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Quantum key distribution in long distance fiber

Quantum communication has been widely used as an important component in many applications of quantum information science. It is naturally utilised in the fields of quantum optics and photonics. Quantum communication and quantum cryptography have been studied as a popular subject in research for many years. However, most of the quantum-communication devices are oversized and non-portable. This prob

Avbrott i kritiska flöden – Invånares tolerans- och acceptansnivåer

Nyckelaktörer i samhället tror att invånare är dåligt förberedda inför avbrott i el, värme, vatten och telekom, något som en enkätstudie riktad mot Helsingborgs invånare bekräftar. Framför allt sårbara är invånare för avbrott i el och vattentillförsel, vilket majoriteten vill ska prioriteras vid avbrott som inträffar samtidigt. Samhällsaktörers bedömning av hur väl invånare kan hantera avbrotten sCritical infrastructures and the services they provide society with, also called critical flows, are vital for the functioning of modern society. There is a need to investigate acceptable duration of disruptions in different critical flows, how the criticality due to disruption changes over time and how citizens want flows to be prioritized. Thus, this study examines individuals’ temporal levels o

Att värna om delaktighet. - En studie om professionellas erfarenheter av anhörigas delaktighet gällande unga vuxna med Adhd inom psykiatrin.

The aim of this study is to investigate how relative’s participation can relate to young adults who have contact with psychiatry. This has been done by interviewing different professions about their experiences after working in psychiatric care. To narrow the study further, it will specifically apply to a close young adult with Adhd and his or hers contact with psychiatry. The relatives can be des

Framgångar och hinder i myndigheters klimatanpassningsarbete - En studie av myndigheterna som omfattas av klimatanpassningsförordningen

Framgångar och hinder i myndigheternas klimatanpassningsarbete Vilka möjligheter har Sveriges myndigheter som berörs av klimatanpassnings-förordningen för att utföra och utveckla sitt klimatanpassningsarbete? Vilka dörrar är öppna, vilka är stängda, och vilka står på glänt? Denna studie visar att det finns flera framgångsfaktorer hos de undersökta myndigheterna, som andra myndigheter kan tar lärdClimate adaptation efforts are needed to deal with the impacts of climate change, and it is needed through the entire society. Since 2018, 32 national authorities and the 21 county administrative boards in Sweden are assigned to initiate, support and evaluate the work with climate adaptation within their areas of responsibility and within the framework of their assignments. There is need for good

Valuation studies in practise: Consumers acquisition of secondhand clothing through online channels at Myrorna (Sweden)

Textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world and fast fashion is the unsustainable practice that most consumers are following. Adopting the habit of purchasing secondhand goods can lead to a more sustainable life. However, some people still do not prefer to consume secondhand clothes because of various stigma and barriers attached to it. In order to eliminate the stigma an

The Effect of Expected Outcome on Attendance

Live attendance at sports events is important for individual teams as well as for the broader community of a sport. The amount of uncertainty about the outcome of a game is considered a crucial determinant of game attendance. This study examines how fans’ expectation about game outcome affects game attendance in Swedish Allsvenskan. The empirical analysis is guided by a behavioural model of th

Normalising Non-Normativity?

In this study five upper-secondary school teachers have been interviewed on their methods for teaching on and integrating aspects of sex education in their respective subjects. The aim has been to examine how participants relate to norm-critical aspects that are part of the general syllabus and guidelines on teaching sex education as well as how their methods relate to non-normative and anti-oppre

Wordomino - A word game for improving children’s language skills

This research examines the board game market, which can help the client in improving their existing board games. Based on the literature review, the board game is situated in a large-scale market (Arizton, 2019) that is suitable for developing novel games. Meanwhile, this research includes a survey on popular board game mechanics and an examination of relative word games and target groups. Regardi

Process simulation of HMF production from wheat bran and sugar beet pulp

Due to the progressing environmental problems related to global warming, the chemical industry is transitioning from fossil to renewable feedstocks. For added environmental benefits, surplus biomass from the agricultural industry which currently does not have any high-value applications can be used for production of chemicals. This master thesis is written as a part of the tech-no-economic analysi

Skattemässiga avdrag för kostnader som inte självklart är en del av verksamheten – Med fokus på HFD:s hantering av sponsring och klimatkompensation

Denna uppsats behandlar den förhållandevis oklara skatterättsliga regleringen av näringsverksamheters avdrag för sponsrings- och klimatkompensationsutgifter. Oklarheterna kan antas påverka skattskyldigas incitament för att ge sådana bidrag och därmed motverka uppfyllandet av Sveriges klimatmål. Uppsatsen utreder också hur HFD har gått och ska gå till väga vid sin tolkning och tillämpning av reglerThis thesis investigates the rather unclear tax regulation regarding expenses for sponsorship and climate compensation. Namely, the unclear aspects can be assumed to affect taxpayers’ incentives to make such contributions and thereby counteract the fulfillment of Sweden's climate targets. The thesis also investigates how SAC has gone and should go about interpreting and applying the regulation

