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Effects of cobalt and humic substances on the growth of bloom-forming marine phytoplankton

In this thesis, the importance of cobalt and humic substances of terrestrial origin for the growth of some bloom-forming marine phytoplankton species is examined. Cobalt (Co) is considered an essential and potentially limiting trace metal for phytoplankton growth and is needed for the synthesis of vitamin B12. Since Co can be mobilised from soils at low pH values, acidification may have led to an

Multimodal sentinel lymph node imaging using nanoscale-tailored particles; The importance of particle size

Popular Abstract in Swedish Beräkningar från Cancerfonden visar på att ungefär var tredje person i Sverige kommer att få en cancerdiagnos under sin livstid. Cancerceller är celler som har utvecklat speciella förmågor som gör att de har börjat dela sig ohämmat. Denna ohämmade celldelning leder till bildandet av en tumör och när tumören har nått ett visst stadie i sin utveckling så börjar den spridaAs a cancer grows it will, at a certain stage of disease progression, start spreading in the body. For several types of cancer this spreading will first occur through the lymphatic system and the first place where metastatic cell will be encountered is the first lymph node that drains the area where the tumor is located. This lymph node is defined as the sentinel lymph node (SLN). By analyzing the

På gränsen till fattigvård? : En studie om arbetsmarknadspolitik och socialbidrag

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling fokuserar förändringar inom den arbetsmarknadspolitik som erbjuds arbetslösa socialbidragstagare mellan 1989 och 2002 i Sverige. Denna förändring beskrivs som en process där kommunerna tar allt mer ansvar för arbetsmarknadspolitiken. Denna grupp arbetslösa kategoriseras som en speciellt problematisk grupp och hänvisas till kommunerna. Detta sker utan tyThis dissertation focuses on changes in labour market policies that were provided for unemployed recipients of social assistance between 1989 and 2002 in Sweden. This change is described as a process where the municipalities gradually take greater responsibility for the labour market policies. This group of unemployed is categorized as a particularly problematic group and has been referred to the

Vowel quantity in West Swedish - the villain of the piece?

This paper consists of two, somewhat disparate parts. In the first part, some experiences of two years of fieldwork are summarized, concentrating, as the subtitle suggests, on the very heart of phonetic fieldwork: the encounters and interviews with the informants. As a result of the fieldwork, the project now has access to recordings from approximately 1300 speakers of more than 100 dialects of Sw

The interplay between money market development and changes in monetary policy operations in small European countries, 1980-2000

We study the interplay between money market development and changes in monetary policy operating procedures in 11 European countries from c. 1980 up to the launch of EMU. Aspects of money market development such as the size and structure of different market segments, and institutional and regulatory changes, are addressed. We recount and empirically examine the extent of reorientation of monetary

Structure and Function of Beta-Mannanases from Glycoside Hydrolase Clan A. A Study of Hemicellulases from Microbes and a Mollusc

Popular Abstract in Swedish Växter är en av den största grupperna av organismer på jorden. Den här gruppen av organismer kan syntesisera kolhydrater med solenergi. I växter används en stor del av kolhydraterna till att bilda förnyelsebara polysackarider som sedan används för att bygga upp vedstrukturer. Den mest kända växtpolysackariden är cellulosa som består av långa kedjor av glukos. Den näst mHemicellulose is the second most abundant group of renewable polysaccharides. Mannans can be found as the major hemicellulose in softwood and as storage polysaccharides in a range of plants. In this work, structural and functional characterisations of family 5 and 26 endo-1,4-b-mannanases (b-mannanases) have been performed. These families belong to the large and diverse glycoside hydrolase clan A,

The Markan Interpretation of the Pentateuchal Food Laws

In this article it is argued that Scripture is embedded in the Markan text to such an extent that it cannot be removed without destroying the story. The role Scripture plays in the Gospel (and New Testament) is certainly neither a matter of antithesis nor of fulfillment, but rather of a shared symbolic universe. Analysing Mk 7.1-23 textually, effectually and contextually, this article draws attent

Driver behavioural effects from ISA

Activities with the aim to assess the effects of ISA on driver behaviour through experimental research were carried out. In order to investigate the regional differences in effects on driver behaviour when driving with ISA field trials were set up in Hungary and Spain. Complementary results were added from the Belgian ISA field trials. To investigate the effects on driver behaviour from different

Extraction and Isolation of Hemicelluloses from Agricultural and Forestry Waste Streams

New methods and products must be developed to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, to reduce global warming. In this work, methods of extracting and isolating hemi¬celluloses from agricultural and forestry waste streams have been studied. Hemi¬celluloses are biodegradable polymers that can replace fossil-fuel-based products for use in various applications, such as barrier films and hydrogels. Ar

A Comparison of Two Proximity Networks

We present a comparative exploratory analysis of two proximity networks of mobile phone users, the Proximates network and the Reality Mining network. Data for both networks were collected from mobile phones carried by two groups of users. Periodic Bluetooth scans were performed to detect the proximity of other mobile phones. The Reality Mining project took place in 2004-2005 at MIT, while Proximat