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Paper-based flexible laminates tendency to curl

The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact of environmental conditions on paper-based flexible laminates tendency to curl. Any deviation in flatness may indeed affect materials processability. Two different paper-based flexible laminates are considered: a widely processed heat-sealable yogurt lid (paper / metallized polyethylene terephthalate / heat-sealing lacquer) and a prototype lam

Cell Image Transformation Using Deep Learning

This thesis was written at CellaVision who sells digital microscope systems, mainly used for blood analysis. Blood tests are an important part of modern health care and today digital microscopes are widely used to replace conventional microscopy. It is important that the digital images of blood cells are of high quality and that they look as they would in a traditional microscope. CellaVision has

Med fokus på familjeterapi på BUP

Denna kvalitativa studie tog del av familjeterapeuters reflektioner om familjeterapi på BUP i Blekinge. Syftet med studien var att förstå hur de reflekterade om vad familjeterapi var för dem på BUP, vad som var verksamma faktorer och om de hade tankar om familjeterapin behöver synliggöras mer på BUP. Studien visar att familjeterapeuterna såg på familjeterapi som en metod med specifik kompetens tilThis qualitative study took part in family therapists' reflections on family therapy at BUP in Blekinge. The purpose of the study was to understand how they reflected on what family therapy was for them at BUP, what were the factors involved and if they had thoughts about family disability need to be more visible on BUP. The study shows that family therapists looked at family therapy as a meth

Aligned Branding - An Opportunity for Coordinated HR & Marketing Efforts

Purpose - The primary purpose of this thesis is to generate insights into the practical relevance and existing attempts of an aligned employer and corporate brand. The literature suggests that both employer branding and corporate branding are not aligned for a consistent brand, and each of the department responsible for the respective branding concept works in separate silos without cross-function

Verkligheten i sagoform? : En kvalitativ studie om hur sexuella övergrepp mot barn framställs i barnböcker

Within society, sexual abuse is a subject of taboo and has a number of stigmas attached to it which can make it difficult for children to talk about it let alone make a disclosure as typically can be a relative or someone that the child trusts. The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of how sexual abuse against children is depicted in children’s literature. Within our study we hav

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements – A multiple-case study of challenges and possibilities in the favelas and informal sector of Rio de Janeiro city

Idag bor cirka en miljard människor i världen i informella bosättningar och saknar tillgång till avfalls- och sanitetstjänster samt stadsinfrastruktur. I Rio de Janeiro bor cirka 1,4 miljoner människor, en fjärdedel av stadsbefolkningen, i informella bosättningar, eller favelor som det heter i Brasilien. Bristerna i stadens avfallshanteringssystem manifesterar sig huvudsakligen genom ansamling av Today, about one billion people in the world live in informal settlements and lack access to basic services and city infrastructure. In Rio de Janeiro, approximately 1,4 million people, one fourth of the city population, live in informal settlements, in Brazil called favelas. The insufficiency of the city’s waste services mainly manifests itself through accumulation of waste in public spaces in th

Normative Power China: Process Tracing the Dynamics Behind the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

In the midst of a global shift in world politics induced by the rise of emerging powers, the outdated and unequal international financial institutions (IFIs) that were set up after World War II are increasingly being challenged and scrutinized. International actors can use IFIs in numerous ways to enhance their position in the world system. For instance, they can be used as a vehicle to launder st

Psykologisk flexibilitet hos barn och ungdomar med tvång, ångest och depression

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur psykologisk (in)flexibilitet var kopplat till olika vanliga barnpsykiatriska symtom bland barn och ungdomar samt om det fanns en starkare koppling till vissa psykiatriska symtom. Psykologisk flexibilitet kan beskrivas som en “fundamental aspekt” av hälsa eller som en helhetsmodell för mänskligt fungerande (Hayes, Strosahl & Wilson, 1999; Kashdans &amThe aim of this study was to examine how psychological (in)flexibility was related to the severity of anxiety, depression, and OCD in youth seeking treatment for these disorders, and if there was a stronger connection to some of the psychiatric symptoms. Psychological flexibility can be described as a fundamental aspect of health or as an encompassing model of human functioning (Hayes, Strosahl &a

Obegripliga genus : en analys av Indiens tre lagförslag för säkrandet av transpersoners rättigheter

Genom att erkänna ett tredje juridiskt genus påbörjade den storslagna NALSA-domen en rättslig utveckling som ämnar att främja transpersoners position i Indien. Utvecklingens senaste framsteg togs i form av tre lagförslag avsedda för att säkra transpersoners rättigheter. Huruvida lagförslagen kan medverka till positiv förändring för Indiens transbefolkning beror till stor del på hur de är formuleraThe ground-breaking NALSA judgement became the starting point of the latest legal developments towards securing transgender rights in India by recognizing a third gender. The most resent progress came in the shape of three draft bills concerning the protection of the rights of transgender persons. Whether or not the draft bills could contribute to positive change for India’s transgender community

