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Biologi: Immunologi och infektionsbiologi

Kursens mål är att studenten efter avslutad kurs ska ha förvärvat kunskaper, färdigheter och förmågor angående både patogena mikroorganismer och immunsystemets funktion på molekylär och cellulär nivå. Studenten ska förstå värd-patogen interaktioner och infektionsförlopp ur såväl ett mekanistiskt som ett evolutionärt perspektiv. Under kursen tränar också studenterna att analysera och diskutera veteThe aim of the course is that the student after completing the course should have acquired knowledge, skills and abilities regarding both pathogenic microorganisms and the immune system's function at the molecular and cellular level. The student shall also understand host-pathogen interactions and infection processes from both a mechanistic and an evolutionary perspective. During the course, stude

Biologi: Evolutionsbiologi - mönster och processer

Kursens mål är att studenterna efter avslutad kurs skall förstå olika evolutionära frågeställningar och förklaringsmodeller, samt hur dessa modeller och metoder appliceras på biologiska system. Kursen introducerar och förklarar olika evolutionära frågeställningar och förklaringsmodeller samt illustrerar hur modeller och metoder appliceras på biologiska system från molekyler till ekosystem. KursThe general aim of the course is to enable students to understand the aims, theories, models and methodologies of contemporary evolutionary biology, and how these are applied to different biological systems. The course will enable students to acquire extensive knowledge and understanding of fundamental topics in evolutionary biology. The course will explain how the history of life can be unrave

Biologi: Molekylär bioteknik och metodik

Kursens innehåll • Jästens genetik och molekylärbiologi: biodiversitet och ekologi; cellens organisation; metabolism; genetiska system; genomik; cellcykel och replikation; genuttryck och sekretion. • Aspekter på jästens kvantitativa biologi: "flux modeling" och redoxbalanser. • Tillämpning av jästbiologi: bakning; ölbryggning; mejeriprodukter; genetiskt modifierade industristammar; bioetanol; patoThe overall aim of the course is that the student acquires in-depth knowledge in the field of molecular biotechnology. The course focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of molecular biotechnology and its use in society. The course includes  advanced molecular biology techniques to manipulate and understand biological  systems at the molecular level as well as application o

Biologi: Molekylär genetik i eukaryota organismer

Kursens mål Kursen behandlar det genetiska materialets struktur och funktion i eukaryota organismer. Här studeras genomets organisation och mekanismerna för genexpression på fördjupad nivå, med en stark koppling till den senaste forskningen inom molekylär genetik. Stor vikt läggs på modern molekylärgenetisk metodik vilket tjänar som en förberedelse för forskarutbildning och yrkesverksamhet. Se kuThe course deals with the structure and function of the genetic material in eukaryotic organisms. Genome organization and mechanisms for gene expression are studied on an advanced level, with a strong connection to the most recent research in molecular genetics. A big attention is put on the methodology and techniques of molecular genetics, which serves as a preparation for postgraduate education

Biologi: Farmakologi

Under kursen studeras t ex receptorteori, farmakokinetik och verkningsmekanismer. Försöksdjurskunskap behandlas både teoretiskt och praktiskt. Experimentell farmakologisk metodik exemplifieras med olika operationstekniker och genom in vitro försök med isolerade organ.On completion of the course, the students shall: - be familiar with basic pharmacological concepts - be able to explain the mechanisms of action for the most common groups of drugs - be able to explain the pathobiological basis for the use of the most common groups of drugs - have theoretical and practical orientation of pharmacological and animal experimental technique - have been trained in iden

Biologi: Modellering av biologiska system

Naturen är komplex och ofta samverkar flera faktorer också i till synes enkla skeenden. Modeller är bra verktyg för att reda ut komplicerade orsakssamband, för att skaffa sig en förståelig bild av ett skeende, eller bara för att presentera sina tankar för andra på ett sätt som undviker missförstånd. Modeller är också nödvändiga verktyg för att göra förutsägelser om framtiden, testa olika scenarierNature is complex and often several factors interact also in seemingly simple processes. Models are useful tools to disentangle complicated relationships, to build a comprehensive description of a process, or simply to present your own thoughts in an unambiguous way. Models are also necessary to make predictions about the future, test different scenarios, etc.. In a good model one can manipulate o

Asienstudier: Internationella relationer i Öst- och Sydöstasien: Frågor och fallstudier

