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Det konstruktiva beroendet : Feministisk teologi i ett individualistiskt samhälle

Human dependence is a phenomenon with above all negative connotations. We tend to associate it either with addiction or an economic, social and emotional lack of independence and view it as an impediment to women’s liberation. Dependence has been viewed as mutually exclusive to freedom. This is particularly the case in a country like Sweden, where independence is built in to the societal system so

Ecological indicator and traits values for Swedish vascular plants

We introduce and provide a new data-set of species-specific ecological indicator values (alternative ‘Ellenberg values’ for climatic variables, light, moisture, soil reaction/pH, salinity, nitrogen and phosphorus plus response to management and disturbance), physiological and reproductive traits (including symbionts, phenology, pol- linators, nectar production, seed properties), indices of relevanWe introduce and provide a new data-set of species-specific ecological indicator values (alternative ‘Ellenberg values’ for climatic variables, light, moisture, soil reaction/pH, salinity, nitrogen and phosphorus plus response to management and disturbance), physiological and reproductive traits (including symbionts, phenology, pol- linators, nectar production, seed properties), indices of relevan

Ingen vill bo i den stad som nu byggs

En redogörelse av en enkel undersökning som visar att en övervägande majoritet av de tillfrågade föredrar en mer klassisk version av byggnad i centrala Helsingborg framför den modernistiska som förverkligas.

Attrition at the interfaces in bilectal acquisition (Italian/Gallipolino)

The aim of this study is to investigate whether native speakers of Gallipolino, bilectals who have acquired Gallipolino as L1 (together with standard Italian) in their childhood, who have left Gallipoli after puberty and currently use standard Italian as their primary language, display effects of attrition with respect to subordinate clauses embedded under the complementizers ku and ka. Our hypoth

Essays on expectations and financial markets

This thesis is a collection of three empirical papers that tests hypotheses within the context of two related and intersecting theoretical frameworks: rational expectations and efficient markets. The aim is to empirically explore to what extent households form their inflation expectations in a rational manner, and to explain why households’ perceptions may deviate from the measured official rate.

Association of acute myocardial infarction with influenza : A nationwide observational study

INTRODUCTION: Influenza may precipitate cardiovascular disease, but influenza typically peaks in winter, coinciding with other triggers of myocardial infarction (MI) such as low air temperature, high wind velocity, low atmospheric pressure, and short sunshine duration. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the relationship of week-to-week variation in influenza cases and acute MI, controlling for meteo

Acoustic, Thermal and Non-thermal Dynamics in Condensed Matter Studied by Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction

The method of using short laser and X-ray pulses to investigate dynamics in materials (pump-probe) has been used for several decades. This thesis presents work that was carried out using these sources of light to reveal acoustic, thermal and non-thermal dynamics. The dynamics were induced in the samples by depositing energy with a pulsed laser, and probed with X-ray diffraction. The recent increas

Identification of APTX disease-causing mutation in two unrelated Jordanian families with cerebellar ataxia and sensitivity to DNA damaging agents

BACKGROUND: Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 (AOA1) is a rare autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia, caused by mutations in the APTX gene. The disease is characterized by early-onset cerebellar ataxia, oculomotor apraxia and severe axonal polyneuropathy. The aim of this study was to detect the disease-causing variants in two unrelated consanguineous Jordanian families with cerebellar ataxia u

Optimizing Treatment in Undertreated Late-Stage Parkinsonism : A Pragmatic Randomized Trial

Background: Treatment of patients with late-stage parkinsonism is often sub-optimal. Objective: To test the effectiveness of recommendations by a movement disorder specialist with expertise in late-stage parkinsonism. Methods: Ninety-one patients with late-stage parkinsonism considered undertreated were included in apragmatic a pragmatic multi-center randomized-controlled trial with six-month foll

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Fra at være almindelig på Lolland i det 18. århundrede blev Læge-Betonie, (Betonica officinalis), til sidst en af de sjældneste planter i den danske flora. Dens naturlige voksepladser forsvandt, og i 2016 var der kun to blomstrende planter i helelandet, og de stod i en vejgrøft langs Bjerremarkvej i Tågerup sogn noglekilometer øst for Rødby. Vi besluttede at starte et redningsprojekt ved atsamle f