion in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine has been conducted by applying laser based diagnostic techniques in combination with numerical modeling. Our major intent was to characterize the combustion in the velocity- and thermal boundary layers. The progress of the combustion was studied by using fuel tracer LIF, tAn experimental and computational study of the near-wall combustion in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine has been conducted by applying laser based diagnostic techniques in combination with numerical modeling. Our major intent was to characterize the combustion in the velocity- and thermal boundary layers. The progress of the combustion was studied by using fuel tracer LIF, t

Large Eddy Simulation of Bluff-Body Flame Approaching Blow-Off : A Sensitivity Study

As almost all combustion processes of practical interest take place in the presence of turbulence, the development of the increasingly refined turbulence–chemistry interaction (TCI) models has led to highly sophisticated approaches. Nearly all of the studies comparing different models focus on stable premixed/non-premixed flame configurations. In this work, the focus is on well-documented, lean pr

Preliminary evidence of a sensitive period for olfactory learning by human newborns

Aim: To test the hypothesis that a brief window of time immediately after delivery may be a particularly sensitive period for olfactory learning by human neonates. Methods: Fifty-five vaginally delivered newborns were exposed to an odorant for 30 min beginning 4-37 min after birth (Early exposure) or 12-h post-partum (Late exposure). Several days later, newborns' head orientation responses to the

Impact of extra-articular spondyloarthritis manifestations and comorbidities on drug retention of a first TNF-inhibitor in ankylosing spondylitis : A population-based nationwide study

Objectives To assess the impact of extra-articular spondyloarthritis (SpA) manifestations (anterior uveitis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)), and of comorbidities, on tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitor (TNFi) drug retention in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods We identified all bio-naïve patients with AS starting a first ever TNFi July 2006 to December 2015 from the Swedish

The blood serum concentration of cystatin C (gamma-trace) as a measure of the glomerular filtration rate

The blood serum concentrations of creatinine and the low molecular weight proteins cystatin C, beta 2-microglobulin and retinol-binding protein were measured in 106 patients whose glomerular filtration rates were assessed by Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA)-clearance determinations. The reciprocals of the serum concentrations of creatinine, cystatin C and beta 2-microglobulin were closely cor

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The invasion of the native wet forests of the tropical oceanic island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific) by miconia, Miconia calvescens DC. (Melastomataceae), a tree introduced as an ornamental plant in 1937, has caused the decline of many endemic plant species following the drastic decrease of the light in the understory. Among them, the small dioiceous tree Myrsine longifolia Nadeaud (M