Att lära inför konflikter

Mellanmänskliga konflikter är en vanlig och naturlig företeelse som kan påverka individer markant. För att minska risken för negativ påverkan, där forskning lyft exempelvis stress, depression och misstro, bedrivs studier för att bättre förstå konfliktens mekanismer och hur hanteringen av dessa kan utvecklas. Den aktuella uppsatsen centrerades kring forskning av Jordan och Lundin (2001) och fokuserInterpersonal conflicts are common and natural phenomena that may affect individuals considerably. To decrease the risk of negative effects, where research has highlighted e.g. stress, depression and distrust, studies are conducted to better understand the mechanisms of conflicts and how the management thereof can be developed. The current essay was centered on research by Jordan and Lundin (2001)

Case Events as an Employer Branding Initiative

Purpose: To obtain an understanding of the phenomenon of case events in employer branding context. The emphasis is two-sided: to comprehend why companies organize and why students attend these events. Methodology: We executed a qualitative single case study with an abductive approach. The case company in focus was KPMG Sweden, and the scope was delineated to the firm’s case events Ace the Case an

Environmental pollution and fiscal decentralization. On the role of institutions.

Previous research in the field of Environmental Federalism has not reached an agreement on whether fiscal decentralization leads to an increase in environmental pollution, i.e. a race to the bottom, or decrease in it, i.e. a a race to the top. Farzanegan and Mennel (2012) point out that this discrepancy may be due to institutions. Employing the OLS estimator, they find that fiscal decentralization

En hastighetsstudie på sträckan Malmö-Stockholm

The increased population in Sweden entails that the transport needs also increases. To increase the transport needs also a capacity improvement. The increased transport needs entails shall be in operation in year 2035. Due to the High-speed of the train, 320 km/h, the larger cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö receive a better connection as the commuter will reach the destination much faster. T

Do Mergers and Acquisitions Create Value for Acquirers? Short- and Long-Term Event Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry of Europe

In this thesis, the short- and long-term event study methodology are applied in order to assess whether M&As, in the pharmaceutical industry, create any abnormal return for the acquirer. The majority of the previous research finds a negative abnormal return but the short-term event study seems to generate slightly positive abnormal returns outside the U.S. There is a limited amount of research

Kanska eru smáar oyggjar ikki bara fyri fuglar

Situated below the Artic Circle at 62 degrees north latitude, the Faroe Islands only add upp to 540 square miles and approximately 50.000 inhabitants. They constitute a self-governing overseas administrative division of the kingdom of Denmark. Despite this the Faroe Islanders have their own language and culture. Their film production has though a rather sporadic history and is of a quite late date

Understanding the Showroom - An Exploratory Study of Consumer Value from In-Store Technology

The increasing competition in the retail industry is forcing online and offline retailers to innovate to deliver great customer experience. Online retailers are responding by opening offline retail spaces featuring technology, known as showrooms. The recent phenomenon of the showroom remains underresearched. Furthermore, existing literature on retail technology lacks focus on the consumer perspect

Självövervakning - det naturliga valet

I dagens konkurrenssamhälle behöver företag anpassa sin marknadskommunikation efter samhällets normer, värderingar och diskurser för att uppnå legitimitet på marknaden. Detta gäller även läkemedelsbranschen, som i allt större utsträckning har marknadiserats. Denna studie undersöker förekommande diskurser och dess inverkan på ansvarsfördelning gällande preventivmedel. En kritisk diskursanalys har u

Vad säljer en influencer? - En kvalitativ studie om hur influencers strategiskt kommunicerar kring produkter på Instagram

Ett populärt och växande verktyg för företag att nå ut till sina målgrupper är att använda sig av influencers. Denna studie syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur digitala livsstilsinfluencers strategiskt kommunicerar produkter på Instagram i förhållande till identitetsteori, övertalningsstrategier och hög- och låginvolverings-produkter. Studien avser därmed att analysera framställningen av den A popular and fast-growing tool for companies to be able to reach out to their target audience is by using influencers. This study aims to contribute knowledge on how digital lifestyle influencers strategically communicates products on Instagram in relation to identity theory, strategies for persuasion and high- and low involvement products. The study refers to analyze how influencers communicates

Det sociala arbetets konstruktion i mindfulnessforskning : En perspektivanalys

Mindfulness is an increasingly popular social work intervention. The aim of this study was to examine how the social problems addressed by mindfulness are framed and how the nature and goals of social work are constructed in the latest mindfulness research from 2017 onwards. 25 peer-reviewed articles were examined with the help of Håkan Jönson’s perspective analysis, which asks questions about the