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Ett Systembolag fast med narkotika - En kvalitativ textanalys av debatten gällande narkotikalegalisering

Drug abuse became a big social problem in Sweden during the 1960’s when the youth’s use of narcotics started to expand. The Swedish drug policy stands for total prohibition. All thing related to narcotics are illegal, to use, to smuggle, to produce, to hold and to buy. The aim of this study was to examine the Swedish drug policy and to examine how the members of the internet forum Flashback discus

Att göra slut med kriminalitet - Om vändpunkter och processen till att bli ett ex

The aim with this study has been to understand the process of leaving a life of criminality, using the concept of turning points and Ebaugh’s theory “The process of role exit”. Seven qualitative interviews have been made with ex-criminals that stopped offending before they turned twenty-six years old. The main result of this study is that we can see a few different situations; being arrested, get

Den radikala frihetliga vänstern i Umeå, 2002-2013: Kollektiva berättelser och politisk praktik i ett socialt handlingsfält

De senaste femton åren har den radikala frihetliga vänstern i Umeå utvecklats från slutenhet och militans till öppenhet och pragmatisk inblandning i lokala konflikter. Uppsatsen intresserar sig för hur dessa förändringar korresponderar mot utvecklingsprocesser i rörelsens interna liv. Specifikt analyseras på vilka sätt rörelsens kollektiva självförståelse som politisk aktör konstruerats, hur dess

When the Transnational Meets the Particular: Businesses as Actors of Transnational Governance in a Changing Myanmar

Following five decades of isolation and ruthless military rule, Myanmar authorities started implementing various nominally democratic reforms. In response to these developments Western governments scaled back sanctions that had made the country anathema to foreign business. Writing within premises of late modernity, and the retreat of the state as primary political-geographical reference, this the

Anknytning och omvårdnadsrepresentationer hos mödrar med postpartum-depression

Denna tvärsnittsstudie undersökte anknytningsstil och omvårdnadsrepresentationsstil hos mödrar som drabbats av postpartum-depression (PPD). Studien inkluderade 20 mödrar som hade sökt professionell hjälp för sin psykiska ohälsa och 25 som inte hade gjort det. Datainsamling skedde genom en semistrukturerad intervju, en berättelsebaserad teknik och flera självskattningsformulär. En majoritet av deltThis cross-sectional study examined the attachment patterns and caregiving representations of women who suffered from postpartum depression (PPD), including 20 mothers who had sought professional help and 25 who had not. Data was collected with a semi-structured interview, a narrative based technique and self-report questionnaires. A majority of the participants were insecurely attached and had ca

Lerbottnar. En granskning av fem tolkningar.

The purpose of this paper is to examine five interpretations of a type of medieval construction called “clay lined pit” which has been encountered on several locations in southern Scandinavia, and whether the interpretations can still be considered plausible in light of new findings. Initially the construction type is explained and the interpretations are introduced. Three locales, where clay line

Tjänar man på att investera sitt studielån?

Sammanfattning Examensarbete i nationaleknomi vid Lunds universitet, kandidatuppsats, HT 2015 Seminariedatum: 2016.01.26 Författare: Henrik Bäckström Handeledare: Dag Rydorff Titel: Tjänar man på att investera sitt studielån? En undersökning av investeringsmöjligheter med lån från tre studiemedelssystem sedan 1981. Nyckelord: CSN, investering med belånat kapital, passiv placeringsstrategi.

Rankine Cycles, Modeling and Control

As the demand for decreased use of energy increases, new ways of using energy sources are investigated. One of these ways is to be able to use low temperature heat sources, which can be done with a rankine or organic rankine cycle. In a rankine cycle there is a working fluid which is pressurized, evaporated, expanded and then condensed again, and the energy released during the expansion can drive

ÄBIC i praktiken. En kvalitativ studie om introduktionen av Socialstyrelsens arbetsmodell Äldres Behov I Centrum.

