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Harmonized Intellectual Property protection for software solutions within EU - A modest proposal

This thesis picks up the journey from my Bachelor’s thesis where it was concluded that current legal protection of the Intellectual Property (IP) for “computer programs” and associated components is fractured and contains gaps that provides for legal uncertainty for the author/creator/inventor. The BSc thesis’ analysis covered IP protection provided through international treaties, statutory law an

Discussing the Complex Relationship between the Mouridiyya Order and the Jamatou Ibadou Rahmane Association in Senegal

This paper discusses the relationship between the Mouridiyya order and the Jamatou Ibadou Rahmane Association- two significant and quite different Muslim organizations in Senegal. This case is illuminated in order to help explain why supposedly opposed groups entertain peaceful relationships. The data analyzed derives from nine interviews conducted between January 2014 and March 2014, in Dakar, Se

Fotbolls-EM och turism

Policy makers and national football associations often emphasize potential benefits of mega-events like the FIFA World Cup or UEFA EURO on tourism (or the economy in general), but empirical studies show no support for this. The effects on tourism, especially of the EUROs, are not well documented in the academic community and it is the purpose of this paper to provide some empirical evidence of the

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av äldreboendet Häradsgården

This report is based on a fire safety evaluation of Häradsgårdens retirement home and presents the method during the work and the result. The report is a part of the Fire Safety Engineer program at Lund University and written by students. The main focus during the evaluation was to look at the personal safety during a fire in the building and just a small concern was taken to economic aspects. The

Effektivare personalutnyttjande i entreprenadföretag

In Sweden, there is a great demand for construction. At the same time, construction companies must increase their profitability. This requires the development of systems for improved communication and interaction. Especially now when the industry is facing massive retirements, there is a risk that knowledge will be lost. To ensure quality the companies also need to involve their employees so they

Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of Dynamic Shelf Life in a Food Supply Chain

DynahMat is an ongoing project at the Packaging Logistics department at Lund University, which aims to reduce food waste by establishing the true quality and shelf life of chilled goods through a dynamic shelf life prediction (DSLP) service. The idea behind the service is, throughout the entire supply chain, to measure temperature and microbial growth using sensors attached to the package. The inf

What Drives the Difference in Probability of Default from Reduced Form- and Structural Approaches

This Master Thesis successfully explains the difference in probability of default implied by Credit Default Swaps, traded by the market, and the benchmark Moody’s EDFTM. The difference is explained by the market price of risk, related to the Girsanov kernel, allowing us to transform the risk neutral measure Q to the physical measure P. This market price of risk is modeled with a log-linear multiva

Anestesisjuksköterskans förhållningssätt kring begreppet awareness: ett professionellt misslyckande

Awareness är en sällsynt (1:1000) men allvarlig komplikation till anestesi. När det förekommer kan det innebära stora psykologiska efterföljder för den drabbade. Anestesisjuksköterskor i Sverige har en viktig roll vid det perioperativa omhändertagandet av patienten. Syftet var att belysa anestesisjuksköterskans förhållningssätt kring awareness. En kvalitativ induktiv metod användes. Totalt intervj

Does education improve labour market outcomes?

This paper estimates the causal relationship between years of schooling and unemployment. The results are derived from a high quality dataset containing observations on 13,896 twins. A control for twin pair specific heterogeneity is introduced by exploiting the twin dimension through the fixed effects estimator. Although the OLS estimator reports a strong negative correlation between education and

På säkert avstånd

Twitter har beskrivits som ett relevant verktyg för svenska politiker för att hålla sig uppdaterade kring vad som händer inom den politiska världen. Twitter som kanal har tidigare benämnts som ett elitmedium, då det finns en stark närvaro av opin-ionsbildare av olika slag. Det är alltid viktigt att granska makthavares kommuni-kation och hur detta kan påverka demokratin. Vi har genomfört en kvalitaTwitter has been described as a must-have tool for Swedish politicians, to not fall behind in the constant flow of information. Previous research has defined Twitter as an elitist channel, due to its dense population of opinion-makers. It is important to keep a critical approach towards how people in power communicate and what possible effect their communications might have on the democratic proce

The Feasibility of Optimal Currency Area for ASEAN after adopting the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint in 2008

This paper investigates the feasibility of OCA for ASEAN after the implementation of ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint in 2008. Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) model with and without a structural break are used to identify whether the policy implemented facilitates the region to move closer to a single currency area. Industrial production index growth rate and change in short-term interest

Att översätta italienska kolon till svenska ord

Den här magisteruppsatsen är baserad på en översättning av den italienska bilderboken Antonia e le bottiglie di Morandi, som i sin tur är inspirerad av den svenska förlagan Linnéa i målarens trädgård. Uppsatsen består av en källtextanalys enligt metoden i Vägar genom texten av Hellspong och Ledin (1997). Därefter följer överväganden inför översättningen med val av strategier som behandlas i boken

Value at Risk for Emerging Markets' Funds

Value at Risk is a commonly used risk measure which calculates the smallest losses you risk to lose from having an asset, given a certain risk level and time period. Even though Value at Risk is applicable to all different types of assets, some studies suggest that this risk measure is not suitable for developing countries/emerging markets. This is because these countries’ assets generate very obs

Never forget to vote : en kvalitativ studie om svensk röstbenägenhet i Europaparlamentsvalet

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om ökad kunskap och ökat intresse för EU kan öka valdeltagandet i Europaparlamentsvalet enligt svenska studenter, då det svenska valdeltagandet i Europaparlamentsvalet är väldigt lågt i förhållande till valdeltagandet i det svenska riksdagsvalet. Tidigare forskning som presenteras försöker påvisa eller dementera att det finns ett demokratiskt underskott i EU

Theoretical and numerical approach to calculate the shear stiffness of corrugated metal deck

Permanent Metal Deck Forms (PMDFs) currently are used in building application as a lateral beam bracing. In the bridge applications, PMDFs are frequently used to support the wet concrete of bridge decks during the construction phase, but they are not relied on as lateral bracing. The girders in the bridge system are subjected to lateral torsional buckling that occurs under the casting of the bridg

Kritiska fukt - och temperatur - r örelser i putsade skivfasader

In general the facade should be aesthetically appealing, but also its practical functions from a moisture control point of view are of importance. Two step sealed facades, where the outer part consists of a cementboard and plaster, are becoming increasingly common in the selection of type of facade. A specific tvåstegstätad facade that is becoming more established on the market is the facade, wher

Den Europeiska Unionens syn på den ukrainska identiteten : är den etnisk eller är den medborgerlig? En narrativ studie av Carl Bildt och Catherine Ashton

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker med hjälp av en narrativ analys den Europeiska Unionens syn på den ukrainska identiteten och huruvida denna identitet är medborgerlig eller etnisk, utifrån teorier om dessa två typer av identiteter. Materialet som undersöks är skriftligt presenterade narrativ av EU:s Höga Representant Catherine Ashton och den svenske utrikesministern Carl Bildt mellan november 2013

Inducing proactive interference by context reinstatement

Proactive interference occurs when previously learned information interfere with current processing. The research presented here examined how old memories can compete with new information during recall by reinstating the context from which the material was learned. Participants were exposed to two around the world trips on a television screen and were tested on memory using the Brown-Peterson task

The war on Internet privacy: a study of the European data protection legislation and the European public debate regarding privacy on the Internet

The high amount of information circulating on the Internet and the consequent possibility to monitor this information has sparked a discussion regarding privacy on the Internet. In early 2012, the EU responded to this by presenting a major reform of its data protection legislation. It is the possible source of this reform that has been of interest in this study. With a discourse analysis guided by