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Bland Oaser och Giraffer - En jämförelse av två ungdomsverksamheter i musikens, historiens och samhällets tecken

Den här uppsatsen försöker beskriva två fall av ungdomsverksamheter med betoning på musik, organiserade på två olika sätt och I två olika tider. Den första skedde I slutet på 1970-talet i Stockholmsförorten Rågsved, under punkens begynnelseår I både England och Sverige. Ungdomarna skapade ungdomskulturgruppen Oasen, men fick stänga ner efter tre års verksamhet eftersom aktiviteterna inte acceptera

Distributed Model Predictive Control for Building Temperature Control

This thesis and technical report concentrates on distributed control using a distributed model predictive scheme. The model of a two room house and three room houses is build and a distributed model predictive control (MPC) algorithm is implemented in order to reach specified room temperatures with minimized energy effort in each room. For reference tracking Target Calculation and the delta input

Neolitisk Matkultur

During the first two decades of the 2000s, new perspectives on feasts and their social functions have been brought to the forefront by proponents of ethnoarchaeology. Concerns about diet, subsistence and reciprocity have been present in archaeology for a long time but recently the perspective has shifted somewhat, to include theories of the cultural symbolism and function of food and the importanc

Teacher code-switching in secondary ESL classrooms in Sweden

This paper explores how and why one teacher’s code-switching arises, as well as for what purpose, in upper secondary English as a second language (ESL) classrooms in Sweden. Code-switching is defined as a switch between different languages, between the first language (L1), and second language (L2) or target language (TL), within the same speech situation. To be able to understand and investigate t

Att skola propra subjekt: en feministisk studie av entreprenörskap i skolan

This study explores entrepreneurship discourses in literature about entrepreneurial learning in Swedish elementary school and what subjects these aim to shape. The aim is to examine what motivates changes to entrepreneurship, how it is defined, and what political notions of the social and gender it establishes by using feminist theoretical premises, analytic categories of hegemony and subject form

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Bakgrund: Enligt Socialstyrelsen minskar andelen specialistsjuksköterskor i vården trots att allt fler specialistsjuksköterskor utbildas. I ett försök att ge en förklaring till detta fenomen undersöktes därför två specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningars utbildning (anestesi och operation) samt dessa specialistsjuksköterskors beskrivning av introduktionen i yrket. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att be

Container-based Continuous Delivery for Clusters

The focus of this master’s thesis was aimed at E.ON’s electricity saving project, 100koll, in collaboration with IT-consulting firm Data Ductus.The 100koll users demand high availability, which creates a complex underlaying system-infrastructure. The processes of deploying and preparing new releases to the system is presently done manually. Data Ductus is requesting an investigation on whether or

Human Rights Impact Assessment of Trade Agreements: Analysis and Critiques of Methodology

The profound impacts on human rights brought about by international and regional trade agreements have increasingly been recognized by scholars in the fields of human rights and trade, as well as international organizations and civil societies. Most notably, the intersection between human rights and trade has been reaffirmed by the United Nations, evidently in the reports by the United Nations Hig

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The aim of this thesis is to examine how a successful rhetorical strategy should take form, when politicians try to convince the voters to support what they’re advocating for. The case of this study is a newly held referendum in Denmark, where the voters should decide whether to reject or vote for a law, that would give more sovereignty to the European Union in judicial matters. By examining three

Looking at Noise: Human Ecological Issues when Assessing the Impact of Seismic Surveys Effects on Oceanic Whales

This thesis introduces different issues regarding the impact of anthropogenic sound pollution on oceanic cetaceans (whales). It involves looking at the problems of anthropocentrism and the notion of Umwelt when trying to assess the well-being of a western culturally important species, and the relationship between that species and the industrialization of the ocean. The thesis is specifically focus

Mätning av temperatur och tryck med pulsfrekvensteknik

In this work we have discussed some alternatives to digitize the signals from different measurement devices. As a result of the work we have got a prototype for a digital interface as well as systems for digital representation of signals in temperature and pressure systems. The report is divided into two parts, temperature and pressure measurements. In this section of temperature measurements we

Sjukhuskuratorers arbete med barn som anhöriga inom den somatiska vården.

The purpose of this qualitative study, with a constructivist approach, was to examine how professionals work with children as next of kin to chronically ill patients in somatic care. Through a content analysis, using local guidelines and policy documents for the work with children as next of kin, as well as semi-structured interviews focusing on how the professionals themselves describe their

Numerical simulations of quantum transport in semiconductor nanowires

Samhället i stort drar nytta av teknologisk utveckling; kanske underlättar den vår vardag, gör att samhället kan spara resurser eller gör viktig utrustning snabbare och noggrannare. En av de moderna grenarna av teknologi kallas nanoteknologi och innefattar konstruktion och tillämpning av strukturer på nanometernivå, det vill säga mycket små saker. Till exempel är så kallade nanotrådar, som detta pThe study of electronic transport in chemically synthesized semiconductor nanowires is an active field of research, with potential applications in areas such as quantum computing and nanoelectronics. Motivated by recent experimental progress, we use a simple non-atomistic tight-binding model implemented in open-source software to simulate quantum electronic transport in such nanowires. Including v

Väderskyddsdukar – Antändlighet och brandspridning

The aim of this thesis is to study the flammability and fire spread for textile membranes for weather protection. This thesis includes literature studies to determine current standards and recommendations available. Main focus however have been on the European classification system EN 13501-1 and construction site safety. Two types of experimental tests have been done, cone calorimeter test and te

Reglering av avgasningen i en dialysmaskin.

The current control strategy in the degassing system in a Gambro AK200S dialysis machine leads to a rather noisy flow upstream in the machine. This is where different concentrates are added to the dialysis fluid and as the control of this adding is rather slow the unsteady flow leads to an unsteady conductivity of the dialysis fluid, which makes it difficult to evaluate the effect of the dialysis

Using Structure-borne Sound Analysis to Predict Bearing Damages in High-speed Ventilators

By measuring structure-borne sound from bearings, a conclusion about their condition can be made. The measurements are done with accelerometers which should be attached as close as possi-ble to the bearing. The signal from the accelerometer may have to be lowpass filtered before being A/D-converted and stored. These steps have to be done in real time. The analysis of the signal is done afterwards.

Control of an Autonomous Wheel Loader

This is the report of a thesis work about controlling an autonomous wheel loader. The objective of the work was to create a complete prototype of an autonomous wheel loader that can operate without any seated driver and without any kind of remote controlling. Another important objective was that this prototype needs to support future development of the autonomous wheel loader. The work was complet

A Bicriteria Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Machines with Sequence Dependent Setup Times

The study considers the scheduling problem of identical parallel machines subject to minimization of the maximum completion time and the maximum tardiness expressed in a linear convex objective function. The maximum completion time or makespan is the date when the last job to be completed leaves the system. The maximum tardiness is indicated by the job that is completed with the longest delay rela