Author: Caroline Olsson Title: ÄBIC in practice – A qualitative study of the introduction of the working model named “The needs of the elderly in the centre”, developed by the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden [translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Dolf Tops The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden has developed a new working model named ÄBIC which is to be

Osynligt arbete. Några anställdas upplevelser av det interna arbetet med jämställdhet och etnisk mångfald på en myndighet

Sedan 1990-talet har Sverige dels genom nationell politik och dels genom lagar och förordningar reglerat hur arbetet med jämlikhet ska främjas i myndigheter. Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur det interna jämlikhetsarbetet i form av jämställdhet och etnisk mångfald fungerar i en utvald myndighet som i sitt externa arbete har fokus på dessa frågor. Uppsatsen bygger på en analy

Transitional Justice and the Ongoing Kurdish Issue in Turkey from the Perspectives of the Wives of the Disappeared

The aim of this thesis is to examine how Turkey’s “proto-transition” regarding the Kurdish issue is gendered in the light of the narratives of a particular set of victims, the wives of the disappeared. The conflict between the Turkish military and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan or PKK) has been ongoing for more than three decades. During 1980s and 1990s, enforced disappea

Is There ´Tomorrow´? Recasting Visions of the Future Through Mental Well-Being: A Grounded Theory Study with Afghan Women Refugees in Delhi

India continuously receives a significant number of refugees from neighbouring countries and non. Lacking a proper framework for protection, the government assigned the mandate to UNHCR, thus putting in place a system with the same purpose. Yet, hierarchisation of Indian society on the basis of fixed gender roles, and other institutions in place create conditions of structural violence, particular

Tobacco smoking among Peking University students – smoking as a resistance, lack of information on health problems, or a societal norm? A case-study in Peking University with students aged 18-28

Within last four decades, smoking has become a major problem for the Chinese People’s Republic (hereafter: China) as there are annually approximately 1.2 million smoke-related deaths. There are several bans by the national and local governments that have been introduced during the last decade (in years 2008, 2011 and 2014) and bans thus can be said to have a certain tradition. The purpose of the t

Missed Connections: Mobility Management and the Swedish Public Transport Administration

Kommuner and the Swedish National Government have been promoting sustainable transport in Sweden. Their actions and plans use the concept of mobility management, as well as infrastructure investments. However the public transport administrations who are responsible for the procurement of public transport in Sweden have had limited visible engagement with this concept. The purpose of this thesis wa

Sustainability Potentials of the Sharing Economy: The case of accommodation sharing platforms

The sharing economy, which facilitates technology-enabled sharing of underused assets, is an umbrella for a variety of segments and platforms. The concept includes peer-to-peer, business-to-business and business-to-consumer platforms which are celebrated for their potential to facilitate a transformative change towards a sustainable society grounded in access over ownership, empowerment, inclusive

The gut microbial composition in humans in hot occupational settings and the effects of drinking buttermilk

The principal aims of the present study were to examine the latent heat stress relieving capacity of drinking buttermilk and to observe the human gut microbiota in hot occupational condition. A human crossover intervention study with 12 volunteers was studied, each of them performed 3 hours of physical work in a heat chamber. During the working period, the volunteers were given buttermilk, water o

Konstruktion av kustnära vägar till följd av klimatförändringar

The world is facing future climate changes. Theses climate changes gives expression in increased average temperature, stronger gusts, more extreme rainfall and rising sea levels. What happens to low-lying communities as the sea level rises? On this question at issue, SWECO Environment worked with an action plan for the vicinity of Falsterbonäset. Falsterbo, Höllviken and Skanör are low-lying commu

Herrens tjänarinna?

Luke 1:28-38 is read in Church of Sweden every year during “Feast of the Annunciation”. During the sermons focus often lies on Mary as a role model for the people. A role model because Mary chose to accept the mission from God to carry Jesus in her womb. The question the essay answers is; Did Mary have a choice, could she say no to the angel Gabriel when he told her she would get pregnant and carr

Localisation of TRP Channels in Mammalian Skin

Perception of temperature in mammals is critical for their survival, it enables them to perceive the world around them and act with an appropriate physiological or behavioural response. However, the full understanding of the thermosensory system in mammals has thus far been clouded. TRP channels are thermally sensitive and are known to associate with heat sensitive nerve fibers and keratinocytes i