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Vad händer sen? En kvalitativ studie kring ett framtida eftervårdsuppdrag för LSU-dömda ungdomar.

What happens next? - A qualitative study about a future follow-up care for young offenders in Sweden Author: Charlotte Sannestad & Mattias Strand Title: What happens next? - A qualitative study about a future follow-up care for young offenders in Sweden [translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Sune Sunesson The purpose of this study is to take a closer look at Swedish young adul

Att blogga om sorg - ett modernt sätt att sörja?

Author: Helena Bjerndell and Jennie Vallin Title: Blogging about grief – a modern way to grieve? Supervisor: Lena Palvén Assessor: Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed The aim of our study was to examine what function a blog about grief can serve in the grief process and the impact blogging can have on the writer. In addition, we tried to find an explanation to why people choose to write about their pri

Riskhänsyn vid fysisk planering - en detaljstudie av Malmö Hamn

The report brings up the matter of risk analysis in urban planning. A risk analysis of the harbour area in Malmö has been carried out. The purpose is to provide basic data for decision-making concerning construction of residential areas in the harbour area.

Brandgasspridning via ventilationssystem - beräkningsteori och beräkningsexempel för olika typer av lokaler och verksamheter

Smoke spread via ventilation systems relying on running fans or bypasses can be calculated with performance based fire safety analyses tools. The focus of this thesis work was to review existing methods for treating this problem and to further develop current analysis methods. Suggestions are also made for setting up guidelines as to what are tolerable amounts of smoke spread depending on building

Brandscenario för ledningsträning

The aim of this study was to create a scenario for a simulation model where the Swedish fire commanders could practice tactics, techniques and giving orders in a rescue operation. The object on which the fire scenario is created is an athletic centre in Lund called Gerdahallen. Both the computer model HAZARD and hand calculations have been used to construct a model of the fire in this building. Th

Svaveldioxidhantering vid Korsnäs AB Gävle

A quantitative deterministic risk analysis of the handling of sulphur dioxide. Calculations of consequence and safety distance have been carried out through regression analysis and simulations in CHEMS-PLUS and @Risk. Results are presented as FN-curves.

Värdering av utrymningssäkerheten på Statens Räddningsverks kontor i Karlstad

Fire safety evaluation at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency office building. Conclusions are based on a fullscale evacuation drill compared with calculations and computer simulations concerning smokefilling and evacuation. Suggestions have been made to improve the situation of evacuation today from the results and judgements made. (Swedish)

Flamsläckning med gasformiga släckmedel i Burner Cup under inverkan av extern strålning

This report deals with flame extinguishment of liquid and solid fuels in an experiment construction widely known as Burner Cup. The fuels are heptan, methanol and PMMA. According to a theory called fire point theory developed by Rasbash also further developed by Beyler the extinguish concentration increasing when applied external flux increases. Experiments have earlier been done by Magee and Rei

Kostnad-nyttaanalys av brandskyddsinvesteringar på StoraEnso Pulp Skutskärs Bruk

The aim in this report is to create a decision tool for fire protection investments at StoraEnso Pulp, Skutskär Mill, Building TKM. Expected Monetary Value (EMV) for damage caused by fire have been calculated from fire hazard analysis, design fire, expected damage, expected fire scenario in different parts of the buildings, probability analysis and effects of fire safety systems, and from economic

Utvärdering av metoder för val av dimensionerande brandscenario

This report is a study of methods and engineering guidelines in selection of design fire scenario. Three different guidelines has been studied and compared: ISO 16733, Engineering Guide to Application of Risk Assessment in Fire Protection Design by Society of fire protection engineering and International Fire Engineering Guidelines. Besides that statistics from all the rescue services around Swede

Analys av olycksutredningsmetoder tillämpade på anlagda bränder i skolor

There are several accident investigation methods and they are used in a wide range of fields. However, the methods have not been used so much in the fire accident area. In the present thesis, the methods’ capability to investigate fires and what they result in are explored. In addition, answers are given concerning how important the background information is for their applicability. First, a selec

