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Prototype for Measurement Tools for Evaluating the Crusher Feed using Digital Signal Processing
Nowadays, the use of digital signal processing is essential in various measurements of different machines. There has been many projects done at Sandvik AB on how to collect and measure data signals on the cone rock crusher. None of those measurements could present the correct data. The reason could possibly be due to the lack of theory behind the use of digital signal processing which this thesis
Analysis of Arctic peak-season carbon flux estimations based on four MODIS vegetation products
Förhöjda temperaturer på höga breddgrader kan förändra koldynamiken i hela Arktis. Modellerade CO2 simuleringar visar att under nuvarande klimatförhållanden utgör Arktis en netto kolsänka, fast den stora utsträckningen samt fina geografiska heterogenitet lyfter upp osäkerhet kring dess status som CO2 sänka/källa i regionen. Förståelsen för arktiska koldioxidflödekan förbättras genom integrering avIncreased temperatures in high latitudes may alter the carbon dynamics throughout the Arctic. Modelled CO2 simulations show that current climate conditions constitute the Arctic a net carbon sink, though the large extent and fine landscape heterogeneity raise an uncertainty about the carbon sink/source status of the region. The understanding of Arctic CO2 fluxes can be improved through integration
A 'multiscale' assessment of the molecular mechanisms underlying the pro-survival Bcl-2 protein members in cancer
Apoptosis is a vital physiological defence mechanism against tumorigenesis and critical for embryogenesis, tissue homeostasis, and discharging damaged or infected cells. Protein members of the B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) family regulates the cellular commitment to cell survival or programmed cell death by intrinsic (mitochondrial) apoptosis. In response to intracellular stresses, this apoptotic bala
Open Innovation, An Integrated Framework towards understanding Open Innovation in SMEs, A Multiple Case Study on Swedish SMEs
Problem: The open innovation research landscape is comprised of complex and fuzzy concepts, theories, and frameworks, as researchers have developed and relied on varying theoretical concepts that encompass diverse dimensions. The bulk of such research within this space is seen to be constituted by large companies with a lack of consideration for SMEs. Therefore, a framework and guideline that high
Distributed Heating Networks
There is a shortage of models and analysis methods of fourth generation district heating networks, which are capable of both extracting and depositing heat energy to some thermal network grid. This thesis fills that gap by combining mathematical models of components into a network that is capable of sending heat energy between its nodes. Questions regarding good heating strategies for controlling
Event construal in the auditory and visual modalities: A crosslinguistic study of placement events in Mandarin Chinese and German
This study investigates whether event construal of placement events varies between Mandarin Chinese and German speakers by comparing how native speakers of the respective languages speak and gesture about placement events. It has been argued that there are universal constraints on how languages encode placement events. However, languages arguably differ in their semantic divisions of placement eve
Optimization of batch sizes, A case-study in the process industry.
Background and Research question The company have a complex product portfolio and production facility. Currently, the batch sizes in production are based on experience and is not based on any cost analysis. The central organization have recently put more emphasis on the batch sizes, especially in a context of increasing the efficiency of the packaging lines. The company wishes to investigate
Untouched by an angel: A study of business angel rejection criteria during the deal screening process
This thesis investigates rejection criteria used by Swedish business angels in the screening phase of their decision-making process. A verbal protocol analysis was conducted on a sample of ten local business angels as they evaluate two different investment proposals and were encouraged to vocalize their thought process. Results were then coded, analysed and presented accordingly.