It begins with a very brief introduction to basic theories about international relations and continues with a short historical overview focusing on the post-war period. The primary focus of the course is a series of in-depth case studies which define the region today. These include the territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, the North Korean nuclear issue, Japan’s turn away from pacIt begins with a very brief introduction to basic theories about international relations and continues with a short historical overview focusing on the post-war period. The primary focus of the course is a series of in-depth case studies which define the region today. These include the territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, the North Korean nuclear issue, Japan’s turn away from pac

Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Constructing the Enemy

The course starts by problematising the concepts anti-semitism and islamophobia and continues by analysing how these concepts have been used in order to designate "the enemy" and in processes of religious, cultural and political "alienation". Thereafter, the historical roots and ideological contexts in which anti-semitism and the islamophobia arise and develop are studied. The course concludes by The course starts by problematising the concepts anti-semitism and islamophobia and continues by analysing how these concepts have been used in order to designate "the enemy" and in processes of religious, cultural and political "alienation". Thereafter, the historical roots and ideological contexts in which anti-semitism and the islamophobia arise and develop are studied. The course concludes by

Reflektioner på Ekonomiska kriser genom historien

Denna kurs reflekterar över  ekonomiska kriser i historien, deras effekter på ekonomi och samhälle, och hur dessa kriser ansluter till teori. Olika typer av kriser kommer att diskuteras: kriser orsakade av sammanbrott i utbuds- och efterfrågekedjor; finansiella kriser orsakade av nedgången i (internationella) finansiella system; demografiska kriser antingen orsakade av svält eller sjukdoThis course reflects on economic crises in history, their effects on economy and society, and how these crises connect to theory. Various types of crises will be discussed: crises caused by breakdowns in supply and demand chains; financial crises caused by the decline of (international) financial systems; demographic crises either caused by famine or disease; and environmental crises caused b

Economic History: The Rising Giants - China and India Entering the Global Scene

This course gives you a much improved first hand understanding of the rise of Asia’s two giants – China and India. First, modernisation and industrialisation in socialist China is explored from the pre-communist era until today. The process of transition from plan to market economy is unravelled. The institutional set-up and socio-economic achievements of the emerging market economy are contrasteThis course gives you a much improved first hand understanding of the rise of Asia’s two giants – China and India. First, modernisation and industrialisation in socialist China is explored from the pre-communist era until today. The process of transition from plan to market economy is unravelled. The institutional set-up and socio-economic achievements of the emerging market economy are contraste

Economic History: Growth, Stagnation and Inequality in Africa

This course gives a deeper presentation of long term trends of economic and social development in Africa, with special focus on the agricultural sector. The course takes its point of departure in current challenges and debates and provides alternative historical explanations to issues of poverty, underdevelopment and inequality. The course emphasizes the diverse historical paths and the importanceThis course gives a deeper presentation of long term trends of economic and social development in Africa, with special focus on the agricultural sector. The course takes its point of departure in current challenges and debates and provides alternative historical explanations to issues of poverty, underdevelopment and inequality. The course emphasizes the diverse historical paths and the importance

Economic History: Field Work/Internship and Research Overview

The course aims at giving the students the experience of working in a development context. It also serves as a means of gathering material for the forthcoming bachelor’s thesis. The course is divided into three 15-credit tracks, and the student has to choose one of these. Two tracks give the opportunity to do a field study or an internship within a development organisation, while the third track, The course aims at giving the students the experience of working in a development context. It also serves as a means of gathering material for the forthcoming bachelor’s thesis. The course is divided into three 15-credit tracks, and the student has to choose one of these. Two tracks give the opportunity to do a field study or an internship within a development organisation, while the third track,

Economic History: Bachelor's Thesis in Development Studies SGUTV

The primary course content is to write a thesis which will be discussed and scrutinized at a seminar. The student is also expected to participate in the thesis seminars as well as scrutinize and discuss another thesis in the field. The writing of the thesis is guided by one or more thesis supervisors. The content of the thesis is decided by the chosen topic. At the start of the course seminars areThe primary course content is to write a thesis which will be discussed and scrutinized at a seminar. The student is also expected to participate in the thesis seminars as well as scrutinize and discuss another thesis in the field. The writing of the thesis is guided by one or more thesis supervisors. The content of the thesis is decided by the chosen topic. At the start of the course seminars are

