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Climbing Through the State: Social Empowerment and Contentious Actions in the Jordanian Outdoors

Tourism has been a fief industry for state power in Jordan, used as state-building tool and hard-currency earner. However, the country’s socio-economic structure and the current regional conflicts have hindered its development as the expected economic engine to achieve Jordan’s independence from foreign aid. This work looks at a collective identity created around outdoors and adventure sports in J

Handling of long DNA - applications and polymer physics

This thesis provides a proof of principle that deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) can be used to spatially separate DNA molecules by size. In order to achieve high separation quality, the pressure range, i.e. flow velocity has to be chosen carefully. The experiments were conducted in DLD devices fabricated in PDMS using soft lithography methods. Fluorescently labeled DNA molecules were trans

Hållbart eller inte? En undersökning om konsumenters förutsättningar för hållbar konsumtion.

Intresset för miljöfrågor och hållbar konsumtion har växt under de senaste åren. Däremot visar en del forskning att det finns en komplexitet gällande hållbar konsumtion och som innebär hur det egentligen fungerar att konsumera hållbart i praktiken. Vårt syfte är att skapa en förståelse för vilka förutsättningar som finns för konsumenter att konsumera hållbart i praktiken. Detta har undersökts utif

Signifikans – Finns det en chans?

Studiens främsta syfte är att besvara huruvida värdeaktier har presterat annorlunda än tillväxtaktier vid börsintroduktioner på Nasdaq Stockholm mellan år 2000 - 2012. Detta görs utifrån fenomenen underprissättning och långsiktig underavkastning. En viktig utgångspunkt är i vilken utsträckning dessa förekommit på vald marknadsplats under motsvarande tidsperiod. Författarna ämnar således även att u

“Where are the chopsticks!?”

Abstract Title: “Where are the chopsticks!?” Seminar date: 25th of May 2016 Course: FEKN90: Degree project for Master of Science in Business and Economics, Business management, Master level, 30 ECTS. Authors: Nils Hjalmarsson, Niklas Sjölund, Jonatan Sölve Advisor: Annette Cerne Keywords: Authenticity, adaptation, service marketing, value creation, Chinese culture, consumer insight Purpose:

Tunisien: Samhällsstrukturers effekt på transtionsprocessen

Den Arabiska våren har kommit att fascinera forskare inom flera forskningsfält, inte minst inom freds- och konfliktvetenskap. Denna kvalitativa fallstudie ämnar undersöka två olika samhällsstrukturers påverkan på Tunisiens framgångsrika transitionsprocess: moderniserings- och den antimilitära strukturen. Dessa två strukturer är båda kännetecken för Tunisiens två tidigare presidenter och deras regiThe Arab Spring has come to fascinate scientists in several research fields, not least in peace and conflict studies. This qualitative case study has analyzed the impact of two different social structures on Tunisia's successful transition process: modernization and the anti-military structure. These two structures are both trademarks of Tunisia's two former presidents and their regimes. T

Laughing face with tears of joy : a study of the production and interpretation of emojis among Swedish University Students

Emojis are an increasingly popular addition to written smartphone communication. Since emojis are a rather new phenomena, there is a lot that we do not know about the usage and interpretation of emojis in written communication. This bachelor thesis focuses on the production and interpretation of emojis among Swedish university students, and through a focus group interview, possible functions, inte

Frakturer i medeltida Lund. En studie av frakturtyper hos män och kvinnor från S:t Jakobs kyrkogård

During the year 1983 there was an archaeological excavation at the S:t Jakob cemetery in Lund. About 320 graves was found, but an osteological analysis was never made at the time. The skeletal material was dated to the time periods 1100-1200 and 1200-1560. By making an osteological analysis of 63 graves from the time period 1100-1200. The purpose of this paper is to get a clearer picture of the ty

Zero Waste within the food sector and an evaluation of the package-free distribution of two different food products

Här studeras konceptet ’zero waste’, ungefär ’inget avfall’, applicerat på livsmedelsindustrin, och hur den miljömässiga påverkan skiljer sig mellan ett förpackningslöst scenario som kan ses i en nischad, dansk livsmedelsbutik, och ett konventionellt scenario, där två typiska produkter i vanliga matbutiker används som referenser. I den danska butiken säljs havregryn i gravitationsmatare (gravity dThis study investigates the zero-waste concept applied to the food industry, and how the environmental impact differs between a package-free scenario found at a specialised Danish retail-store and a conventional scenario, using two reference products typically found in normal retail stores in Sweden. In the Danish store, the oats are sold in gravity dispensers, and the rapeseed oil is sold in glas

