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On the partiality of self-reference

It is argued that all forms of self-reference or autonomy are linguistic phenomena (under a general complementaristic conception of language). Autonomies do not naturally occur in non linguistic domains, like classical physics with its mechanistic modellings. However, in quantum physics, where language is beginning to enter the physical domain, as exemplified in Bohr´s notion of complementarity, s

The setting of ecodesign standards to promote improved waste recycling

The underpinning idea of extended producer responsibility rules has been to provide incentives for manufacturers to design products that are easy to recycle. However, current incentives for design for recycling are limited, due to the problems in assigning costs for collection and recycling of individual products to the relevant producers. An alternative way to promote design for recycling, or to

Heavy quark production at hera in K-T factorization supplemented with CCFM evolution

The application of k(t) - factorization, supplemented with the CCFM small-x evolution equation, to heavy quark production is discussed. Differential cross sections of b (b) over bar production and also inelastic J/psi production as measured at HERA are compared to the hadron level CCFM Monte Carlo generator CASCADE, using the unintegrated gluon density obtained within the CCFM evolution approach f

The Work of the Accounting & Controlling Department and its Drivers: understanding the concept of a business partner

The role of accountants in organizations is intriguing in the current context of the broad changes in the profession observed by many. Mainly because of technological advancements, what has previously required a considerable amount of time and effort, i.e. bookkeeping & reporting, has been assumed to ‘just happen’ easily, with a corollary that it should not be taken for granted, that the accou

A Coupled Reactive-Transport Model for Electrokinetic Remediation

In this chapter, we present a model for the reactive-transport of chemical species through partially saturated porous media for electrokinetic remediation processes. A generalized theoretical model is presented, easily adaptable to specific remediation setups, target contaminants and supporting matrices; and we give detailed guidelines for the implementation of tailor-made numerical methods for th

Oxy-fuel turbine through-flow design

The objective of the paper is to present the through-flow design of a twin-shaft oxy-fuel turbine. The through-flow design is the subsequent step after the turbine mean-line design. The through-flow phase analyses the flow in both axial and radial directions, where the flow is computed from hub to tip and along streamlines. The parameterization of the through-flow is based on the mean-line results

Chronic pain. Epidemiological studies in a general population

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har intresset för smärta och smärtbehandling ökat påtagligt. Etablerade smärttillstånd är ofta svårbehandlade och medför stora och kostnadskrävande insatser i sjukvården. Produktionsbortfall och stigande sjukförsäkringskostnader medverkar också till stora samhällseffekter. Om långvarig smärta i viss utsträckning kunde förebyggas och om behanThe aim was to study the epidemiology of chronic pain (> 3 months duration) and factors associated to pain prevalence, prognosis, health care and medication in a general population. A cross-sectional mailed survey to a random population sample (n = 1806) was followed by a clinical examination and a prospective study of three selected groups. Pain related diagnoses from primary health care was moni

Train drivers and fatal accidents on the rail: Psychological aspects and safety. Report 2

Lokförare är en för olyckor särskilt utsatt grupp. I genomsnitt inträffar två allvarliga olyckor i veckan på järnvägsspåren, och statistiskt sett kommer varje lokförare att vara med om minst en påkörning med dödlig utgång under sitt yrkesliv. Att vara vittne till en dödsolycka skapar i de flesta fall svår stress, och det är inte ovanligt att lokförare drabbas av långvariga, om än inte nödvändigtvi

The Syntax of Tenselessness: Tense/Mood/Aspect-Agreeing Infinitivals

Tense/Mood/Aspect-agreeing Infinitivals is an in-depth investigation of the syntax of verb-verb agreement phenomena in Swedish, including pseudocoordinations of the form John started and wrote 'John started writing' and double participles of the form John had been-able written 'John had been able to write'. Providing evidence from facts concerning extraction, locality, selection, and interpretatio