Strålningsrespons hos brandhjälmar

Fire fighters in Sweden claimed that helmets used as protective gear during exercises melted because of the thermal heat exposure. According to European certification methods helmets are tested towards thermal radiation to ensure that the protective gear still meets the regulations. This report has evaluated if the certification methods are adequate for a Swedish fire fighter´s environment and whi

Fråga barnet först: Om barn som bevittnat brott

Trots att barns rätt att komma till tals framgår tydligt av barnkonventionen, tyder statistik på att flertalet fall där barn finns med i anmälningarna läggs ner utan att barnet har hörts. Barn är beroende av vuxna i sin omgivning som ser till att tillförsäkra dem rätten att komma till tals. Barnets vårdnadshavare är som huvudregel ansvarig för att företräda barnet i frågor som gäller deras perso

Analysis of the history of landscape changes over a period of 200 years. How can we predict past landscape pattern scenario and the impact on habitat diversity?

Biodiversity, and in particular plant species diversity decline is linked to landscape fragmentation and habitats loss due to land use transformations but also to decreasing dispersal vectors in the landscape. During the last 200 years the landscape has undergone dramatic changes in its structure and its habitats diversity. Among the different habitats that constitute rural landscape there are thr

Interaktionsmöjligheterna och barriärerna inom Öresundsregionen - en studie av resonemang om fasta förbindelser mellan Sverige och Danmark i offentliga dokument

”The debate that lasted for a century” is what the political intensive issue of the Öresundbridge been called. Next to issues such as nuclear plants and EU-membership the Öresundbridge been the most debated issue during this time. It was not until 1959 the matter became visualized in the Danish newspaper Politiken. In 1994 the matter was settled – the bridge were to be built and had full governmen

Illegal handel med utrotningshotade djurarter- en rättsteknisk analys av de internationella handelsreglerna

En biologisk mångfald är en förutsättning för oss människor och alla levande organismer på jorden. Tusentals djurarter utsätts för en massiv utrotning och den internationella handeln med djur som är utrotningshotade är en bidragande orsak. Insikten av mångfaldens betydelse och handelns negativa påverkan på hotade arter föranledde framväxten av konventionen om internationell handel med utrotningshoBiodiversity is essential for all living organisms on earth. Many species are subject to a mass extinction and international trade in endangered species is a contributing factor. The realization of the significance of biodiversity and the negative impact of uncontroled trade in endangered species led to the emergence of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora

Kreativitet och dess relation till organisationsklimat, arbetsbelastning och sjukskrivning på HR-funktioner: en jämförelse mellan privat och offentlig sektor

Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan upplevt kreativt arbetsklimat, arbetsbelastning, sjukskrivning och organisatorisk kreativitet bland HR-medarbetare i Sverige. En del av syftet var också att utforska i vilken utsträckning organisatorisk kreativitet kan prediceras av de tre första variablerna. Vidare var en sista del av ändamålet även att jämföra samtliga variabler mellan HR-medarbThe study aimed to investigate the relationship between perceived creative climate, workload, sick leave and organizational creativity among HR employees in Sweden. Part of the purpose was also to explore the extent to which organizational creativity can be predicted from the first three variables. Furthermore the final part of the purpose was to compare all variables between HR employees in the p

Turkiet och EU : en studie av argument för och mot medlemskapet

Extension has been part of the European Union since its earlier days. Today, the EU consists of 27 member countries and five countries currently uphold candidate status. One of those five is Turkey. If the nation is granted membership into the EU, it will be the first Muslim country in the Union. It would also be due, to it’s population number, among the larger countries in the EU. This combinatio

Sjuksköterskans familjecentrerade vård bland barn med medfödda hjärtmissbildningar

Det krävs mycket av en sjuksköterska att arbeta utifrån familjecentrerad vård. Hög professionell kompetens och förmåga att engagera sig emotionellt är viktigt för att kunna utföra omvårdnadsarbetet. Samspelet med föräldrar är den största utmaningen i sjuksöterskans arbete. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor inom barnsjukvården upplever den familjecentrerade vården med familjer