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Tro det eller ej - en kvantitativ studies om svenska högstadieelevers tilltro till traditionella och digitala nyhetsmedier.

Denna kvantitativa studie har i syfte att undersöka svenska högstadieelevers inställning till traditionella och digitala nyhetsmedier samt nyhetsföretag trovärdighet. Med utgångspunkt i strategiska kommunikationsteorier såsom gatekeeping, the Bandwagon effect och filterbubblor, utformades tre frågeställningar och fyra hypoteser. Med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS analyserades 189 fullständiga eThis quantitative study was conducted with the aim to inquire into Swedish 9th graders’ attitudes towards traditional and digital news media and news outlets’ trustworthiness. With basis in strategic communication theories concerning gatekeeping, the Bandwagon effect and filter bubbles, three research questions and four hypotheses were designed. A statistical analytics were compiled from 189 onlin

Solving the Storage Location Assignment Problem in the Manufacturing Industry - A Study in Mathematical Modeling & Applied Optimization

Companies in the manufacturing industry are constantly seeking to be more effective in cutting costs and increase revenue to improve profits. Order picking is often the most expensive operation in the inventory, as it stands for 55% of the inventory operating expenses. Alfa Laval, a heavy industry company, is rolling out a new corporate strategy involving its operations, which this thesis is a par

Digitalization and Firm Performance: Are Digitally Mature Firms Outperforming Their Peers?

This thesis studies the effect of digitalization on firm performance. More specifically, it investigates whether digitally mature firms outperform their less digitally mature peers. My analysis is based on literature on information technology, information and digital systems, and digitalization in general. I assess digital maturity through a suitable proxy. With data from listed Swedish firms, I d

Continuous Improvement Processes, just a trend or a proven success-factor for organisations? The disparity between operational and office employees

Background and Objectives: This research explored the possibility of organisations implementing the work of CIP for the right beneficial reason, or if the implementation was done because the subject is a trend. While CIP-methods are getting more and more popular, it remains in many cases unclear which concepts suit best to what organisation. Having a single organisation implementing a numerous var

Unified Protocol i gruppformat för ungdomar inom BUP

Depressioner och ångestsyndrom har ökat i hela ungdomspopulationen, samsjuklighet är vanligt vilket ökar behovet av multimodala evidensbaserade behandlingsmetoder. Ett exempel är Unified Protocol (UP) som fokuserar på transdiagnostiska kärnmekanismer vid emotionella störningar. Syftet med uppsatsen var att utvärdera UP i gruppformat för ungdomar med depressions- och ångeststörningar vid en BUP-motDepression and anxiety disorders have increased throughout the youth population, comorbidity is common, which increases the need for multimodal evidence-based treatment methods. One example is the Unified Protocol (UP), which focuses on transdiagnostic mechanisms in emotional disturbances. The purpose of the study was to evaluate UP in group format for adolescents with depression and anxiety disor

Implementing Change In Organisations: A Study on Limiting Factors for Managers in the Service industry.

Title: Implementing Change In Organisations: A Study on Limiting Factors for Managers in the Service industry. Purpose: The overall purpose of this study is to have a deeper understanding of how change affects employees and an organisation and what are the factors could hinder such a change. This study will draw on the theory of Change Management, in particular, the model of Prosci ADKAR. Method

Bitcoin: The New Digital Gold?

Bitcoin has become a mainstream in the financial world. It has several similarities with Gold as low correlation with stocks, inflation hedge, government decentralization and the no currency attachment. Therefore, the name of the new “Digital Gold”. This study compares Gold and Bitcoin, offered as an alternatives financial assets. Thus, there are two research questions. First, if Bitcoin helps to

Mapping Flows of Textile Waste in Sweden and an Analysis of Alternatives

During this project, flows of textile waste in Sweden were mapped and analysed. Much of the information in the report was based on a literature review performed in the beginning of the project. It was concluded that textile waste should firstly be re-used, thereafter recycled and as a last option incinerated. Turning textile waste into biofuel is not a reasonable option compared to incineration wi

Motivationsfaktorer för hushållsberedskap i Svenska högriskområden

Hushållsberedskap för översvämningar – hur ser den egentligen ut och varför? Översvämningen i Malmö 2014 visade sig vara den enskilt största faktorn till den hushållsberedskap som finns i Malmös högriskområden, tillsammans med tidigare erfarenheter av andra översvämningar. Hushållsberedskapen är viktig för det enskilda hushållet men de mest utsatta hushållen är beroende av kommunens mer omfattandeAs global warming and more extreme weather makes the threat of flooding more prominent, it is vital to identify what can be done and by whom. The individual household preparedness is a big factor that this study aims to evaluate. The core of this study includes interviews with people living in high-risk areas for flooding in Malmoe, Sweden. The aim was to map out the motives behind the preparednes

Steering Angle Prediction by a Deep Neural Network and its Domain Adaption Ability