Tidningsdebatten i januari 2016 omkring de sexuella trakasserierna vid festivalen We are Sthlm

This essay will portray how articles in Swedish newspapers conveyed the sexual harassments that happened in a festival in Stockholm between 2014-2015 in the context of a media debate on sexual harassment, asylum seekers and police intervention that took place in January 2016. My research question is ”How have three Swedish newspapers dealt with the sexual harassments that took place at the We are

Testing the environmental Kuznets curve in Brazil: The effect of renewable energy sources on CO2 emissions

Clean sources of energy have increasingly gained importance as a means to mitigate climate change. This study analysed the relationship between CO2 emissions, GDP, GDP2, fossil fuel consumption, hydroelectricity consumption, new renewables (solar, wind, biomass) consumption, and biofuels consumption (all variables are per capita) in the context of the environmental Kuznets curve theory in Brazil f

“Gud ditt folk är vandringsfolket” En studie om människans frånvändhet och närhet till naturen

Vi ser i Bibeln hur människan, naturen och Gud var tätt förbundna. I den kontext som Bibeln befinner sig i är relationen mellan människan och naturen en självklar del av vardagen. Människan levde i symbios med naturen och var helt beroende av denna för sin överlevnad. Naturen var den som gav människan mat men också den som hade makten att förgöra henne. I och med industrialiseringen och kapitalismIn this paper the relationship between nature and humanity will be examined by looking into the theological language of the ecotheological tradition and the tradition of pilgrimage in the Church of Sweden. In a time when humanity has long since taken a place above nature and often sees herself as a ruler and in full control of nature, a new problem becomes visible; climate change. The way humans h

Automated Layout Porting and Optimization of digital designs

The aim of the thesis is to investigate and implement an algorithm that can automate the porting of the layout from one technology node to another technology node. The layout optimization of any design block can be implemented for better performance. The primary task of the project is to develop a tool that can optimize and port the complete layout design that reduces the time and effort of manual

Change of heating fuel consumption patterns produced by the economic crisis in Greece

The economic crisis in Greece resulted in a change in residential heating fuels utilized, which in turn resulted in a change of air quality over Greater Athens Area. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of economic crisis in air quality over Attica by examining the change in air pollutants’ concentrations before, during, and after the onset of the economic crisis in Greece and to a

Drivkrafter bakom långdistanskonsumtion

Titel: Drivkrafter bakom långdistansköp: En fallstudie som undersöker motivet bakom en långväga shoppingresa till Gekås Ullared och hur detta kan bemötas ur ett företagsperspektiv. Nivå och kurs: Kandidatuppsats vid Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, KSMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, VT 2021, 15 HP. Författare: Andrea Naumovska

Testing macroscopic traffic evacuation models for wildland-urban interface fires

This thesis presents the verification and validation testing performed on the evacuation simulation platform WUI-NITY which has the aim of being a simulation tool for the integration of different layers, such as pedestrian, traffic and wildfire with evolving dynamic interactions. The present thesis aims at applying a set of verification tests and validation testing suitable for WUI-NITY with a foc

Återvinning av asfalt, En kartläggning av användning av returasfalt vid tillverkning av nya asfaltbeläggningar

Anläggnings- och byggbranschen står för cirka 20% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser. Därför krävs det stora förändringar för att uppnå de uppsatta klimatmålen till år 2045, vilket innebär att Sverige ska ha så låga utsläpp av växthusgaser till atmosfären som möjligt, för att därefter uppnå negativa utsläpp, där insamling av växthusgaser från atmosfären överskrider vad som släpps ut i atmoTo achieve a society with sustainable development, the use of valuable non-renewable resources, i.e., the crude oil used for bituminous binder and aggregates must be changed. Meanwhile, the road network is expanding worldwide, requiring more recourses. The asphalt concrete can be recycled up to 100% after being removed from an existing road pavement, which ensures the sustainability of the asphalt

Besittningsskyddets effekt för bostadshyresgäster - En rättsstudie om besittningsskyddet och förverkande av hyresrätten som besittningsskyddsbrytande grund

Denna uppsats undersöker rättsläget för bostadshyresgästernas besittningsskydd och när den aktualiseras. Bostadshyresgäster har ett förstärkt skydd gentemot hyresvärden för att inte frånskiljas från sin bostad utan saklig grund. Detta skydd förlänger bostadshyresgästernas hyresavtal. Dock finns det vissa undantag som sätter besittningsskyddsreglerna ur spel. Vidare kan parterna sinsemellan avtala This essay examines the legal situation for residential tenants’ possession protection and when this protection can be used. Residential tenants have an enhanced protection against the landlord to not be separated from their homes without objective grounds. This protection works to extend the tenants’ rental agreements. However, there are some exceptions that puts the possession protection rules o