Impact of raw material characteristics on weight losses during coffee roasting

Vägen från bären på kaffeträdet, vars frön är det vi kallar kaffebönor, till en färdig kopp kaffe består av flera steg. Det viktigaste steget för den slutliga produkten är rostningen,och här uppstår oundvikligen en signifikant förlust av massa. Kan det vara så att denna förlust påverkas av råkaffets egenskaper?Coffee is one of the world’s largest trading goods and produced in a large number of countriesall over the world. The largest producers are from South America, Asia, Central America and Africa, and Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia and Indonesia are in order the largest producers,together producing more than the half of the world supply. During roasting of coffee the weight of the production batch decrea

Understanding the “Phoenix Man” on the Internet : Tianya Online Forum and Sina Weibo as Examples

The term “phoenix man” is often used by the Internet users to describe the man who grew up in the rural areas but later studied or worked in the cities. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the “phoenix man” is understood by the online public and what social facts or implications reflected by this term. The research employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative method: online obs

Developing a GIS model for the assessment of outdoor recreational facilities in new cities : case study : Tenth of Ramadan City, Egypt

With population that exceeds 90 million inhabitants, Egypt is one of the large Arab developing countries where the government policies headed towards constructing new urban communities to absorb the vast increase in population. Although the physical planning of the new urban settlements took into consideration the existence of outdoor recreational services and facilities, the quality and adequacy

Riskhantering i mikrovärldar – En experimentell studie av att använda spel för att studera riskhantering

För många innebär datorspel att kliva in i den fiktiva värld som spelet skapar och på så vis undgå verkligenheten. I forskningssammanhang är det precis tvärtom, då är datorspel eller mikrovärldar som det också kallas ett sätt att simulera verkligheten. I detta examensarbete har möjligheten att använda datorspel för studier inom riskhanteringsområdet undersökts. Då det tidigare inte fanns någon miIt has been shown that it can be difficult to study decision making in a risk management context when traditional methods are used. An alternative to traditional methods is to use micro worlds. A certain type of decision making in the risk management context is about investments in capability which has been studied in this thesis. The aim of the project is divided into two parts, where the first p

Production of 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural from Hexose Sugars Using Acid Catalysts

Increased population and living standards promotes an unsustainable usage of natural resources. In recent years, increased focus has been put on the bio-refinery industry which shows promising attributes where 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) is a prominent platform chemical. In this project, production of HMF from fructose using primarily acid silica under benign reaction conditions was investigate

Nearshore Currents in Southeastern Scania

The South East Coast of Scania is a popular destination for both Swedish and foreign tourists. The long and wide sandy beaches are well visited by swimmers and beachgoers, but the waters have shown to be treacherous at times. In Au- gust 2015, two German tourists drowned after getting caught in a probable rip current in the proximity of Hav ̈ang beach. Six months after the accident, this thesis st

Körundervisningens oändliga rikedom - En kvalitativ studie om körundervisningens roll på en musikhögskoleutbildning

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur körundervisning påverkar en musikhögskoleutbildning, och hur detta skulle kunna se ut i praktiken. Studien var baserat bland annat på Zoltán Kodálys skrifter som kretsar kring ovanstående tema, och annan forskning och litteratur som rör körundervisning och andra aspekter av undervisning. Forskningsfrågorna fokuserade på vad körundervisning har för effekter The purpose of this study was to explore how choral education influences higher music education. The basis of the study is partly Zoltán Kodálys writings that were relevant to the subject, and research and literature relevant to choral education and other aspects of teaching. The research questions focused on effects of choral education relevant to a music academy education, and how choral educati

Stereotyper och fördomar om ekonomiskt bistånd- En studie bland studenter vid Lunds Universitet

The aim of this study was to get insight into what stereotypes and prejudice students at Lund University in Sweden might have towards people receiving welfare. The study used focus groups and a survey to collect material. The results from the focus groups were mainly used for the operationalization of the terms stereotypes and prejudice for the survey. Previous studies within the field of prejudic

De etablerade konstvärldarna ska bli mina slynor: En konstsociologisk undersökning av hur symboliska kapital kan forma konstverksamheterna hos ett mindre etablerat konstgalleri, de konstnärer som har ateljé där och deras relation till de mer etablerade konstvärldarna.

This bachelor thesis is a study of FRANK, a less established art gallery with studios, and the activities carried out there. I have interviewed six artists connected to FRANK, about their art activities and their relations to the more established art scenes in Malmö. My experiences is that less established artists and art activities do not get equal attention as the more established. With this the