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Organizing integrated care for older persons: strategies in Sweden during the past decade.

Abstract in UndeterminedPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse ways of organizing integrated care for older persons in Sweden during the past decade. Design/methodology/approach - The data consist of 62 cases of development work, described in official reports. A meta-analysis of cases was performed, including content analysis of each case. A theoretical framework comprising

Palaeomagnetic, geochronological and geochemical study of Mesoproterozoic Lakhna Dykes in the Bastar Craton, India: Implications for the Mesoproterozoic supercontinent

Palaeomagnetic analysis of the Lakhna Dykes (Bastar Craton, India) yields a palaeopole at 36.6 degrees N, 132.8 degrees E, dp=12.4 degrees, dm=15.9 degrees, and the U-Pb zircon age obtained from one of the rhyolitic dykes is 1466.4 +/- 2.6 Ma (MSWD = 0.21, concordia age based on two analyses with identical Pb/U ages), similar to previously published U-Pb ages. Major and trace element analyses of t

Diagnostics of stellar modelling from spectroscopy and photometry of globular clusters

We conduct a series of comparisons between spectroscopic and photometric observations of globular clusters and stellar models to examine their predictive power. Data from medium-to-high resolution spectroscopic surveys of lithium allow us to investigate first dredge-up and extra mixing in two clusters well separated in metallicity. Abundances at first dredge-up are satisfactorily reproduced but th

Note on symmetric BCJ numerator

We present an algorithm that leads to BCJ numerators satisfying manifestly the three properties proposed by Broedel and Carrasco in [42]. We explicitly calculate the numerators at 4, 5 and 6-points and show that the relabeling property is generically satisfied.

Reporting nuclear cardiology: a joint position paper by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI).

The report of an imaging procedure is a critical component of an examination, being the final and often the only communication from the interpreting physician to the referring or treating physician. Very limited evidence and few recommendations or guidelines on reporting imaging studies are available; therefore, an European position statement on how to report nuclear cardiology might be useful. Th

Application of Texture Analysis to Functional Pulmonary CT Data

It is demonstrated that textural parameters calculated from functional pulmonary CT data have the potential to provide a robust and objective quantitative characterisation of inhomogeneity in lung function and classification of lung diseases in routine clinical applications. Clear recommendations are made for optimum data preparation and textural parameter selection. A new set of platform-independ

Exploring security effects on transport performance

The purpose of this investigation is to learn the effects of security on transport performance. The methodology is based on the analysis of multiple case studies, where data is collected by means of observations, focus groups, unstructured and semi-structured interviews. The findings from the empirical data seem to show that security measures may cause lower operational performance. Therefore, thi

Three decades of heart transplantation in Scandinavia: long-term follow-up

Aim Heart transplantation (HTx) has become a standard treatment for patients with end-stage heart disease. The aim of this study was to report the long-term outcome after HTx in Scandinavia. Methods and results During the period, 1983-2009,2333 HTxs were performed in 2293 patients (mean age 45 +/- 16 years, range 0-70,78% mate). The main indications for HTx were non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy (50%),

Total, inelastic and (quasi-)elastic cross sections of high energy pA and γ$^{⋆}$ A reactions with the dipole formalism

In order to understand the initial partonic state in proton-nucleus and electron-nucleus collisions, we investigate the total, inelastic, and (quasi-)elastic cross sections in pA and gamma-A collisions, as these observables are insensitive to possible collective effects in the final state interactions. We used as a tool the DIPSY dipole model, which is based on BFKL dynamics including non-leading

Plasma Melatonin Is Reduced in Huntington's Disease

This study was undertaken to determine whether the production of melatonin, a hormone regulating sleep in relation to the light/dark cycle, is altered in Huntington's disease. We analyzed the circadian rhythm of melatonin in a 24-hour study of cohorts of control, premanifest, and stage II/III Huntington's disease subjects. The mean and acrophase melatonin concentrations were significantly reduced

Fabrication Process Simulation of a PEM Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer and Its Microscopic Structure Characteristics

The catalyst layers (CLs) in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are porous composites of complex microstructures of the building blocks, i.e., Pt nano-particles, carbonaceous substrates and Nafion ionomers. It is important to understand the factors that control the microstructure formation in the fabrication process. A coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) method is employed to inves

Recombinant antibodies for the generation of antibody arrays.

Affinity proteomics, mainly represented by antibody microarrays, has in recent years been established as a powerful tool for high-throughput (disease) proteomics. The technology can be used to generate detailed protein expression profiles, or protein maps, of focused set of proteins in crude proteomes and potentially even high-resolution portraits of entire proteomes. The technology provides uniqu

Characterizing the high-velocity stars of RAVE: the discovery of a metal-rich halo star born in the Galactic disc

We aim to characterize high-velocity (HiVel) stars in the solar vicinity both chemically and kinematically using the fourth data release of the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). We used a sample of 57 HiVel stars with Galactic rest-frame velocities larger than 275 km s(-1). With 6D position and velocity information, we integrated the orbits of the HiVel stars and found that, on average, they reac

Contrasting changes in taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity during a long-term succession: insights into assembly processes

1. Theory predicts that the processes generating biodiversity after disturbance will change during succession. Comparisons of phylogenetic and functional (alpha and beta) diversity with taxonomic diversity can provide insights into the extent to which community assembly is driven by deterministic or stochastic processes, but comparative approaches have yet to be applied to successional systems. 2.

Cost-Effectiveness Models for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Cross-Model Comparison of Hypothetical Treatment Scenarios

Objectives To compare different chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cost-effectiveness models with respect to structure and input parameters and to cross-validate the models by running the same hypothetical treatment scenarios. Methods COPD modeling groups simulated four hypothetical interventions with their model and compared the results with a reference scenario of no intervention. T

Reversible α-Hydrogen and α-Alkyl Elimination in PC(sp(3) )P Pincer Complexes of Iridium.

Despite significant progress in recent years, the cleavage of unstrained C(sp(3) )C(sp(3) ) bonds remains challenging. A CC coupling and cleavage reaction in a PC(sp(3) )P iridium pincer complex is mechanistically studied; the reaction proceeds via the formation of a carbene intermediate and can be described as a competition between α-hydrogen and α-alkyl elimination; the latter process was observ

Distribution and variation of indoor temperatures in apartment blocks with individual metering and billing of space heating costs—on building, apartment, and room level

A good indoor thermal climate is important. To reduce energy demands for space heating, individual metering and billing (IMB) for space heating costs is common, though not yet in Sweden. To obtain a better picture of the thermal climate conditions, the distribution of the measured indoor temperatures was investigated in each apartment in 14 apartment blocks with a total of 419 apartments. All bloc

Structural basis for arabinoxylo-oligosaccharide capture by the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis Bl-04

Glycan utilization plays a key role in modulating the composition of the gut microbiota, but molecular insight into oligosaccharide uptake by this microbial community is lacking. Arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are abundant in the diet, and are selectively fermented by probiotic bifidobacteria in the colon. Here we show how selectivity for AXOS uptake is established by the probiotic strain Bif