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Windows In: Empirical Evidence of Construals of Spatial Meaning
Programblad till musikalen Les Misérables (Malmö Opera, hösten 2011)
Bemanningsarbete, flexibilitet och likabehandling. En studie av svensk rätt och kollektivavtalsreglering med komparativa inslag
Temporary agency work has come to the fore during recent years as the phenomenon in itself has become more frequent on many national labour markets. This thesis examines how, by means of labour law and collective bargaining, the balance between, on the one hand, the employers’ need for flexibility, and on the other hand, the work-force’s need for stability and continuity in the form of income and
Stroke - en folksjukdom
Music teachers - in training and at work: a longitudinal study of music teachers in Sweden
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This article deals with some aspects of prison literature from the Middle East and mainly in Arabic. Prison literature may be literature written by prisoners either during imprisonment, or after imprisonment. It may also include literature by non-prisoners who are writing in a society where imprisonment is a constant threat for political, religious and moral reasons. Special attention is given to
Intra-urban differences in breast cancer mortality: a study from the city of Malmo in Sweden
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess whether in an urban population stage at breast cancer diagnosis is related to area of living and to what extent intra-urban differences in breast cancer mortality are related to incidence respectively stage at diagnosis. DESIGN: National registries were used to identify cases. Mortality in 17 residential areas was studied in relation to incidence and stage distribution u
Admission control with service level agreements for a web server
One problem with web servers is that they are sensitive to overload. The servers may become overloaded during temporary traffic peaks when more requests arrive than the server is designed for. Because overload usually occurs rather seldom, it is not economical to overprovision the servers for these traffic peaks, instead admission control mechanisms can be implemented in the servers. This pa per i
Hållbar offentlig upphandling av renovering
Inhibitory neurotransmission in lower oesophagus
Popular Abstract in Swedish Regleringen av esofagus och den nedre esofagussfinkterns motilitet har rönt intresse på grund av dess betydelse vid vissa sjukdoms-tillstånd såsom gastroesofageal reflux och akalasi. Den nedre esofagussfinktern har vidare använts som modell för farmakologiska och fysiologiska studier av viss typ av autonom neurotransmission, s k icke-adrenerg, icke-kolinerg (NANC) neuroThe inhibitory neuromuscular control of the human and cat lower oesophagus was investigated by morphological, functional, and biochemical methods. A supply of nerve fibres and myenteric cell bodies, containing nitric oxide synthase (NOS), haem oxygenase (HO)-2, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP) was observed. The highest density of nerve
Ecology of some epiphytic lichens on the mountain birch.
Abstract is not available
Perceived Self-image, Intellectual Ability, Frontal Lobe Function, and Perceived Ward Atmosphere among Patients with Psychosis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen påbörjades 1997 vid den Psykiatriska Rehabiliteringsenheten (PRE) i Eslöv parallellt med att författaren arbetade som klinisk psykolog vid enheten och utförde bedömningar av patienternas intellektuella/kognitiva förmåga och personlighet. Resultaten från dessa bedömningar kom tillsammans med andras bedömningar att utgöra underlaget för den individuella vårdpThese studies were conducted at the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Unit (PRU), characterised by a supportive ego-strenghtening psychodynamic approach. The general aim of the thesis was to study how intellectual ability and perceived self-image were related to perceived ward atmosphere among patients with psychosis. The first study described how patients and staff perceived the ward atmosphere at five
Breast-feeding, nasopharyngeal colonization and otitis media.
This thesis analyzed the relationship between breastfeeding, nasopharyngeal colonization and acute otitis media (AOM) in children. Nasopharyngeal cultures were collected from 400 children and milk samples from their mothers in connection with the scheduled visits to well baby clinics at 1-3, 4-7 and 8-12 months of age, and episodes of AOM and URI were documented. The nasopharyngeal flora was acqui