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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Shock assisted ionization injection in laser-plasma accelerators.

Ionization injection is a simple and efficient method to trap an electron beam in a laser plasma accelerator. Yet, because of a long injection length, this injection technique leads generally to the production of large energy spread electron beams. Here, we propose to use a shock front transition to localize the injection. Experimental results show that the energy spread can be reduced down to 10

A matrix-free algorithm for multiple wavelength fluorescence tomography

In the recent years, there has been an increase in applications of non-contact diffusion optical tomography. Especially when the objective is the recovery of fluorescence targets. The non-contact acquisition systems with the use of a CCD-camera produce much denser sampled boundary data sets than fibre-based systems. When model-based reconstruction methods are used, that rely on the inversion of a

Organizational Learning Capabilities: Evidence from the Iranian Agricultural Higher Education System

The aim of this research is to understand and assess the application of organizational learning capabilities in the status quo and review desirable situations in the context of the agricultural faculty environment. Data were collected from 329 faculty members in 19 public agricultural faculties using a survey questionnaire. Results indicate that organizational learning capabilities are below avera

The differential production cross section of the phi(1020) meson in root s=7 TeV pp collisions measured with the ATLAS detector

A measurement is presented of the phi x BR(phi -> K+ K-) production cross section at root s = 7 TeV using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 383 mu b(-1), collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Selection of phi(1020) mesons is based on the identification of charged kaons by their energy loss in the pixel detector. The differential cross section is measured as a

Competitive physical activity early in life is associated with bone mineral density in elderly Swedish men

In this population-based study of 75-year-old men (n = 498), we investigated the association between physical activity (PA) early in life and present bone mineral density (BMD). We demonstrate that a high frequency of competitive sports early in life is associated with BMD at several bone sites, indicating that increases in BMD following PA are preserved longer than previously believed. Introducti

Att utmana förändringens gränser : En studie om förändringsarbete, partnerskap och kön med Equal-programmet som exempel

Popular Abstract in SwedishI den här avhandlingen är det övergripande syftet att analysera föreställningar om förändring med utgångspunkt i texter som tagits fram inom ramen för tre utvecklingspartnerskap som finansierades av den Europeiska socialfondens Equal-program 2001-2007. Utvecklingspartnerskapen, som bestod av flera samverkansparter från privat och offentlig sektor, syftade till att utveckIn this thesis the overall aim is to analyse conceptions of change with the point of departure being texts developed within the framework of three development partnerships financed by the European Social Fund's Equal Programme 2001-2007. The development partnerships, consisting of collaborating parties from both the public and private sector, aimed at developing new methods and ideas in order to c

Toward Efficient Execution of Dataflow Actors

Dataflow descriptions are a natural match to application areas such as signal processing, cryptography, networking, image processing, and media coding. This paper addresses the problem of efficiently executing the basic elements of a dataflow program, its actors, written in a language such as MPEG's RVC-CAL. Using actor machines as an execution model for dataflow actors, we devise a metric for mea

Hormonal factors in rheumatoid arthritis – Their impact on disease risk and severity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ledgångsreumatism är en kronisk autoimmun sjukdom, som framföra allt angriper lederna, och orsakar smärta, stelhet och svullnad. Sjukdomens svårighetsgrad kan variera kraftigt och ett vanligt sätt att värdera svårighetsgraden av sjukdomen är att mäta antikroppar (till exempel reumatoid faktor) i blodet. De som har antikroppar har oftast en svårare sjukdom än de som inteRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is 4-6 times more common in women than men during the fertile years. For women, the incidence peaks shortly after menopause, and for men the risk is greater with higher age, when androgen levels drops. Sex hormones have been suggested to play a part in the pathogenesis, since low testosterone levels have been noted in men with RA and pregnancy has an ameliorating effect o

Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Transformation Toward Sustainability in Urban Governance and Planning

The concept of ecosystem-based adaptation is advocated at international, national, and regional levels. The concept is thought to foster sustainability transitions and is receiving increasing interest from academic and governmental bodies alike. However, there is little theory regarding the pathways for its systematic implementation. It furthermore remains unclear to what degree the concept is alr

A Comparison of Osteoclast-Rich and Osteoclast-Poor Osteopetrosis in Adult Mice Sheds Light on the Role of the Osteoclast in Coupling Bone Resorption and Bone Formation

Osteopetrosis due to lack of acid secretion by osteoclasts is characterized by abolished bone resorption, increased osteoclast numbers, but normal or even increased bone formation. In contrast, osteoclast-poor osteopetrosis appears to have less osteoblasts and reduced bone formation, indicating that osteoclasts are important for regulating osteoblast activity. To illuminate the role of the osteocl

Advantages and disadvantages of peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICC) compared to other central venous lines: A systematic review of the literature

Background. The use of central venous lines carries a significant risk for serious complications and high economic costs. Lately, the peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC) has gained in popularity due to presumed advantages over other central venous lines. The aim of this systematic literature review was to identify scientific evidence justifying the use of PICC. Material and method

'They Defended Ukraine' : The 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Galizische Nr. 1) Revisited

In recent years there has been an increased interest in the legacy of the Fourteenth Grenadier Division of the Waffen-SS, known as the Waffen-SS Galizien, a Ukrainian volunteer formation formed in 1943. In Ukrainian ultra-nationalist mythology the unit is depicted as freedom fighters who fought for an independent Ukraine, its collaboration with Nazi Germany dismissed as “Soviet propaganda.” There

Early lumbar puncture in adult bacterial meningitis-rationale for revised guidelines

Current international guidelines recommend cerebral computerized tomography (CT) before lumbar puncture (LP) in many adults with suspected acute bacterial meningitis (ABM), due to concern about LP-induced cerebral herniation. Despite guideline emphasis on early treatment based on symptoms, performing CT prior to LP implies a risk of delayed ABM treatment, which may be associated with a fatal outco

The Multifaceted Impact of Corruption on International Trade

The purpose of this paper is to perform a detailed examination of corruption effects on trade based on corruption characteristics known to affect economic exchange within the corruption research field. These characteristics are the level, prevalence, customs location, function and predictability of corruption. The multifaceted corruption impact on trade is empirically examined using a corruption-a