Introduktion till Ekonomiska kriser genom historien

Denna kurs diskuterar ekonomiska kriser i historien, deras effekter på ekonomi och samhälle, och hur dessa kriser ansluter till teori. Olika typer av kriser kommer att diskuteras: kriser orsakade av sammanbrott i utbuds- och efterfrågekedjor; finansiella kriser orsakade av nedgången i (internationella) finansiella system; demografiska kriser antingen orsakade av svält eller sjukdom; och miljökriseThis course discusses economic crises in history, their effects on economy and society, and how these crises connect to theory. Various types of crises will be discussed: crises caused by breakdowns in supply and demand chains; financial crises caused by the decline of (international) financial systems; demographic crises either caused by famine or disease; and environmental crises caused by natur

Economic History: Emerging Asia - Economic Transformation in East and South East Asia

The course explores and explains the historical processes of rapid industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation in Pacific Asia. First, fundamental factors and forces behind the rise of Asia’s first industrial nation, Japan, are analysed. Japan is also contrasted against the early failures of modernisation in Imperial China. Secondly, explanations are provided for the emergence of Taiwan, The course explores and explains the historical processes of rapid industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation in Pacific Asia. First, fundamental factors and forces behind the rise of Asia’s first industrial nation, Japan, are analysed. Japan is also contrasted against the early failures of modernisation in Imperial China. Secondly, explanations are provided for the emergence of Taiwan,

Economic History: The Global Economy

The course is made up of three sub-courses relating to different themes. In the first sub-course you are introduced to the subject of Economic History. The main issues are the agricultural transformation, international market integration, and international movement of labour, goods, and capital. In the second sub-course you will explore the long-term trends in income distribution within and betweeThe course is made up of three sub-courses relating to different themes. In the first sub-course you are introduced to the subject of Economic History. The main issues are the agricultural transformation, international market integration, and international movement of labour, goods, and capital. In the second sub-course you will explore the long-term trends in income distribution within and betwee

Ekonomisk historia: Framväxten av moderna hälso- och sjukvårdssystem

During the course the following themes will addressed: different paths and driving forces for the development of health care systems in relation to societal and economic changes. basic concepts and theories regarding the development of health care systems the medical profession and the regulation of health care the economic conditions for health care health insurance and access to careDuring the course the following themes will addressed: different paths and driving forces for the development of health care systems in relation to societal and economic changes. basic concepts and theories regarding the development of health care systems the medical profession and the regulation of health care the economic conditions for health care health insurance and access to care

Economic History: Financial Systems - Development and Crises

A long-term institutional, structural and comparative perspective is applied throughout the course. Starting with medieval financial and monetary arrangements we study changes of financial systems until today with a specific focus on a) successful financial systems, and b) financial and economic crises. But the objective of the course is deeper than that, it is designed to give a theoretical foundA long-term institutional, structural and comparative perspective is applied throughout the course. Starting with medieval financial and monetary arrangements we study changes of financial systems until today with a specific focus on a) successful financial systems, and b) financial and economic crises. But the objective of the course is deeper than that, it is designed to give a theoretical found

Ekonomisk historia: De framväxande ekonomiernas utveckling

Over the last decades, global growth dynamics have shifted towards the economies of the non-Western world. The world is no longer divided between the West and the Rest. Nor is the Rest to the same extent marked by stagnation. In the course, growth dynamics of the developing world during the last decades are explored in a comparative and historical perspective. The question of why some developing eOver the last decades, global growth dynamics have shifted towards the economies of the non-Western world. The world is no longer divided between the West and the Rest. Nor is the Rest to the same extent marked by stagnation. In the course, growth dynamics of the developing world during the last decades are explored in a comparative and historical perspective. The question of why some developing e

Ekonomisk historia: Den globala ekonomin och den långsiktiga ekonomiska tillväxten

This course studies historical processes of growth, convergence and divergence in the global economy over the past two centuries. Two major approaches are applied. One takes its point of departure in theories of economic growth, basically on the role of capital and labour and the level of technology. The first generation of formal models, in the 1950s, predicted a convergence in income levels in tThis course studies historical processes of growth, convergence and divergence in the global economy over the past two centuries. Two major approaches are applied. One takes its point of departure in theories of economic growth, basically on the role of capital and labour and the level of technology. The first generation of formal models, in the 1950s, predicted a convergence in income levels in t