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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Kvinnorna i Boko Haram och den Islamiska Staten: En teoristyrd fallstudie av kvinnors strategiska roll i Boko Haram och IS

The brutal and inhuman strategies of violence that characterizes Boko Haram and the Islamic State (IS) have resulted in them being classified as two of the world’s most lethal terrorist organizations. In the study of terrorism, the role of women has often been marginalised, neglected or excluded. Terrorism has hence often been portrayed as an exclusively male phenomenon. Despite this widespread be

High-risk Consumer Credit Scoring using Machine Learning Classification

The use of statistical models in credit rating and application scorecard modelling is a thoroughly explored field within the financial sector and a central component in a credit institution’s underlying business model. The aim of this report was to apply and compare six different machine learning models in predicting credit defaults for high-risk consumer credits, using a data set provided by a Sw

"Giv rösträtt åt kvinnorna och bröd åt arbetarhemmen!" - Om hungerupploppen i Göteborg 1917 och pressens reaktion på upprörda kvinnor

This is a study in the field of history of ideas which places the hunger riots of 1917 in Gothenburg in the context of the struggle for women’s suffrage. A gender perspective on contemporary media shows that the presentation of women’s participation differed between the newspapers according to its political ideology. An analysis of the concepts of hunger and riots has enabled a comparison between

Cykelvägar anlagda på befintlig jord

Denna rapport utgör en masteruppsats vid Lunds Universitet. Målet med studien är att undersöka kraven i det svenska referensverket AMA Anläggning. Kraven säger att den organiska halten i undergrunden inte får överstiga 2 vikt% i fyllnadsmaterialet. Både vad gäller cykelvägar och vanliga vägar. I denna studie utreddes detta krav utifrån flera infallsvinklar. Aspekter så som cykelkomfort, bärighet, This report constitutes a master thesis at Lund University. The aim of the study is to investigate a requirement in the Swedish reference book AMA Anläggning. The requirement says that the organic content in the earth foundation cannot exceed the level of 2 weight% of filling material. Both for bike paths as well as regular roads. In this thesis, this requirement is investigated by several entry a

Out, Loud and Proud? - LGBT+ Employees' Perceptions of Workplace Inclusion & Diversity

In recent years, workforce diversity has attracted considerable research attention. However, few attempts have been made to study the perceptions of inclusion and diversity specifically from LGBT+ employees’ perspectives. The aim of this study is therefore to contribute valuable insights into LGBT+ employees’ perceptions of inclusion and diversity at work. The findings intend to develop readers’ u

Skelettjordskonstruktioner - En undersökning av dess funktion med hydraulisk modellering i MIKE URBAN+

Urbanisering med växande och tätare städer i kombination med klimatförändring som förväntas kunna ge extremare väder kräver ett smart markanvändande där flera funktioner kan uppfyllas på samma yta. Ett exempel på en multifunktionell anläggning är skelettjordskonstruktioner som har en bärförmåga som hanterar ovanliggande laster, skapar gynnsamma förhållanden för träd och hanterar dagvatten med reniUrbanization with growing and denser cities in combination with climate change that is expected to produce more extreme weather requires a smart land use where several functions can be fulfilled on the same surface. An example of a multifunctional facility is structural soil that have a bearing capacity to handle loads, create favorable conditions for trees and handle stormwater with purification

Lateral resistance of short piles near slopes - a review of calculation methods

Vid konstruktion av bullerskärmar så väljs vanligtvis pålning som grundläggningstyp. Det finns flera modeller som kan approximera ett krav på minsta pållängd beroende på olika typer jordförhållande och vindlast. Om pålen ska placeras vid en slänt blir dock beräkningarna betydligt mer osäkra då inverkan av en slänt på den horisontella stabiliteten är svår att uppskatta. Denna rapport har analyseratWhen designing noise screens, piling is usually the chosen foundation type. There are several approximating models that can be used to determine the required pile length; these depend on the soil conditions and wind loads. However, if the pile is placed near a slope, the calculations will be considerably more uncertain as the impact of a slope on the horizontal stability of the pile is difficult t

Fiskalt intresse framför allt? - Internprissättning av svårvärderade immaterialrättigheter.

OECDs reglering för internprissättning av svårvärderade immaterialrätter har fått stor uppmärksamhet under utvecklandet av BEPS action 8. Rapporten öppnar upp en möjlighet för skattemyndigheter att använda skillnaden mellan företagets prognoser och det faktiska utfallet som bevisning för trovärdigheten av informationen som användes vid prognosen. Denna ex post bevisning har presumtiv verkan och föOECDs regulation regarding transfer pricing of hard to value intangibles has been subject to attention during the development of BEPS action 8. According to the final report, tax authorities can rely on ex post information as presumptive evidence as to the reliability of the information used ex ante in determining the transfer price. The burden of proof is shifted from the tax administrations to t

Bevisvärderingen av polisvittnesmål - En rättsfallsstudie om svenska domstolars bevisvärdering av polisvittnesmål i jämförelse med civila vittnesmål