WHEN SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE: The intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Military Decision-Making and International Humanitarian Law
This thesis explores the intersection of three disciplines: military normativity, international humanitarian law, and artificial intelligence, focusing specifically on intelligent systems that assist superiors in conducting the military decision-making process. It explains the extent to which such systems have been operationalised into the U.S. armed forces at the different levels of warfare and d
Inbound Marketing – en framgångsstrategi? En kvalitativ studie på premiumbilar som högengagemangsköp utifrån konsumenter och Mercedes-Benz
Examensarbetets titel: Inbound Marketing – en framgångsstrategi? En kvalitativ studie på premiumbilar som högengagemangsköp utifrån konsumenter och Mercedes-Benz Seminariedatum: 2018-06-01 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Författare: Alice Beckman, Clara Michélsen, Julia Torstensson Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord: Inbound Marketing, KöpproceTitle: Inbound Marketing – A strategy for success? A qualitative study based on high involvement products from the perspective of consumers and Mercedes-Benz Seminar date: 2018-06-01 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level Author: Alice Beckman, Clara Michélsen, Julia Torstensson Advisor: Clara Gustafsson Key words: Inbound Marketing, The b
Non-alcoholic beer with maltose negative yeast strain Saccharomycodes ludwigii
Användning av den maltosnegativa jäststammen Saccharomycodes ludwigii för tillverkning av alkoholfri öl, metodutveckling. I detta projekt har en metod utvecklats som ger mikrobryggerier möjligheten att tillverka alkoholfri öl. I takt med att fler blir medvetna om alkoholens negativa effekter, ökar intresset för alkoholfri öl, även hos väldigt små bryggeriet, så kallade mikrobryggerier. Då det kräNon-alcoholic beer is gaining more attention in the brewing industry due to the negative health and economic consequences of alcohol consumption, even smaller microbreweries are showing interest in the production of non-alcoholic beer. Producing non-alcoholic beer has been restricted to the large breweries due to the special equipment needed and the high investment costs, but by using biological m
Användning av maskininlärning för att välja ut porträtt
This bachelor thesis evaluates the use of Clustering and Regression to separate good images from a given set of images. Whether the images are good or not is decided by the customers of the company that this system is developed for. In this thesis these customers are represented by a number of test persons. The images have been analysed with Amazon’s service Amazon Rekognition where the answers ar
The Politics of Adoption in Korea
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the politics of adoption in Korea. A theoretical framework was adopted that address gender, culture, and power inequalities in a domestic and international context in order to understand why so many children have been given up to orphanages, and why international adoption has been and continues to be common in Korea. The thesis is based on secondary data in
Cost optimized electrification of Lund city bus traffic using Elonroad electric road system
This thesis aims to answer how a new specific electric road technique called Elonroad should be installed to operate an electric bus fleet in the city of Lund at lowest possible cost. An algorithm has been written in MATLAB to obtain the optimal locations for installing electric road sections. Real time measurements of bus movements, dwelling times, velocities and more were obtained from Skånetra
Vägen till en mer växtbaserad och ekologisk kost i den svenska grundskolan med fokusering på miljömålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan
Livsmedelsproduktionen bidrar till klimatförändringarna via utsläpp av koldioxid, men de två växthusgaser som påverkar klimatet mest och uppkommer via köttindustrin är metan och lustgas. Idag står produktionen av kött och mejerier för cirka 15 % de globala utsläppen, vilket är lika mycket som utsläppen från bilar, flygplan, bussar och båtar genererar tillsammans. Livsmedelssektorn inom Sverige ståThis study shows that by choosing plant-based organic food for lunch in the Swedish elementary school, one of the national environmental objectives in Sweden, Reduced climate impact, can benefit and be achieved sooner. Four respondents have been interviewed regarding Lund municipality and its commitment to become 100 % organic by the year 2020 and if the municipality reduces their use of animal pr
Statistical and machine learning methods for classification of episodic memory
Multiple modern methods of statistical feature extraction and machine learning are applied to classification of encoding and retrieval of episodic memories using electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Raw data, different time-frequency methods, and multiclass common spatial patterns are used for statistical feature extraction. For each type of feature extraction multiple machine learning algorithm
Svenskens vardagsrum: Franchising och organisationskultur i restaurangbranschen
Kamrat - The holiday camper for a soft adventure
Det finns ett växande behov av miljövänliga sätt att transportera sig och därför har elcykeln slagit stort i Sverige. Elcykeln används ofta som transportmedel till och från jobbet men har potential att användas i andra sammanhang också. Miljöpåverkan orsakad av transport under semesterresor har uppmärksammats på senare tid. Samtidigt ökar efterfrågan på soft adventures, bekväma och tillrättalagda There is a growing demand for environmentally friendly ways of transportation, and therefore the electric bicycle has been booming in Sweden. The electric bicycle is often used as means of transportation to and from work, but has potential to be used in other situations as well. The environmental impact caused by transportation during holidays has recently gained attention. At the same time the de
Big Data som tillgång: Hjälpande eller stjälpande?
Big Data har kommit att bli ett populärt begrepp som av många ämnar beskriva de enorma mängder data som dagligen genereras av olika tekniska apparater. I takt med att mängden data ökat har fler organisationer börjat se dessa mängder som potentiellt värdefulla tillgångar, där mantrat trycks vara ”mycket data leder till bättre beslut”. Undersökningar visar dock att dessa organisationer ofta anses si