The goal of this thesis is to design an artificial neural network for self-driving vehicles in regards to steering the vehicle. The performance of the networks is evaluated on a simulated race track in addition to more conventional metrics such as cost/loss. In the main part of the project the networks were trained on data from real-life driving and validated/tested on simulated data, which is an

The Information Mechanism of Reverse Logistics System among E-commerce Giants: A Comparative Case Study

Introduction: In recent years, the e-commerce industry has developed at extremely high speed all over the world and becomes the sunrise industry. Besides, there is a megatrend that customers are pursuing better experience along the whole shopping journey. Statistics show that good reverse logistics service is an efficient way to improve customers satisfaction level. Among the reverse logistics, th

Framkomlighet på snabba cykelstråk

Snabba cykelstråk, eller snabbcykelleder, är benämningar som beskriver cykelstråk anpassade för längre transporter med god framkomlighet, tillgänglighet och säkerhet. Detta examensarbete undersöker framkomligheten på denna förhållandevis nya typ av cykelstråk. Syftet är att konkretisera behoven och brister i utformningen utifrån ett framkomlighetsperspektiv. Till grund för arbetet har teorin om fr

Efficient Estimation of Decaying Sinusoids with Application in NMR Spectroscopy

In this thesis, the Wideband Sparse Exponential Mode Analysis (WSEMA) estimator is introduced. It combines two recently developed techniques, the wideband dictionary and the Sparse Exponential Mode Analysis (SEMA) to make for an efficient estimator. WSEMA estimates the parameters of decaying sinusoids, without a priori-information about the number of modes present in the signal. WSEMA works with a

On Intersections of Algebraic Curves and Applications to Elliptic Curves

I denna kandidatuppsats visas vissa grundläggande satser inom algebraisk geometri. Satserna tillämpas slutligen på elliptiska kurvor, vilka är intressenta, bland annat för deras tillämplighet inom talteori, och speciellt kryptografi. Bezouts, Max Noethers, Pappus, Pascals och Chasles satser, vilka visas här, har varit kända länge. Det äldsta resultatet, Pappus sats, visades nämligen redan på 300-In this thesis we state and give elementary proofs for some fundamental results about intersections of algebraic curves, namely Bezout's, Max Noether's, Pappus's, Pascal's and Chasles' theorems. Our main tools are linear algebra and basic ring theory. We conclude the thesis by applying the results to elliptic curves.

Det mångfacetterade pensionärslivet: En interpretativ fenomenologisk analys av pensionerade låg- och mellanstadielärares berättelser

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur pensionerade lärare som undervisat på låg- och mellanstadiet upplever och beskriver sin tillvaro. Deltagarnas upplevelser av övergången från arbete till pension, identiteten som pensionär samt möjligheter och svårigheter under pensionärslivet och hantering av dessa undersöks. Metod: Studien är fenomenologisk. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fPurpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how retired teachers, who had worked in a primary school setting, experience and describe their lives. The study investigates the transition from working to retired life, retiree identity and possibilities and difficulties in the retired life. Method: The study has a phenomenological approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five part

Operationsteamets erfarenheter av kommunikation perioperativt

Bakgrund: Kommunikation är avgörande för ett fungerande teamsamarbete och brister i kommunikation kan leda till missförstånd och allvarliga konsekvenser. Forskning visar att brister i kommunikation kan leda till ineffektiva och försenade operationer samt att kommunikation är en sårbar punkt inom vården som kan hota patientsäkerheten. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa operationsteamets erfarenhe

European Takeover Law and the Freedom of Establishment: Towards Efficient Regulation

The European Takeover Bids Directive has been at the centre of criticism since it was adopted on 21 April 2004. This study adds a voice to the enduring discourse on the extent to which the Directive is fit for purpose. Specifically, the study considers whether and, if so, how the Directive could be reformed in order to facilitate the exercise of the freedom of establishment of companies through ta

Performance of IPOs on the Nordic Market: Factors affecting Nordic IPOs before and after the financial crisis

ABSTRACT Title: Performance of IPOs on the Nordic Market Factors affecting Nordic IPOs before and after the financial crisis Course: NEKN02, Economics: Master Essay 1 – Finance Program Authors: Serajelden Aburawi, Leo Dajakaj Advisors: Martin Striebomy, Anders Vilhelmsson Key words: IPO, First-day return, Long-run performance, BHAR, Private Equity, Venture Capitalist Purpose: This study aims

Evaluation of Features for Prediction of Hospitalization in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease

Kan patientdata användas för att prediktera förestående behov av sjukhusvård hos njursjuka patienter? En stor hälsofara bland världens befolkning är kronisk njursjukdom, som både kostar pengar och orsakar lidande. Predikterande system kan användas för att hitta de patienter som har en hög risk att bli inlagda på sjukhus.End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a chronic kidney disease which results in lifelong care and regular dialysis treatments. It is both an expensive and extensive diagnosis that causes a lot of suffering for the patients. The workload on the healthcare system is increasing drastically, due to a population that lives longer with more chronic diseases. In this project, input data to an AI system was i