Den här uppsatsen handlar om bevisvärdering av vittnesmål och hur svenska tingsrätter och hovrätter bedömer en vittnesutsaga beroende på om vittnet är polis eller inte. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det är någon skillnad på hur domstolar bedömer ett vittnesmål beroende på om det är en polis eller en civil person som vittnar, och om det finns en skillnad, om det innebär en risk för en snThis essay concerns the issue of evidence evaluation, and more specifically, how Swedish District Courts and Courts of Appeal evaluate testimonies from witnesses depending on whether the witness is a police officer or a civilian. The purpose of the essay is to examine whether there is any difference between the courts’ evaluation of testimonies from police witnesses and civilian witnesses, and, if

Våld mot kvinnor och deras husdjur - En undersökning av om djurplågeribrott bör kunna beaktas inom ramen för fridskränkningsbrotten

Bestämmelsen om grov fridskränkning och grov kvinnofridskränkning infördes år 1998 i 4 kap. 4 a § brottsbalken som ett led i samhällets åtgärder för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor. Under senare år har framförts åsikter om att fridskränkningsbrottet bortser från en viktig dimension, nämligen det våld som utförs mot husdjur i syfte att skada det mänskliga brottsoffret. Enligt forskning begås sådaThe penalty clause about gross violation of integrity and gross violation of a woman’s integrity was introduced in Swedish law in 1998 as a means to combat domestic violence. Although, in recent time it has been suggested that the penalty clause disregards an important dimension, namely the violence against pets that is performed in order to hurt the human victim of crime. Research has shown that

Hybrida missmatchningar i Sverige och EU - Hur klassificeringen av finansiella instrument påverkar beskattning av gränsöverskridande transaktioner

Allt fler gränsöverskridande transaktioner sker i dagens globaliserade samhälle, vilket ökar möjligheten till skattearbitrage. Ett vanligt sätt att utnyttja skillnader i lagstiftning och genomföra skatteplanering på är användandet av hybrida finansiella instrument. Uppsatsen avser att redogöra för dessa instrument och bakgrunden till dess reglering. Hybridinstrument ligger i gränslandet mellan skuIn a globalized society border-crossing transactions increase in numbers, which also increases the opportunity for tax arbitrage. A common way to exploit differences in regulations and conduct advance tax planning through, is the use of hybrid financial instruments. This essay aims to account for these instruments and how they are regulated. Hybrid instruments are on the border between dept and eq

Development of a Method for Separation of Adenine Nucleotides

På den ryske botanikern Mikhail Semyonovich Tsvets gravsten står det "Han uppfann kromatografin, separerade molekyler men förenade folk". Hans metod för att separera molekyler används än idag - till exempel i detta arbete. Tsvets försöksuppställning bestod av en glascylinder fylld med kolsyrad kalk, samt en lösning som innehöll olika färgpigment från växter. En stund efter att han hälltAdenosine tetraphosphate, or Ap4A, is a nucleotide with very interesting proposed biological effects. Previous studies have indicated that blood glucose levels in mammals might increase in the presence of Ap4A, and that Ap4A might antagonize pancreatic ATP channels. In order to study these effects further, a reliable method of separating Ap4A from other nucleotides in biological samples is require

Occupational therapists should contribute to ecological sustainability

Background: 2020 many people speak of the ecological crisis, few people know what to do to contribute to ecological sustainability. Aim: The purpose of this study was to map the latest research on ecological sustainability and how occupational therapy can contribute by analyzing researchdata from 2013 and using Wagman's concepts: Adapt, Collaborate, Explore and Warn. Method: A literature revie

Interest rate modelling

Many models have been developed throughout the years to describe the evolution of short term rates. One of the famous models is the Vasicek model. It was first introduced in 1977 and describes interest rates as a mean reversion process which is a specific characteristic that sets it apart from other financial assets. This model has the ability to let interest rates to be negative which was perceiv

Känslan av tvång: Upplevelsen av tvångsvård ur ett brukarperspektiv

The aim of this study was to investigate patients' experiences of involuntary hospitalization and clients' involuntary treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. Three persons were interviewed by qualitative semi-structured interviews and two internet blogs were analyzed by text analysis. The theory of Goffman's total institution was used for analyzing, as well as the concepts of paterna

Mechanisms of BAMLET (bovine α-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) in cancer cell death

Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET) is a complex formed by human alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid that displays tumoricidal activity but does not kill healthy, differentiated cells. As the sequence of alpha-lactalbumin is conserved among mammals, lactalbumins from other species are expected to form oleic acid complexes with similar activity. This study investigated the tumo

Did you buy toilet paper?!

Sammanfattning: Titel: Köpte du toalettpapper?! - En uppsats om den emotionella påverkan av konsumenters beslutsfattande i tider av COVID-19 Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Abbo, Waseem; Mannheimer, Niki; Vasileva, Yana Handledare: Jayne Jönsson Nyckelord: COVID-19, känslor, påverkan, konsumentens besAbstract Title: Did you buy toilet paper?! - A Thesis on Affective Influence on Consumer Decision-Making in times of COVID-19 Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Abbo, Waseem; Mannheimer, Niki; Vasileva, Yana Supervisor: Jayne Jönsson Key Words: COVID-19, emotion, affect, consumer deci

Incitament till prestation – värdelöst eller kanon?

Purpose The aim of this thesis is to examine whether there is a significant correlation between use of Long-Term Incentive Programs and their Total Shareholder Returns within companies listed on the Nordic market. Furthermore, this study investigates if there is an existing correlation depending on which sector the firm operates in and if Long-Term Incentive Programs can affect their Shareholder r