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Helicobacter pylori-induced gastritis in guinea pigs: Model development, diagnostic methods and comparison with mouse protocols
Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative spiral-shaped bacterium that colonizes the human stomach and causes gastric inflammation, gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers, gastric cancer and MALT-lymphoma. A novel guinea pig model of H. pylori infection was developed. Infection was induced by oral inoculation and was confirmed by cultivation from the stomach mucosa. The infection led to severe gastric in
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Arbete befordrar hälsa och välstånd – men vad betyder arbetspendling?
International Financial Market Fluctuations - Corporate Forecasting and Reporting Problems
Kognitiv funktionsförmåga vid arbetsrelaterad utmattning
Sulphur-Utilizing Microorganisms in Biotechnological Applications - Rubber Recycling and Vanadium Reduction
Popular Abstract in Swedish I slutet på 1400-talet såg Christoffer Columbus, som förste europé, gummi användas av indianerna i Sydamerika. Han tog med sig materialet hem till Portugal, men kunde säkert inte föreställa sig de stora mängder gummi som några hundra år senare skulle komma att användas världen över. Mer än 17 miljarder kilo gummi produceras varje år. Nästan hälften är naturgummi och komBiotechnological processes offer environmentally friendly and sometimes cost-effective alternatives to traditional chemical and mechanical methods. It is important to take advantages of the opportunities these processes provide to fulfil the demands and expectations of a future environmentally sustainable society. This work exploits the possibilities of applying biotechnological methods to allow r
Styrelseledamöters mandat - ansats till en teori om styrelsearbete i börsnoterade företag
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan 1970-talet har intresset för den svenska aktiemarknaden ökat. Utländska och svenska institutionella investerare är exempel på aktörer som spelar en alltmer betydelsefull roll på aktiemarknaden. Generellt sett har en tidigare relativt trögrörlig aktiemarknad ersatts av en livlig marknad för ägande i svenska börsföretag. Förändringarna har betydelse för hur aktieägaThe ownership structure of public-listed companies in Sweden has undergone large changes during the last 20 years. Since the 1970's, the interest in the stock market has grown substantially, and in addition to more active domestic actors, the national borders have been opened to foreign capital. The change towards a more active stock market in Sweden has increased the interest for issues concernin
Crack propagation in wood and wood based materials
Methods in insect sensory ecology
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The Gaia mission: Science, organization and present status
Locomotives of Local Growth: The Short- and Long-Term Impact of Railroads in Sweden
This paper studies the impact of railroads on town-level growth in Sweden over 150 years. Our analysis builds on the fact that railroads historically were extended quasi-randomly across towns. Towns that gained access to a rail connection grew larger relative to other towns, with large negative spillovers on unconnected nearby towns. Over the 20th century, we find little adjustment to the initial
Exploring Practical Philosophy - From Action to Values
Selection of articles by leading international philosophers: Roger Crisp, Fred Feldman, Göran Hermerén, Derek Parfit, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Michael Smith, Paul Snowdon, Galen Strawson, Larry S. Temkin, Torbjörn Tännsjö, and Michael J. Zimmerman. Published in honour of Ingmar Persson on his fiftieth birthday.