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Demonstrating climate mitigation technologies : An early assessment of the NER 300 programme

This article takes stock of the world's largest low-carbon technology demonstration programme – the EU's NER 300. The programme has been marked by delays and many withdrawn projects since becoming operational in 2010: CCS projects have failed and not reached final investment decisions; wind and solar projects have succeeded, whereas bioenergy projects have seen successes as well as failures. These

Examining the links between security sector reform and peacekeeping troop contribution in post-conflict states

This article examines the links between post-conflict states’ troop contributions to international peacekeeping missions and security sector reform (SSR). It shows how SSR and troop-contribution preparations are increasingly interwoven and at times perceived as complementary by both external and internal actors. Some of the objectives sought after in SSR, such as the modernization of the military

Culprit and nonculprit recurrent ischemic events in patients with myocardial infarction : Data from SWEDEHEART (Swedish Web System for Enhancement and Development of Evidence-Based Care in Heart Disease Evaluated According to Recommended Therapies)

Background--Long-term disease progression after myocardial infarction (MI) is inadequately understood. We evaluated the pattern and angiographic properties (culprit lesion [CL]/non-CL [NCL]) of recurrent MI (re-MI) in a large real-world patient population. Methods and Results--Our observational study used prospectively collected data in 108 615 patients with first-occurrence MI enrolled in the SWE

Sunshine Policies and Murky Shadows in Europe: Disclosure of Pharmaceutical Industry Payments to Health Professionals in Nine European Countries

Relationships between health professionals and pharmaceutical manufacturers can unduly influence clinical practice. These relationships are the focus of global transparency efforts, including in Europe. We conducted a descriptive content analysis of the transparency provisions implemented by February 2017 in nine European Union countries concerning payments to health professionals, with duplicate Relationships between health professionals and pharmaceutical manufacturers can unduly influence clinical practice. These relationships are the focus of global transparency efforts, including in Europe. We conducted a descriptive content analysis of the transparency provisions implemented by February 2017 in nine European Union (EU) countries concerning payments to health professionals, with dupli

Interior design dilemmas in a shared room of silence.

This text sheds light on the delicate practice of including different religious as well as nonreligious expressions in a shared room. The effects of design decisions in a “room of silence” at a Swedish hospital are studied over a transitional period of renovation of the space. We observe the impact of materiality in the room’s establishment, renovation, and usage, and show how the room’s interior

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Trachoma among Primary School Children in Harari Region, Eastern Ethiopia

Introduction: Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. It is more common in areas where people are socio-economically deprived. Although trachoma is endemic in 571 districts in Ethiopia, its prevalence has not been studied among school children in Harari Region. Objective: To assess the prevalence of trachoma eye infection and factors associated with it among Grades 1-8 sch

Familial transmission of externalizing syndromes in extended Swedish families

Risk for criminal behavior (CB), alcohol use disorder (AUD), and drug abuse (DA) are known to be familial. We know less about their transmission across three generations. We examined 844,109 probands born in Sweden 1980–1990, their parents, aunts/uncles, and grandparents for registration in population-based registers for CB, AUD, and DA. Mean tetrachoric relative-proband correlations (95% CIs) wer

Controlling energy level positions in hole conducting molecular films by additives

Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) has been used to study the bulk electronic structure of thin molecular films of the organic compounds 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis (N,N’-di-p-methoxyphenyl-amine)-9,9’-spiro-bifluorene (spiro-OMeTAD), 4-(diethylamino)-benzaldehyde-1,1)-diphenyl-hydrazone (DEH) and poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). Molecular layers of these compounds are hole conducting, a property

Phase behavior in the biologically important oleic acid/sodium oleate/water system

The phase behavior in the oleic acid/sodium oleate/normal saline (0.15 M NaCl aqueous solution) system has been determined. For this purpose visual inspection of samples between crossed polarizers, and Small Angle X-ray diffraction was used to identify the various phases and their unit cell dimensions. A rich phase behavior was observed for the ternary system, featuring reverse micellar, micellar

Import, Export and Multinationality. Evidence from Swedish Firms

This paper studies the role of imported inputs in explaining firms’ export behaviour. Unlike most of the existing literature we are also able to control for the participation of domestic firms to multinational networks. This allows us to test to what extent the recurrent evidence that importing foster exporting activity is instead a figment of the fact that importers are also part of multinational

On the 3s-3 and 3p-3d transitions in ne-like ni xix

An experimental and theoretical study has been made of the 3s-3p and 3p-d transitions in Ni XIX. The method of beam-foil spectroscopy, using 30-64 MeV Ni ions from a tandem accelerator, has been combined with theoretical calculations using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) program.

Lifetimes of some low-lying levels in ni xvii

Using the method of beam-foil spectroscopy we have measured the decay times of several n = 3 terms in Mg-like Ni XVII. By applying an effective method for correction of cascades (ANDC) we obtained reliable lifetimes for the terms 3s3p1P, 3s3p3P, 3p21D and 3p2 3P. The experimental data are in good agreement with recent theoretically predicted values.

Lifetimes of low-lying doublet states in S IV

Intensity decays of the 3s3p2 S2,2P,2D, 3p3 P2,2D, 3s3p(3P)3d D2, 3s3p(1P)3d F2, 3s23d D2, 4s S2, 4p P2, 5p P2, 4d2D, and 4f 2F states in S S IV have been recorded using the beam-foil technique. The arbitrarily normalized decay curves method for cascade corrections has been applied to obtain accurate lifetimes for 11 of the 18 levels studied. Theoretical lifetimes for these levels, obtained in a s

What to expect when you’re electing : the relationship between far-right strength and citizenship policy in Europe

The analysis builds on previous research exploring the impact of far-right support on citizenship policy. Using Bayesian analyses, this research evaluates the impact of far-right success on citizenship policy restrictiveness and citizenship policy outcomes per year across 29 European countries between 2003–2014. Results reveal that far-right success is a statistically and substantively significant